𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 08

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𝑊𝑒𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑑𝑎𝑦 8𝑡ℎ, 2:22 𝑜'𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘

       "No Jacobe baby Selena couldn't come with us this time maybe next time baby" I said trying to reassure him, He has been asking me if we can go get Selena. We where on our way to the hotel, it was late in the day and we decided to grab some stuff from the store then head to the hotel. "Why couldn't she come with us again?" He asked as he played with his toys. "Her mom wanted to spend some time with her baby." I said reassuring him, I didn't trust her mom due to the fact that she is the way she is. But it's her child, we just have to look out for Selena as much as we can. "I don't trust her mom, mommy." He said as he pouted. "Child me and you both." Chipped in Avery, it was me, Kelvin, Avery, and Jacobe.
"Avery but out." Said Kelvin and he turned in his set. "Shut up, wasn't nobody talking to you." She said as she popped her gum. "Lord, I'm in the car with three little kids." I said as I rolled my eyes and payed attention to the road.

"I can't believe your still going along with this bull, Why can't you just tell your family your still single?" Asked Avery. "Avery you act like you don't know my family." I scuffed as I looked at her through the mirror. She waved me off "Girl and so? They're your family they should understand." She said, I just shook my head. Yeah they were my family but even if I tried to explain they wouldn't get the just.
I heard Jacobe coughing in the back and I almost jerked the car back. "You okay baby?" I asked him worried. "Mommy I don't feel so good." He said, I started to worry and shake my leg. "Pull over." Said Kelvin, I slowed down and pulled over on the side of the road. Kelvin hopped out the car and walked over to Jacobe's side, he opened his door and picked him out out of his car seat. "He pulled Jacobe out of his car seat and Placed his hands on his chest. "What's wrong Jacobe?" He asked, Jacobe couldn't speak. He just pointed to his throat then his chest, "Is your chest tight?" Kelvin asked, he nodded his head. Kelvin looked up at me and swallowed hard. He placed Jacobe back in his car seat and quickly got in his seat. "We have to rush to the nearest hospital." He said, I started the car and took off. "Hang in there baby, moms right here." I said to him.
        I couldn't help the tear the slid down my cheek, Avery put her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay baby girl." She said to me.


         We where sitting in the waiting room waiting on Jacobe and Kelvin. Avery was just getting back with my coffee and I was sitting down with my head in my hands. How could I let this happen? How could I not see the signs? But he was just doing so well the other day.
        "You okay babes?" She asked me and she gave me my coffee cup, I nodded my head and sat up straight. "Oh baby girl, what's wrong?" She asked me.

       "What's wrong!?! Avery did you not just see them carry my baby off?" I said to her trying to stay calm, she got quiet and just sat back. She could not possibly know what was going on with me.
         Kelvin came back and we got up quickly, sense he was Jacobe's Doctor they allowed him to go back there with them after proof that he was a certified doctor. He was changed into some scrubs and had gloves on his hands, "He needs to stay in the hospital for a couple of days M, and I will be truly honest with you. It does not look good at all Maxie." He said to me, I shook my head and covered my mouth. I was on the edge of sobbing and I just could not handle any of this. "Please let me see him?" I asked, he grabbed my hand and led me to his room. 

        We walked in and I rushed to his bed side, his eyes opened up and there he was looking at me with his beautiful eyes. "Hello mommy." He said as she smiled at me, "Hey my beautiful baby, how are you feeling?" I asked him. "I don't feel so good." He said, I just rubbed on his head, I whipped my tears because I need to be strong for him. "It's okay baby, the doctors will take good care of you my love." I smiled at him. "And when this is all done we going to get ice cream!" I said, his smile widened. "With gummy worms and chocolate sprinkles?" He asked all excited. I nodded my head and smiled "I don't see how your little tummy can take all of that." I said as I tickled his stomach lightly, he laughed a little then his face got all serious. "I'm going to die mommy, aren't I?" He said. The tears from my eyes rushed like waterfalls, I couldn't look into his eyes and lie to him.

       "No baby, don't you ever say that!" I spoke to him, "Be honest with me mommy, am I?" He asked again, I shook my head. I couldn't utter the words to him, I just couldn't. Before I could tell him Kelvin walked in, he pulled me to the side to discuss Jacobe.
         "Jacobe has to stay in the hospital, he can't leave because we need to keep a eye on him." He said, "No no no, I can't do that. His family needs to see him." I said "M you don't have much of a choice, he has to stay here, you can come visit of course but he can't leave the hospital." He said sternly. "You want to know what he asked me? He asked 'Mommy, and I going to die?'...what do I say to that? Huh?" I asked as I sobbed, he held onto me and rubbed my back gently.

            "Leave it all to god Max, he will not lead you a stray." He said to me, I whipped my tears and turned to look at my precious baby boy.
        I need god more than ever right now.

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