Chapter One

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Dan sunk lower into his seat and continued to doodle lyrics into the cover of his notebook as he tried to ignore the paper balls that kept hitting the back of his head. He glanced up at the clock, one hour left before class let out, making him groan. The guys in the back noticed and had decided to start aiming things at his head with more effort. Dan could remember all the things they'd been throwing at his head since the year started. Paper airplanes, spitballs, and even a spider once.

The teacher was droning on and on about inequalities which was going right over Dan's head. He had tried to keep up with the notes but the teachers handwriting was complete chicken shit. All tiny and messy, he wasn't even sure it was English. But at least the teacher seemed nice. And cute.

Although Dan would never admit out loud that he thought his teacher was cute. 1) because having crushes on teachers was just wrong and 2) because it wasn't like he had any friends to chat with this anyway.

He was a right-out-of-college teacher and it was pretty obvious. From his boyish looks to his ability to recognize most pop culture references when one of the girls at front talked obnoxiously about it to him. Did he mention the girls also flirt with him? Hardcore, cleavage out, hair tossing, lip biting kind of flirting. Even though he didn't bother to acknowledge their winks and giggles.

"Any questions?" Mr. Lester asked as he turned around and smiled at everyone. Dan sighed quietly as he took in that larger than life smile. "Mr. Howell?"

Dan blushed though he had no idea why. "Yes?"

"Sorry I thought I saw you raise your hand earlier." He asked kindly.

Dan had definitely raised his hand but he couldn't just speak in front of all these people especially not with them looking at him. He shook his head and looked down at his notebook, embarrassed.

"Right, just making sure. It's hard for me to stop mid lecture. Anyway, class is dismissed. Have a good weekend, everybody."

Everyone ran out of the room ready to start getting ready for some party and get wasted. Dan took his time and also started to clean up the dozen or so paper wads around his desk. His cheeks still felt warm and that only got worse when he noticed the writing in the wads.

Faggot. Gay. Twink. Loser. Fucker. Pussy. Bitch.

He was used to all of that by now but it still stung. Suddenly he felt an arm on his shoulder making him tense up. It had to be one of the jocks coming back. He glanced up to see Mr. Lester giving him a kind smile.

"I didn't mean to single you out. But if you have a question, I'm here until four everyday. I'd be more than happy to help."

"Thanks. Uhm, I really need to go today. But I'll remember that." He tried to smile back though he was sure it looked more like he was constipated.

Mr.Lester patted his shoulder and moved to help pick up some of the paper balls. "If you ever just need to talk, you're more than welcome to come talk to me."

Dan shook his head. Even his teacher could see what a loser he was. He couldn't meet his eyes as he threw the wads away and began walking briskly towards the door. Stopping just before he left the room, he turned around. Mr. Lester was sitting at his desk and reading the stupid paper wads and shaking his head.

Dan thought about asking what he had even been talking about during that lesson but he just turned around and into the hall.

"Later, faggot."

Dan cringed at the word and walked faster towards his locker. The sooner he got his shit, the sooner he could disappear into his room. It was really the only thing he looked forward to now that he had officially been labeled the official person to shit all over. He wondered when exactly it had happened that he was the designated loser of Hughes High School.

With a sigh he hurriedly tried to get the damn lock off in one try. Fail. He slowed down as he tried the combination again. Nope. He clenched his jaw as he gave it a third go, somehow managing to get the thing open long enough for him to switch out books and grab his coat before slamming it back and heading towards the door. Rain was beginning to fall and Dan sighed as he began to pick up his pace to a jog.

'Just a few more steps.' He thought as he hurried through the rain and made a sharp left to get to his car. He collided with what he assumed to be a brick wall. He fell flat on his ass and into the mud. His bag falling into the puddle. Quickly trying to gather it up before his books got too soaked through. When he looked up, he saw a six foot behemoth standing over him looking furious. Dan opened his mouth to apologize but was pulled up forcefully by the scruff of his shirt and was nose to nose with this giant. He gulped knowing what was coming next and preparing for a fist.

The jock dropped Dan like he was on fire, splattering him into the mud again. He groaned. He was completely covered in mud and his books had to be ruined by this point.

The jock stalked off but not without giving Dan a hard glare. He hated to admit it, but he had cowered under that glare. He wasn't about to question it and decided to take this stroke of luck and get the hell out of dodge.

He made his way through the parking lot and collapsed into his car. Letting his head fall back against the leather seat as he blinked the rain off his eyelashes.

"It could of gone worse." Dan said to himself, running his fingers through his hair and pushing the wet mop out of the way. "It could of been a lot worse."

At least he had gotten to speak to Mr.Lester which had happened a total of three times in his three months of teaching. All the conversations being him telling Dan he was always there if he needed help. Which made him cringe because, wow, the cutest teacher on the planet knew that Dan was a loser with no friends and sometimes shitty grades. He banged his back against the headrest.

"Worst day ever."

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