Ghost X Hornet (Siblings, Fluff)

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(Yeah yeah I know I said I don't like it, but look at the freaking title. This is way different. I'm not a sicko.)


-Hornet's POV

The Greenpath lie behind us as we sat on the bench, sitting within the hut by the Lake of Unn. The acid lake hissed outside as we sat in silence, the little Ghost and I. They were the child of the king, this I knew. As soon as that bug with Monomon's mask returned, I knew that the seal would be broken on the Hollow Knight. The one next to me was the key to such a realization. My little sibling.

I don't know how I was supposed to feel about them. Originally, I'd thought they were but a stalker. The way they had followed me through Greenpath was not intentionally creepy, but creepy nonetheless. A vessel couldn't help it. This I knew since I had met my older sibling, the Hollow Knight. I had complained about them before, but now I was older and understood why they were so quiet, so... empty. That wasn't supposed to be funny. I wouldn't dare laugh about it now. 

So now we sat on the bench, siblings- well, half- alongside each other. I don't know if they knew who I really was, considering that they couldn't say anything. If they did, in fact, recognize me, I'd be surprised. I had never seen this vessel.

The silence between us was practically crushing, the only sounds were the distant swishing of grass and the ripple of the lake. I couldn't find comfort in the quiet, shuffling on the bench as my sibling stood perfectly still, like a stone. Immovable without reason to move.

That was the way they were. A stone wall, not intimidated by anything, motivated by orders. I'm guessing their orders were from the Pale King, my father, but I couldn't truly know. For one to escape the prison of the Abyss was... Odd. If it was left there and escaped, wouldn't that mean that they were gone before the Palace disappeared? Did my father's orders still stand even after all this time?

This, I could never know. They had no voice to cry suffering.

My heart broke at that. How could you, Father...? They didn't deserve such a fate. Even if they were originally a failure, they may have left Hallownest. The memories of such a thing would be erased, leaving them truly pure. In... a way. They looked worse for wear, she could see, based on their scratched up carapace and ragged cloak. They'd looked like a lost child if it weren't for the cracked nail on their back. And even then...

"Little Ghost, are you tired?"

She didn't even realize she said anything until the vessel turned to her, almost snapping to attention like a soldier. She flinched at the instantaneous reaction, only kept on the bench by a tight grip on the edge. They didn't verbally respond, they couldn't, only stared at her for a moment. Then, their head bobbed up and down slowly, a silent answer of yes to her question.

She thought a moment. They at least understand me... "Would you like to rest a while? You may feel better afterward." She suggested.

Again, and instantaneous answer. But not the one she expected.

The little Ghost flopped its head onto her lap, and she flinched at the surprising weight of the vessel's shell. "W-what are you doing?! You can't sleep on me!" She snapped.

They didn't move or respond. Just... stayed.

She didn't know if she was more embarrassed or furious.

She didn't exactly care about it, she supposed since she had asked, she should have expected such a reaction. And considering that they didn't respond further to her, she assumed that they thought this is what she was offering. She can't exactly complain, they are impressionable. In a way.

So here she sat, on a bench in Greenpath by the Lake of Unn, with her sibling possibly napping on her lap.

... Maybe this was her chance to relax too. After all, they have returned to contain the very thing that tore her from her mother. Who knows, maybe she could find comfort in the Vessel's unconditional attention.

(707 words, god it's fluffy.)

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