My burden

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I thought I was finally free.
Free from the demons that lurk in my mind.
I was wrong.
They just hide in the darkness.
Allowing me the closure of thinking I have control.
They sit and wait for me to fuck up
Then they come out to let me know I've fucked up.
They're cruel.
They'er the screams and voices in my head.
The voices whisper to me
You're a fuck up.
You messed up again.
Just stop trying.
Just give in.
The voices are so hateful.
The screams are so loud.
They scream at me
You're worthless.
You can't do anything right.
Just give up already.
But I refuse to give in to my demons.
I scream No! out loud.
I block the voices out.
I ignore them.
So they just get louder and louder.
Demanding to be heard.
Just as pain demands to be felt.
It feels like my demons are slowly drowning me
They try to pull me under.
They try to convince me to give in.
They've pulled me under before
But I always manage to swim and pull my way back up
Then I think is this fight worth it?
Is my pain worth it?
Is it worth seeing the look when people find out what really crosses my mind?
No one knows me.
Not for real anyway.
I refuse to burden anyone with my thoughts.
Why should I cause someone else pain from my own pain?
They don't deserve my burden.
They don't deserve my thoughts.

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