F o u r

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Kit and I walked out of the doctors office while he smiled widely at the ultrasound pictures.
"That was a good visit." He said looking up at me. I am finally a month and it seems like it's gone by so fast.

"I know, it would be better if you weren't asking the doctor if she was sure there is only just one." I eyed him.

"I'm sorry you just never know one can just pop up! From all the books I've been reading they said it can happen." He said matter-a-factly. Him and these damn books. They annoy the literal fuck out of me, but they show me he's gunna be a good dad.

"Whatever super dad." I shrugged. He laughed and walked up putting a hand on my stomach, "A cool super dad." I smiled and kissed his lips.

"I'm hungry." I stated out of nowhere. "Damn! Cravings?" He asked shocked.

"Nah cravings don't start until the end of the first trimester, I guess your cool super dad books ain't tell you that." I winked.

"I must've skipped over it by accident then." He said quietly stuffing his fist in his pockets. "Mhmm bet you did." I winked.

We laughed as we walked to his car. We got inside and I groaned looking at my little baby bump.
Kit smiled and placed his hand on my stomach. "Your gun a be a great mom." He complimented.

"You sure?" I asked. To be honest I am doing well in my pregnancy, always taking my vitamins, and making sure I come to the my appointments on time.

"Yeah! Why would you question that?!" He asked shocked driving off.

"I don't know the whole pregnancy thing is just scary." I answered.

"I don't don't think that's the whole truth." He said giving me a face.

"I think I know." I said kinda sassily.

"Nah, it's because you haven't told your brothers yet." He said. He knows my too well and it's insane.

"Okay maybe that's why." I said quietly.

"Baby you gotta tell them, they deserve to know." He said sympathetically.

"I know I'll tell them when I get home." I said trying to build myself up.

"They don't know my address right?" He asked.

I laughed out and looked at him, "No my love, they don't."

"Good." He smiled.

Before I knew it we were in front of my house. Kit got out of the car and came to my side opening the door. I hopped out thanking him.

We walked up hand in hand up to my porch. "Bye babe." He said grabbing my face and kissing me.

He bent down and kissed my stomach as I smiled "Bye my baby, daddy loves you." He said kissing my stomach again.

"And your daddy loves you too." He smirked kissing my lips. I rolled my eyes, "I sure do." I smirked back.

I turned around to unlock the front door when I felt a smack on my ass. I turned around and placed my hands on my hips, "I'm already pregnant what more is there to be done?"

I heard him mumble something under his breath, but I decided to ignore it. "Bye my love." I said smiling finally getting the door unlocked.

"Bye my two babies." He smiled walking down the stairs to his car. I walked into the house and got scared by the faces of Scott, Tod, and Hunter.

"Oh my god you guys scared me." I groaned placing my hand on my heart. They said nothing at all and Hunter tossed a bag on the coffee table. I looked at what it was and my heart sank.

All of my positive pregnancy test.

"Explain." Hunter said calmly. It wasn't the good calm it was the calm that was is too calm it's scary.

"I-I..." I didn't even know what to say. Did they go snooping around in my room? I mean I have been acting a little suspicious ever since I found out I was pregnant.

"How far along are you?" Scott asked staring at the floor. "A m-month." I stuttered.

Todd looked the most hurt out of all three of them. I mean I honest with all of them but Tod is different. He's my best friend. We've been close since we first met. "Why didn't you tell us?" Tod asked. The hurt in his voice broke my heart.

"I was scared I didn't know what you guys would think." I said trying to fight back the tears, "With everything going on with school and work I just got scared."

"Listen, we're your brothers you should never be scared to tell us anything. We'll deal with it no matter how much we hate it." Hunter said playfully rolling his eyes at the last part. I wiped the tears that I didn't even know spilled from my eyes.

Hunter noticed and opened up his arms for me. I could never pass up on of his hugs. I walked into his arms and sat down laying my head down on his chest. Scott and Tod joined in on the group hug which made it feel even better.

"So Kit is the father right?" Scott asked. His voice spoke no good. I looked at the boys faces and saw the  fire blazing in their eyes.

"Yeah, he's the only person I've been with." I said scared to death for my boyfriend. "Alright let's go." Tod said as they all got up. "Wait!" I said jumping up and blocking the door.

"You can't beat up my boyfriend." I said sternly. My brothers had a good build, especially Hunter. I mean believe me, Kit does too I mean I've personally seen every part of him I mean abs and biceps, ANYWAYS, but three against one it ain't a fair fight.

They continued to stare at me and I gave them a face. The groaned and turned around walking away. I felt like a enormous weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

I sighed and smiled at my brothers who went straight to wrestling on the floor. Then, something hit me.

"Wait, so y'all went into my room?!"

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