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When I woke up the next morning, Azrael came into my room. "Do you plan on going to school today?"

"No," I mumble. Then someone else came barging in from behind my brother.

"Oh, yes you are!" I looked over to see who it was. Seoho jumped happily onto my bed, "Go shower and get ready. I'll wait for you." I groaned and got up sluggishly. 

When I got ready Seoho was waiting for me in the living. He got up happily as he saw me, "Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded.

We walked out and he grabbed my hand, "What are you doing?"

"Just go with it. Don't ask nor wonder. Just flow with it." He gave me a playful wink. "Oh and let's stop by somewhere for breakfast."

"Aren't we already late as it is?" I asked.

"That's why. If we are already late it doesn't hurt being a little bit later. Anyways, we'll just get some iced coffee and something small to eat on our way to class." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back and walked where he wanted to go.

When we arrived at the class, thankfully the teacher was also running late. We were still holding hands, and people were starting to whisper. Seoho took me to my seat and sat with me and my brother for a while.

"Who are you texting?" I asked my brother.

"Woongie." I nodded.

Leedo also came in late and sat facing me. He looked at my coffee and then up to me. I guess he didn't have breakfast, I gave him my coffee and the rest of the banana bread I didn't finish. He looked at me with wide eyes and hesitated in taking it. I grabbed his hands and placed the coffee and bread in his hands.  He smiled and ate up happily.

Keonhee was watching everything quietly, when I turned to see him he had an annoyed pout, I rolled my eyes. Just then the teacher came in.

Everyone went to their seats and he started the lesson.

Everyone went to their seats and he started the lesson

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{Hwanwoong POV}

I smiled happily as I got a message back from Azrael.

"Whose got you smiling like that? Is it me? Are you looking at a picture of me?" Ravn said as he sat down next to me.

"No. I'm texting Azrael. I want to see if he wants to hang out after school."

Ravn pouted, "Why? Focus on me. My eyes are pretty, my nose is pretty, my lips are pretty. No matter where you look, look here, look there. I am pretty everywhere you look." His face came closer to mines, "Don't you think I'm pretty?"

I felt my face burn up, "You wish." I pushed his face away and looked the other way.

He got closer to my ear and whispered, "I'll make you fall so desperately in love with me, that you won't have time to think about any other guy." he quickly gave me a peck on the cheek and ran back to his seat.

What is he trying to do? Flustering me like that. I don't need him to start bothering me. My heart will be Azrael's, let's see if he wins. My face started burning as I kept thinking what Ravn said. Ugh! Why is it so hot in here?

{Izora's POV}

When lunch came, my brother and the guys went to the cafeteria and then they planned on going to the gym to play.

I went to the cafeteria just to grab a peach. When I was walking to the library, some girls stopped me.

The one who seemed like the leader folded her arms. "Who are you?" I asked casually.

The girls that were circling her start giggling. "How rude is she, Ha Rin. She is acting like she doesn't know who you are."

I just gave then a weird face. "So, Ha-whatever. What do you want?"

I think I was able to see smoke come out her ears, "Who do you think you are hanging around Oneus? Especially Seoho."

"Oneus? What's that?" All the girls seemed surprised at what I said.

"You don't know who they are and you dare to hang out with them!" She shouted.

I unplugged my ear since I think she made me go deaf for a while, "Listen, you got it wrong. It's them who follow me around. I could care less about who they are. If you can make them leave me alone, then, by all means, do it. I'll be thankful." I was about to walk away when she grabbed me by my hair.

This stupid bitch!

"I can't believe you just disrespected our Oneus." She yelled. People started gathering around.

My brother and the guys came out of the cafeteria, Seoho was about to intervene until my brother stopped him, "It won't last more than 5 minutes." He said calmly.

I took a deep breath and I smirked as my eyes turned white. Everyone who was watching stepped back, scared by me. "I'm not someone you take lightly." I twisted my hair out of her grasp and grabbed her by the neck.

All of a sudden, something was changing inside me. The water fountain in front of me started rattling. Water sprout up and came towards me. I flung this bitch up and created a water bubble around her. I wanted to drown her.

{Azrael's POV}

I dropped the apple in my hand. This isn't good. I looked over to the guys, "We need to stop her now."

"Why?" Ravn asked.

"That's a new power. She never used water powers before. She could actually kill that girl. She doesn't know how to control them."

When we turned to see Izora, she started floating up, her eyes went from white to blue and wore the most devilish smirk. The powers were taking her over. I ran up to where she was.

"Izora! It's me Azrael. Just listen to my voice." I spread my wings and flew up to her. People were scared at the scene unraveling in front of them.

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