Chapter 1

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Oh no. I think I'm gonna be sick. There it goes. I run to the side of the boat and throw up into the sea. My stomach doesn't do well on boats. "How much longer?" I ask the captain. "A few more hours and well be arriving in Africa." He answers. I don't know if I could stand it. "Alex! come help pack up!" my mom yells at me from below decks. "Whatever!" I yell back. I was looking over the seas when I heard a big screeching noise. "What is that?!" I try to yell over the noise. No one answers. "What is that?!" I yell again. Again, no one answered. I ran below deck and nobody was there. What happened to everybody! They were all gone! I started to panic when I saw land ahead. I then realized the boat was sinking. There was an iceberg in the side of the boat. I had no choice but to try and swim to the land. I hit the water hard and I went numb immediately. I tried to swim but it was too hard. I grabbed a piece of board form the boat and let it wash me to shore. An hour or two later I arrived at the land. "Hello?!" I yelled. No one answered. "Anybody there?!" I tried yelling again. I turned around and there was a spear at my throat. Some guy covered in paint put a spear to my throat and said something I couldn't comprehend. "Goobalahee!!!" He yelled. It must have been their language. More guys arrived and I was chained. They walked me back to a palace and put me in a plain room with only a bench. It must have been a prison. After three hours of boredom I dozed off.

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