Chapter 4: Remember Me

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Jimin's POV {5 Years Old}

"Goodnight my sweet Jimi," Momma whispers as she leans down to kiss my forehead.

"I love you Momma," I whisper back and pull her into a hug.

"You are my son, my moon and my stars," Mom says as she kisses my hair.

"Remember," she says smiling, pointing her finger in the air, "Tomorrow I have a special surprise for you! I want to show you a place close to my heart and I know you'll fall in love with it too."

With one more kiss on my forehead, Mom turns off my lights and shuts my bedroom door.

I flip my little body over, laying on my stomach. Hands wrapped around my uneven red heart pillow, holding tight and smiling, I feel a sense of calm wash over me as I fall asleep.


"How could you do this to our family?! And your son!" A woman's voice screams, waking me out of my sleep.

"Kim's son will help me, when the time is right." I hear Father say.

"He's just a little boy!" Momma says.

"For now...Enough!" Father yells before Momma can speak again.

"I will not subject my son to that kind of lifestyle!" Momma yells as she starts to cry.

"I don't give a damn what you want bitch, he is my son and I will decide what is best for him!" Father shouts, Mother's cries getting louder.

I quietly slide out of bed, my bare feet landing lightly on the cool floor.

With my fuzzy pillow in my right hand, I open my bedroom door with left. Turning the cool knob ever so slowly, I poke my head out into the hallway, looking towards our Pod entrance.

To my surprise, I find Momma pressed up against the wall. Father has his hand wrapped tightly around Momma's throat, his other hand covering her mouth. Momma has a terrified look in her eyes, her fear intensifying when she looks over and sees me standing in the hallway.

My heart drops to the floor, making a soft thud by my feet.

I run over, pummeling my Father's lower back with my tiny fists. Using all my strength, I continue to try to push my Father off my Mother.

Tired, my punches slow and my Father takes this opportunity to turn and shove my chest, making me fall and land hard on the floor. Eyes starting to burn, I notice that Momma was able to escape my Father's grip, after he pushed me to the floor.

I would gladly take her place, if that meant was not in pain anymore.

Momma comes over to me and scoops me up into her lap, turning her back to my Father to protect me as he started to throw more blows to her back.

Her tears mixing with mine, I leaned back and let out an ear-piercing scream, "STOP!"

My Father stops his violent movements, looking into my eyes. His anger ripping through his dark irises and into my heart.

This was the moment I realized my Father did not love and respect his family as a Father should.


Momma takes me into her arms, my arms holding tight around her neck as she moves us out of our home Pod and into the tunnels.

"Simjang!" I cry out, seeing my Father kick my beloved pillow across the Pod.

Ignoring her husband's calls, Momma shut the door and took off down the hall.

After walking for what seemed like hours, Momma stops at a door locked with a large hunter green padlock.

Momma set me down on the floor and took a small gold key out of her chest pocket. Momma looked at me with a small smile, a twinkle in her eyes.

"I thought I could show you my surprise a little early, what do you think?" Momma asks.

I nod. I could see her pain through her smile.

Gently, I reach up and rest my hand on her cheek. She leans into into my hand and closes her eyes with a hum.

I promise I would protect her, from my Father, from anyone or anything that would cause her pain.

Momma takes my hand and we walk through the now unlocked door. Quickly, Momma turns around to lock the door behind us once we are on the other side.

As we walk down a hallway, I squeeze Momma's hand tighter as we are surrounded by complete darkness. Momma leads me down the hallway and we turn left, arriving at a dimly lit door. I look from the door to Momma's face, her smile brightening.

"Shall we go inside?" Momma asks, excitedly.

I nod and she twists the door knob and pulls me inside the room.

The sight before me nearly takes my breath away.

As we step inside the dark room, I look up to see a galaxy of stars, shining brightly in all different sizes. The ceiling and walls are covered in the yellow and white twinkly lights.

I look up at Momma, tears running down her face.

Again, I squeeze Momma's hand and gently tug on her hand so she would look down.

Momma kneels down and brings me onto her lap. I lean back against her, we sit this way for a while.

"Momma?" I ask, breaking our silence.

"Yes, Jiminie," Momma says.

"I love you, thank you for bringing me to your special place," I say, still staring at the shining stars on the ceiling.

Momma hugs me from behind and kisses my head, "I love you too, Jiminie, always remember."

I turn around and wipe her tears, "I will keep you safe Momma, I promise."

At my words, Momma breaks down sobbing, I hug her tighter as her body shakes.

Once Momma was relaxed, we stood up, hand in hand, walking back out towards the tunnels.

I look up in time to see Momma look back at the stars and sigh.

Keeping a good grip on Momma's hand, we head back towards our Pod. On the way home, Momma points out different rooms, signs and hallways. This way I could find my way back to the starry room on my own, someday.

After a while, we arrive at the front door to our Pod. Momma tells me to wait in the hallway, while she goes inside.

Nervous, I poke my head inside our Pod. I watch as Momma carefully creeps through the dark Pod, looking in each room.

A look of relief on her face, Momma comes to retrieve me from the doorway. Father was nowhere to be seen.

Momma wraps her arm around my shoulder and guides me across our Pod, back into my bedroom. I climb up into my bed, laying back on my long pillow, a thought occurring to me.

"Simjang?" I ask Momma.

Momma retreats into the kitchen, looking around for a few minutes, coming back with my favorite pillow in her hand.

After I check and see that there is no serious damage, I hold my pillow tight and lay down next to Momma, who covers us up in blankets.

Surrounded with her love, I drift off to sleep as Momma sings a beautiful lullaby.

[A/N] Wow I am emotional. Yay TWO updates in ONE week!! I almost cried about five times while writing this chapter at work! I am sorry that it is short, although this is very important to the story! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I would love to hear your feedback! As always, Thank You for Reading! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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