Perfect Pleasure

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Perfect Pleasure

They say life is a bitch, but in my case, it has been a mixture of a bitch and a hell. Young and dumb, I followed everything that I desired but it gave me nothing but shame. It destroyed me and I strived hard to get over it.

And then he came. His name screamed trouble. I tried to stay away but he somewhat found a way to invade me. Despite the fact that my own desires could destroy me, I gave in. The happiness, the pleasures he gave me were nothing but perfection. Too good to be true.

But everything has its end. Everything suddenly messed up, everything I worked hard for went into a new direction. I thought we could work it out, but how can it work out if it's doomed from the start?

What will happen if my new life clashed with my past life?

I sighed as I recall all the memories; the perfect pleasures. I felt a familiar feeling in my heart. I'm not supposed to feel this way.

I'm tired. I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of running. I'm tired of hurting. Sometimes I wonder if I was meant to be with someone else or just meant to be alone.

I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. What am I supposed to do now?

Author: grysorange

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