I walked into the lab taking a deep breath before i walked in. The white reflection of the reception desk blinding my eyes. I walked up to the door next to the desk, nodded at the receptionist and immediately rushed to my area. I just realized that i actually left my "Device" on my desk, that could have been a huge mistake. I brush it off and return it to its hiding place of the little filing cabinet in the corner i hollowed out. I opened my laptop and checked my emails, nothing new. I shut it back and lean in my chair. Just thinking, i soon sat back up and grabbed a cigarette from my desk and put it gently between my lips. I'm nervous, what if someone could have seen it? I light the cigarette to hopefully help ease my pain. Its almost done, it has me going mad. If its not what its supposed to be, i'm gone out of are reality. I try to forget about it and release the smoke from my mouth. I take a peek outside to see if anyone is looking, no one was there. I quickly shut my door and closed my blinds, i pray no one can see me right now. I walked over to the cabinet and opened the door it was oddly, glowing. That was a new development. I took it out and placed it on my desk, i took the cigarette out of my mouth and put it out on the floor. I got closer to the device, its not supposed to glow yet. I hope its not too bright.

"North, what the hell is that glowing.." Renn busted into my door, soon with an odd shocked face.

"Renn, what did i tell you about...just get out now this is not for you!" I don't know what to do i'm confused, what do i say.

"The hell does it do?" He asked and attempted to get closer.

"1. Step the fuck back 2. Its supposed to be a device that can harness the unknown power of the 4th dimension. Now get out before things get ugly." I threatened him so he would get out, he never leaves me alone.

He stepped out of the room scared, almost for his life. He doesn't know when to stop. I try to forget about it, i cleared my head and took my screwdriver from my left desk drawer. I sat back in my chair just to think. What does it need? A test fire maybe? It seemed like the most logical thing right now, i don't even know how this damn thing works. I put everything away with excitement. I cant wait to test fire it, but obviously not here. So with that i re open my laptop and go back to work. It was hard, because that device is all i could think about. It was even hard to do my work, and take calls. But before i knew it the day was over. I quickly, and happily packed my stuff up and almost ran out the door. I ran home exited, almost laughing. I finally, FINALLY got home soon after running. I pulled open the door and soon shut it with a slam. I went over to my coffee table and took a moment to look at the device. I instated a button on it like a week ago, but i think i'm ready. I took a deep breath and pushed the button.

My vision went black, i was asleep i think. I was soon woke up by dripping cold water across my forehead. I opened my eyes to a grey forest, almost hollow like. The only sound was the ringing in my ears. I slowly walked forward, my legs seemed almost like noodles. Step by step by step, i thought could see something in the distance, but all there was were trees. I continued to walk, i took a couple of twigs off the ground just for safe keeping. I don't know what this land holds at all. I started venturing further into the void forest, an empty hollow forest. It did not take very long for noise to come from a bush. I was almost scared to the ground. I threw the stick into the bush, it landed on top of it and was soon taken under with a huge snap. A unholy, ugly, wet abomination came from outside of the bushes. It started to yell and run at me, it opened its mouth to reveal an uneven row of destroyed teeth. As it ran at me i fell to the ground, when it swooped to attack i put my arm out for some protection. It bit right through my arm, i could feel its slimy teeth through my skin. I yell in pain, it starts to rip a chunk out throw it in the air and catch it with its mouth. It started to bleed terribly. Soon the beast came back for more, but this time i used the raw bone from the last cut to block it, it soon slipped to more meat on the arm. It took even more off, the meat on my hand was taken clean off, my left arm is just bone. It came back but i was ready, i clenched the stick i still had left and stabbed it right in the eye. It coward back and bled, its blood was black and ran thick. In the down time i ripped the left arm bone out of its socket and ran at the beast with it. I hit it as hard as i can with the bone, smashing it to the ground with a sequel. After it coward in fear i ran the bone through it, killing the ungodly like creature. I soon sat down under a tree, and began to look up and cry.

It all hurt so bad, i cant take it. I looked up to the gray sky, theirs nothing there, it was all grey. After a while i wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up, i ripped the leaves off some trees and wrapped it tightly around my bleeding wound. It felt a small bit better, but not all the way. I walked back over to the beast and took my arm bone out. It made and odd squish noise, that was unsettling. I took it out and used some extra leaves and strapped it to my waist. I continued down through the forest, the arm wrap started to leak and drip blood along my path. Soon it started to seem repetitive, like a copy and paste of the same thing. I just came across the same bush in the same place. It started to make noise again. But this time something else came out of the bush.

"North, welcome." Something said as it came out of the bush, its long snake like slimy body came out of the bush.

"What the hell are you? Where am i?" I yelled confused an terrified.

"You play with fire, your bound to get burned North." The creature explained as it inched closer to me.

"What fucking fire?" I yelled in anger, this thing is straight pissing me off.

"You tried to harness something you cant comprehend, that led you straight to here." It decided to explain to me.

"The fourth dimension?" I asked it in confusion.

"Yes and that led you to the in land in the middle." The thing said coming way to close to me.

"Three point five?" I asked it as i tried to kick it away.

"Sure whatever you say North, well lets talk later." It said louder as it started to crawl up me.

Its slimy body started inch by inch to come up to my face. I tried to throw it off but its grip was way too strong. Before it reached my mouth i tied to stab it with my left arm but it started to crawl in. It crawled down my throat chocking me while it was at it, it went up and to my head, compressing my brain. It started talking to me, taking over my own thoughts almost. What is that feeling?

"That? Huh i like that word, lets use it shall we. Well we sure have some work to do." He said, making room in my head for itself.

"Get the fuck out of me!" I yell out loud as it echoed through the forest. 

"No not yet, your dying, allow me to help you with that. Huh?" It says as it started to move again.

It expanded itself all through everywhere, my veins soon turned black, my eyes turned black, my mind turned black, soon three tentacle like black slug thing out of my left arm, forming a sort of point. It then took over my brain...I..am...that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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