The failure

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Today I'm visiting my new favorite bar. It's this calm, tiny place with not a lot of customers in it. I'm going to try flirting with someone in particular today. According to my research he should be here tonight. I claim my usual seat in the right corner of the bar and wait for the bartender to notice me. And he does so pretty quickly.

"Good evening, Thomas."

"Same to you, Raymond." I respond.

"The usual?"

"No, thank you. I'd rather have something light today. A beer is fine."

I patiently wait for Raymond to finish making my drink. But even though it might not look like it I still keep an eye out on my surroundings. He's late. He should be here around this time. Maybe I should collect more information in the mean time.

"Here you go." Raymond passes me the beer.

"Thank you. This might be a bit random but do you still remember the guy I asked you about last time?" I take a sip of my beer.

"Hhhmm..." Raymond plucks his goatee. "The tanned guy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, Nathaniel right?"

"Him indeed. Do you think he'll be here tonight?"

"Well, he's usually here every Friday night. But who knows. He might come or he might not."

"I see." On purpose I show disappointment in my facial expression and I quickly finish my beer.

"Are you seriously aiming for him? It's the first time I've seen you look so down."

"Well, don't you think we'll make a pretty couple?" I smile shyly and twirl one of my curly, light blond locks around my finger.

"You're both good looking but still so different.... I mean you seem shy but you're pretty outgoing especially after a drink or two.  But you're just a normal guy besides that. And he's just... Someone who causes problems. There are many rumors surrounding him. But I didn't think it was necessary to tell you until now before you get even more serious."

"Well, go ahead and spill the tea." I chuckle excitedly.

"Then I'll start with his career. He never told anyone what he does for a living but one of my regulars once saw him threatening a man in a dark alleyway. He pulled poor guy right up by his neck like a meter of the ground. My regular quickly made his way out of there without getting spotted. Since then people have been seeing such occurrences happening more often, they're all claiming it was him and that he's probably part of a new gang."

"I see.." My pale green eyes glinster with excitement.

"He also has this huge scar in his neck and there are many rumors about how he got it. But the one I find the most interesting is-"

Raymond suddenly clears his throat.

"Welcome back, Nathaniel. May I take your order?"

"The usual, is fine."

The mans voice sounds cold. Cruel almost. I've never seen him up close before. Nathaniel takes place on the seat beside me but doesn't pay any attention to me. Which makes me pout. I heard he's attracted to both man and woman so maybe he's not looking for a man tonight. Or worse... I might not be to his liking. I puff my cheeks out of annoyance. How do I peak his interests?

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