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Burn .

Candlelight dinner and a bouquet of red roses, you take my hand and caress my cheek
You lit your favourite cigar and I smile .. your presence lighting up my face
You blow the smoke... Like a dragon breathing fire .. and at that moment I swear .. you took my breath away ..
the smell of your flavoured cigar reminds me of you , your face , your hands
The same hands which caressed my cheek now chokes my neck
The same mouth that kissed me with love now label me with words like,slut ,bitch and whore
The same eyes which held love now hold hatred and anger. Absolute anger ....for me. .
And then ... you quietly take out your cigar like the man you are... Like the man this society wants you to be . Trust me.. you haven't let them down
You smoke the cigar .. the same way which I once thought was alluring
Who knew .. that one day those cigars will become the markings on my skin
Scars as u call them
Someone said that scars are beautiful
That scars define who we are
Maybe I am one
Maybe I am a scar in your life
A scar which brought life to an unborn child
Ironic isnt it
Ironic .. that u loved me , that we shared our I dos, that we promised to be together for 7 lifetimes
Ironic that u promised to be beside me.
I guess that's what I am now... Like a scar
Dirty, dark ,blemished
I Hate the smell of cigars now
I Hate the candle lights
I Hate that I Hate it
You once told me .. I was like a rose
Soft, delicate , beautiful
Like the petals
Yet powerful like the thorns
But who knew that we would come to a day like this
Who knew .. that one day... The cigar will burn the soft , delicate petals and ruin them
Who knew that the smoke of the egoistic misoginy will choke the beautiful yet delicate pieces of the petals .
Who knew that you would burn me
And by doing that you would colour me red .. break me so hard that even the powerful thorns would not be a match of your burning cigar
And by the falling of each petal... The powerful thorn... Will no longer have the power it once possessed
It will be no longer be needed and will be discarded like any other flower without its value ... Because In the end ... who wants a flower ... Without it's petals?

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