The Heist Part 3

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Laurent and Larry walked into their penthouse and Laurent immediately went to his bedroom. Larry pulled off his shoes and walked over to the desk by the french doors and sat down. He pulled the drawer open and picked up the antique box. He sat it on the desk and stared at it. He opened it to reveal the blue golf ball-sized diamond. He picked it up and raised it to the light. He was still looking at it when Laurent came into the room. Larry glanced at him before putting his eyes back on the diamond. He swirled it around in his hand before setting it back in the box. Laurent had a questioning look on his face when he asked: "What are you planning to do and when are you planning to do it?" Larry smiled and looked into his brother's eyes. " We're taking it back and we're doing it in a few days."

A few days after the benefit, Larry managed to convince Laurent to go with him to return the blue diamond to the room he'd taken it from. Because they owned the hotel, it was easy to acquire a key for the room. As they stood outside the room, Laurent once again questioned Larry about his decision. "Bro, are you sure about this? I mean what's the point of this? You know what could happen this time. What if she catches us in the process of returning it? Do you think she's going to let us go as she did you?" Larry looks at his brother and shakes his head. "You worry too much fréré. Everything will be fine. We just need to get in, return the diamond and get out. Easy." Laurent opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. The two of them quickly moved to the door leading to the stairs and rushed inside. From there, they had a perfect view of the suite door. Laurent watched as Alexandrea walked to the door and swiped the card before walking in. He stepped back and leaned against the wall. Once she was inside, Larry turned to look at him. "What's wrong Lau, are you okay?" At first, he didn't answer. It wasn't until Larry walked up and shook him that he responded. "I'm fine Larry. What are we going to do now? We can't just waltz in there now and return it, we'll have to do it another time." Just as that statement left his mouth, the door opened and Alexandrea walked out and proceeded to the elevator. Laurent's eyes followed her as Larry smirked and turned to look at him. When he saw the look on Laurent's face, the smirk fell from Larry's face. He turned to study his brother before shaking his head and moving towards the door with Laurent following close behind. They both enter the suite and Laurent immediately goes to the bedroom while Larry moves over to the safe in the living room. Larry quickly opens the safe and retrieves the diamond from his pocket. He stands there staring at it before attempting to place it back when the door opens and Alexandrea walks in. She sees Larry and they both freeze as they stand there staring at each other. Larry smirks before turning back to the safe and placing the diamond inside. He quietly closes the door and turns to face her once again. When he turns back he's surprised to see her holding a gun. He takes a step towards her only to be stopped by her voice. "That's far enough. What are you doing here? I figured I was rid of you after the last time, but you have the balls to come back." Larry says nothing as he keeps his eyes trained on the gun. It was Alexandrea's turn to smirk as he stood watching her. Larry took another step towards her and Alex took the safety off. "I said that's far enough. So, are you going to answer my question? What are you doing here?" Larry shifts his eyes from the gun to her face. "I came to return something of yours. A few things actually. You see, that necklace wasn't the only thing I took." As they stood glaring at each other, Laurent had come out of the bedroom. He locked eyes with Larry as he silently moved to stand behind Alexandrea. Alexandrea continued to stare Larry down. "What do you mean? What else did you take from me?" Larry smiled at her before speaking. "Right now, I'm taking your gun." Alexandra laughed before the gun was ripped from her hand and an arm placed tightly around her waist. She glanced up to see the guy from the bar smiling down at her. "Hello, belle, fancy meeting you here." Larry laughed but his smile dropped when Laurent kissed her neck and she visibly shuddered. Alexandrea looked back at Larry and then Laurent. "There's two of you? Oh my God!" Laurent looked at Larry questioningly. "Que faisons-nous maintenant fréré?" (What do we do now brother?) Larry shrugs and looks back at Alexandrea. "Rien. Nous avons tout retourné Alors nous partons." (Nothing. We returned everything so we just leave.) As they're talking, Alexandrea is thinking about how to get out of this situation. An idea comes to her. She's attracted to both of them so why not see if she can distract one of them. She slowly begins to push her back on Laurent's front. He freezes and looks down at her as she turns her head to look up into his eyes. He relaxes and pulls her closer to him. She pushes her ass on him and begins to grind. Larry notices what's going on and watches them with a frown on his face. Alexandrea pushes her ass on Laurent and moans. Laurent releases her to place his hands on her waist. She quickly grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder having him land on his back. Before Larry could move, Alexandrea scooped up the gun and pointed at him. Larry froze in his tracks and looked between Alexandrea and Laurent. Alexandrea motioned between the two of them. She looked Larry in the eyes. "Help him up." When they stood side by side, Alexandrea began to speak. "What did the two of you hope to gain by breaking in here again? Were your intentions to come in and steal more of my things, huh? What was it?" Larry stared at her before speaking. "No, they were not. I intended to do exactly what we did. I returned your blue diamond and my brother returned some other articles to the safe in your bedroom. If I wanted to, we could've cleaned you out but we didn't. And do you want to know why?" Alexandrea looked between the two of them but her gaze was drawn to Laurent. The look in his eyes was one of desire. She looked at Larry