Part 1

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"No, Jeremiah, get away from me!" I yell. Jeremiah my abusive "boyfriend" slaps me straight across the face. That's when I'm done, I've gave him so many chances. I run out and I run home. Tears spilling all the way there. When I get inside my Mom goes on a diatribe.
"Eddie, is your sickness gone?" She asks.
"I'm not sick Momma!" I scream. I run upstairs. At around 10, my Mom comes into my room.
"Eddie, I forgot to tell you, we're moving to Derry." She states. My Mom's job has threatened many times to send her to Derry, Maine. It's not like I'm leaving anything in Chicago. I don't have any friends, I'm happy to leave Jeremiah.
*3 weeks later *
"Eddie, we're here. Go and unpack your room, make sure to take your pills first! You're starting school tomorrow." My Mom states. I roll my eyes. I take my various useless pills. I start to unpack my necessities, some clothes, my school stuff, bathroom, and meds.
*the next morning*
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Another school year. My 8th grade year. I roll my eyes and I get up. I subconsciously swallow my pills, shower, get dressed in my pink polo and khaki shorts. I brush my hair perfectly, I go downstairs where my Mom is making me eggs.
"Here, Eddie-Bear." She says. She walks upstairs to get ready. At 7:15, I start to walk to school. When I get to school, I walk with my head down, not wanting to talk to everyone. I get to my locker 110. I put in my combination, 6 - 5 - 39. I get my social studies stuff and I walk to my class. I go to the back of the class. I tap on the desk of the boy.
"C-Can I sit here?" I ask, my anxiety coming over me.
"Sure." The boy says.
I sit down. The boy's friends come to sit by him.
"Do you want me to move?" I question.
"It's okay." He replies.
"What's your name, by the way?" He asks.
"I'm Eddie."
"I'm Richie."

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