Chapter 1

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I don't know what causes these nightmares. Maybe it's from hearing too many scary campfire stories. Maybe I watch too many weird ass YouTube videos. Maybe that octopus guy I met with the Quartermaster either really hates me or is trying to tell me something. That last option was a coping joke, I haven't actually seen the octopus since that day, three years ago. But I think the main reason for these nightmares might be from the trauma I've experienced over the years, which I don't feel like explaining right now.

"The nightmares again?" I heard a voice say. I turned to face the brunette in the oversized Hamilton t-shirt in the bed on the other side of the cabin with earbuds in, probably listening to the Beetlejuice soundtrack for the 87th time. "Y-yeah…" I whimpered. "You look like you've been awake for a while, Preston." My roommate pulled out his earbuds and sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's only a little past four."

Preston is probably the best roommate I could ask for. Growing up, he was my only friend here at camp. I mean sure I have Nerris, but she kinda used to be my rival who would beat the shit out of me until I cried and she would either walk away or apologize if even she thinks she went too far.

I've known Preston for three years and what an impression he's made. He's still a theater freak, obviously, but he's still changed a lot. He lives with his practically deaf grandmother (because his mother is a workaholic and his dad disappeared before he was born), so he's still used to yelling a lot. Guess he just has a naturally loud voice. He's also been less dramatic than usual. Hell, he even looks different. When we first met, his hair has a ridiculous Shakespeare look. Now he's let his hair down and has, what the memes like to call, a messy "bisexual cut™". Come to think of it, he may actually be bisexual, I don't know.

"Do you want me to–" I sat up, and interrupted, "No no no, it's fine." He was silent for a minute before he said a bit surprised sounding, "I was just asking if you wanted some water." Hearing him in that tone made me feel bad about declining him and interrupting him. "You know what? Maybe a am a bit thirsty." He looked back at me. "So should I get something?" I nodded and gave a thumbs up in response.


I jump out of bed to grab Harrison a water bottle or something. You know, it really is suspicious that Harrison is having these weird ass reccurring dreams every night and he's able to describe these dreams in detail. Usually when someone has a dream, they completely forget what happens in it. And I know, nightmares are easier to remember, but even so he still describes his nightmares in so much detail it's nearly unbelievable. And before you get the idea, I totally believe him. If he was faking it, he wouldn't be waking up in a bed soked with sweat and tears. Maybe he's just a pro at remembering stuff.

Anyways. I'm a bit concerned for him right now. He's been through a lot of shit lately and as his best and only friend, alongside Nerris, I feel like I should help out. My mom's boyfriend is a child psychiatrist so I've been trying to call him for advice. He never picks up. The other day, Ered saw me freaking out a bit after I got another voicemail from him. After telling her what's been happening, she tells me that recurring dreams usually mean there is something in his life that he's not acknowledged that is causing stress and repeats because he hasn't fixed the problem. Right now we're trying to figure out what needs to be fixed. Though I'm still slightly worried for him, I'm glad to hear that at least for now, he's ok.

I sneak into the mess hall, trying to not make a sound. The Quartermaster sees me while mopping the floor, but all he does is look at me with his cold eye for a moment before going back to mopping and says, "ight boy, just don't spill anymore blood on these floors, just mopped." I rush to the fridge to grab a water bottle and quietly run back out to my cabin.

"Thanks Pres," he says after taking a few sips. "No one saw you, right?" He asked. I said, "nope, just the quartermaster." We talked for a few more minutes before he drifted off back to sleep. I was about to do the same, until I looked over to him. He's so cute when he's asleep. Well, he's always cute, obviously. His beautiful olive eyes are impossible too resist, his hair is so lovely and soft when it blows in the wind, his stunning smile is something I just can't say no to, and-

You know what… the rest of the information isn't that important. All you need to know is that Harrison is the most kind and beautiful person I've ever met.

And I am hopelessly in love with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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