Chapter 7

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Pink Pearl was planning on running away on the night she met Spinel. She didn't know where she was going or where she'd end up but at this point she didn't really care. The rain did well to hide the tears on face. She didn't know how many hours it had been but she couldn't go back now. And she had only herself to blame. Several minutes passed by when she heard the sound of someone stomping loudly through the mud. A small pink gem crouched on the other side of the bench. Pink Pearl tried not to stare but she hadn't expected anyone else to be out at this hour. She took a quick a peek at the other gem. She seemed tired and distracted. Her eyes were dark but beautiful, and they carried an expression of melancholy. She didn't know why but Pink Pearl felt the sudden urge to make a sacrifice. It didn't matter if she was unhappy. Because above all else, she hated seeing others in pain. And if she could perform just one small gesture, even at her own expense, on the off-chance that it would make that smaller gem smile...Pink Pearl stood up and held out her umbrella. The other gem snatched the umbrella without warning, but Pink Pearl could have sworn, for just a second, she saw a glint of gratitude in those dark solemn eyes. The way she acted was bold, rude, and uncaring...all traits that Pink Pearl admired. Traits she was envious of.


"I had a friend once too," Pink Pearl started hesitantly. "She acted friendly at first...but now that I recall, there was always something a bit off about her. She would act kind to people's faces but then go behind their backs and spread lies about them. She would beg others to do favors for her and promise to repay them but she never made good on those promises. All she ever did was take, take, take...and give nothing in return. But even so I thought I was different. I was a fool back then. I knew she did all those terrible things but I still trusted her. I still wanted to believe that she genuinely cared about me. Even when she took advantage of me. Even when she broke her promises. I still wanted to believe she was good deep down. It wasn't her fault that she acted that way. It was my fault for not living up to her expectations. It was my fault for letting her take advantage of me. It was my fault for not giving her exactly what she wanted every time she asked. I tried so hard to convince myself that she was good and I was the one who was bad for not appreciating our friendship enough...but that's exactly what she wanted. I was an idiot. A coward. But so was she. Even to this day I don't fully blame her for her actions. Not to say that I forgive her but...I now understand that the reason she acted the way she did was because she was scared. Scared that if she didn't take advantage of and exploit people that others would see her as weak. Scared that they'd try to tear her down if she didn't claim her dominance. So she used her good looks and social status to knock others down and belittle them. Even her 'friends' were only pawns she used to help maintain her image. And when no one else was around she treated them just as awful as she treated the people 'below' her. And me...I always pitied her. I suppose I only chose to hang around her because I felt bad for her. I thought that if I didn't she'd have no one to rely on. And if she had no friends she'd be lonely. So I stayed with her, even far after she'd burned bridges with all her other friends...I was the sole survivor clinging onto her. Hoping she'd get better. Pretending that she'd change. And then one day when we were alone together she came to me. She begged me for help" at this point Pink Pearl starting shaking and her voice started to crack.

"Pinky you don't have to talk about this if it's too much."

But Pink Pearl only shook her head and continued on.

"There wasn't anyone else she could turn to. I was the only person left. I saw the fear in her eyes and I immediately obliged. I had no idea what she needed, but I couldn't just abandon her in her time of need. So I agreed to help her. And then she hugged me. So tightly. And I wanted to believe that there was still hope. That maybe she had finally to decided to change her ways. But I hoped too soon. All she told me was that she wanted me to come home with her and spend a few nights at her house. She helped me pack my bags. I had packed for a few days but she started packing more than I needed...I told her that I didn't need to pack so much. It was only for a few days. But she only laughed and said 'It's always good to be prepared!' Something was strange. But I didn't question it. I was happy to help my friend...and then once we entered her house everything changed."


As soon as they entered the house, Pink Diamond grabbed the Pearl's hand and dragged her off to a dark secluded room.

"What's this?"

"Your room, of course. This is where you'll be staying while you're here!"

"What? I thought I was staying in your room...with you."

"During the night time yes...but you're to retreat here after sunrise, understand?"

"No, I don't understand."

"Pearl this for me," Pink put on a playful puppy dog frown.

"Pink...explain to me. What did I come here for...? I thought you wanted my help."

"I do. But you's kind of a secret. I'm not exactly allowed to have friends over..."

"Pink...what are you trying to say?"

"If my caretaker finds out you're here...we'll both be in trouble. So please. Do as you're told and stay here for a little while. As soon as she's gone we can have some fun."

"Pink. What do you need help with? Why am I here?"

"You care about me, don't you Pearl?" Pink Diamond's face darkened a bit.

"Y-yes..." Pink Pearl hesitated and avoided eye contact.

"If you really care about me then do me this one little favor. Pleeease? Just this once. I'll never ask you for anything ever again."


Pink showed the pearl around the house and told her which rooms she could and couldn't go into.

When she was done showing Pink Pearl around Pink Diamond led the way to her room. For some reason there was a bolt and chain on the door.

Pink Pearl began to feel uneasy.

"Alright..." Pink Diamond muttered under her breath. "Here it is..."

The room was dark and gray. No decorations on the walls. No toys or games. Nothing particularly interesting whatsoever. Where was all the pink? That was her favorite color. But there was no pink, no color at all. Trash littered the floor. The bed was messy and torn up. There was but a tiny wardrobe that held a variety of expensive-looking clothes, but that was the only thing particularly noteworthy.

All of a sudden a loud bang could be heard all throughout the house.

"Shit! She's back early..." Pink grabbed the pearl's arm and rushed her to the dark secluded room. "Hurry! Before she catches us!"

Pink Pearl started to feel dizzy. This gave her faint flashbacks to when they were young and used to play tag. Except this time there were real stakes. She didn't understand what was going on but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Inside quickly!" Pink Pearl rushed inside the room and Pink Diamond locked the door behind her.


"It's okay...I'll be back for you tomorrow. Now sleep..."

" promise?" Pink Pearl started sweating all over her body.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

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