Part 15

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Once I finish explaining everything to the counselor, Richie squeezes my hand.
"Okay, Edward. You may have to go into court. If it's okay, you're going to live with the Tozier family." Nurse Monica explains. I just nod. They all leave and Maggie, Richie's Mom comes in.
"Hey, Eddie. Do you want to live with us until we get something figured out?" She asks.
"C-Can I stay with you guys until I have to go to court?" I manage to stutter out. I start getting super nervous.
"Of course." They both say.
I start to tear up. I feel bad.
"No, No, baby. Don't cry."
"Hey, Mom. Can you leave for a second?" Richie continues. Maggie leaves and I just start bawling.
"I feel bad. It's just what happened with Jeremiah but, that time. I tried to do it myself and I keep getting flashbacks and I'm scared!" I scream. Richie takes my hand.
"Eddie, I think you should get a therapist. I know your trying to get all of the South Side stuff out of your head. I can't help, I'm not a therapist. Baby, I can be here for you but, you need a professional." Richie tells me.
"I know. My Mom wouldn't let me though," I whisper.
"We're going to get you one!" I urge. Suddenly, my Mom barges in.
"Eddie, you're coming home with me! Not with them!" My Mom yells. I simultaneously hit the nurses button. Nurse Monica and Richie hold her until security gets in. I sit there, helplessly.
I just want this all to get out of my head. Let it.

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