to find the same look in his eyes as well. "Why didn't you clean me out, as you said?" Larry smiled and began walking up to her but stopped when she pointed the gun at his chest. "Because after I left here, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to find out who you were and I had every intention of bringing your belongings back to you. I thought about being so bold as to come to your door and knock but I decided against it." With many thoughts bouncing around in her head, Alexandrea wasn't sure if she should believe him or not. What she did know was that the longer she stood staring at them, the more she wanted to fuck them both. Her attraction started with the one standing in front of her the first time she found him in her suite and the other captivated her at the benefit. As she stood running her eyes over both their bodies, Alexandrea felt hot all over and she could feel a wetness between her thighs. She shook her head and looked up. She was so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed the twins staring at each other. They seemed to be communicating with each other and she noticed one of them would look at her from the corner of his eye and nod and then the other one would do it. Then the both of them turned their heads to look at her. Alexandrea waved the gun towards her bedroom. "I want both of you to move into the bedroom and be quick about it." Laurent and Larry looked at each other before looking back at her. Neither said a word as they both moved to the bedroom. Once inside, they both turned to see her closing and locking the door. They looked at each other and then back at her. One with lust and the other with a bit of fear. Alexandrea caught the look and smirked to herself. She turned her gaze to Larry. "Okay, I already know Laurent, so who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Larry looked from Laurent to Alexandrea and back. "Larry." He didn't say anything else and Alexandrea didn't expect him too. The twins looked at each other and then back to Alexandrea. "Que pensas-tu qu'elle va nous faire fréré?" (What do you think she's going to do to us brother?) Larry looked into Alexandrea's eyes and saw something that had him smirking. Before he could answer, Alexandrea spoke up. "Je ferai avec toi ce que je veux." (I'll do with you whatever I want to.) Laurent looked surprised as he looked at Larry who hadn't taken his eyes off Alexandrea. Laurent swung his gaze to her and saw the way she was looking at his brother and his heart fell. He dropped his eyes to the floor but when he looked up, his eyes widened in shock. Alexandrea was staring at him as she ran her eyes from his feet to his thighs before bringing it up to his crotch, where she lingered a bit licking her lips. Laurent watched her and he could feel himself growing under her gaze. She pulled her gaze up to his abs and his chest before bringing her eyes to his. He smirked when her eyes widened and she averted her eyes. She still had the gun trained on him, but what happened next shocked her as well as Larry. Laurent began walking over to her when she moved the gun from Larry to him. "Stop Laurent, I don't want to hurt you." Laurent kept moving towards her. Larry called out to him. "Lau, stop! She's going to shoot you." Laurent shook his head as he stopped right in front of her. "No, she won't. And do you want to know why she won't?" He glanced at his brother and smiled. Larry studied him and they looked in each other's eyes for a few minutes. Alexandrea looked up at Laurent and then over to Larry. When they broke their gaze, Laurent looked down at Alexandrea before taking the gun from her hands. He looked back at Larry and smiled once again. "She won't hurt you or me because she wants what is about to happen. She craves it." He grabs her by the neck and pulls her body against his as he looks over at his brother. Laurent jerks his head for Larry to join him. Larry smiles and moves to stand behind Alexandrea. She looks between them and shoves Laurent back as she takes the gun from his hands. She spins to face Larry and points it at him. She motions for him to move over to Laurent. "Your brother was right about everything. You see, the night you broke in and I caught you, there's was just something about you. I wanted you out of my suite because I knew if you stayed any longer, you wouldn't have left at all and that's not me." She turned to face Laurent. "When I walked into the room the night of the benefit, I noticed you. I was attracted to you from the first moment that was the reason I came over to the bar. When I left the room, I was aware of you following me so I made it to my floor and waited outside the elevator for a few minutes to see if you would come up. When you didn't, I came here and went to bed. I was determined to find you, although I thought it was only one of you until the night of the benefit. So, Laurent was right about what I want and crave, but it's going to be on my terms." Alexandrea took a few steps back as she continued to look at both of them. "So this is how it's going to go. I want both of you and I know you both want me." Both twins stood staring at her before looking at each other. "So this is what we're going to do. Laurent, strip and lay on the bed." She looks at Larry and smiles while he looks at her nervously. Alexandrea steps away from him and puts the safety on the gun before placing it on the table. She pulls her t-shirt over her head and drops it on the floor. She takes off her stilettos and begins to unbutton her jeans when Larry stops her. "Allow me." Alexandrea nods and Larry grips the waist of her jeans and slowly pulls them down as he kneels in front of her. She steps out of them and steps away from him. Larry takes her in and he can't help but stare. 


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He begins moving towards her but she stops him. "That's far enough Larry. I want you to strip and have a seat on that chair in the corner." She moves over to the bed where Laurent is laying on his side with one knee propped up in all his glory. She looks back over her shoulder at Larry and smirks. " I want you to watch as I take your brother to paradise." 

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