DL in the dorm room Chapter 2

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Thank God it.s Friday. I thought this day would never come. I have been thinking about me and my boy Cardell hooking up after his game all week. I have heard that athletes don.t like to have sex before a game so I guessed that.s why Cardell was making me wait until Friday. I went to the game with Cardell.s boy Marcus. Marcus plays on the basketball team he is about 6. 6¡± light cinnamon colored skin with dreds. It goes without saying that homeboy is fine as hell. One day he tells me to come talk to him when he was taking a shower. I know that sounds kind of suspect but I didn.t read anything into it. I did get a chance to peep his goods. He has a fat, 10 inch uncut dick. It was very hard for me not to stare at it. It was a beautiful dick. His dick had the same cinnamon color as the rest of his body. His dick was also much larger than Cardell.s. Marcus and I went to the game and it was like a big social event. We hardly stayed in the stands we were walking around the whole stadium checking out the females. Since Marcus was on a team quite a few girls were trying to holla at him. The white girls were especially riding his jock. We went back into the stands in time to see Cardell intercept the ball and score a touchdown which won the game. The fans erupted and the celebrations were already on. Marcus and I later went to the after party one of the fraternities was throwing after the game. This fraternity was known for its trashcan punch. It was a red fruit punch that had cut up pieces of fruit floating on top. The fruit had been soaked in grain alcohol for a week. It was rumored that eating about 4 pieces of the fruit alone was enough to get you intoxicated. The punch was like liquid courage because I became very aggressive. I would not take no for an answer when I asked a girl to dance. We were dancing wildly grinding and winding like we were in a bedroom room and not a dance floor. I was dancing with a real pretty girl and I noticed that Cardell is right next to me dancing with this skeezer named Brenita Brown. Brenita has a reputation of being a football groupie. She has a big booty with a small waist and her trademark is her weave. I am watching Cardell grind up on her and it is turning me on watching his ass moving like he is sexing her. I keep thinking that later tonight he will be grinding into me. I can hardly wait. Marcus and I return the dorm and before we made it back he called on Earl (threw up) at least three times. I was really fucked up on the trash can punch my self. I left Marcus to run to the bathroom. We got back a little after 2 am and I am waiting for Cardell to get to his room. About 3 a.m. I hear his door open and I look through the space under my door and I can see his feet enter his room then he closes the door. I am all excited thinking he will be knocking on my door soon. I look out of peephole and I see a shadowy figure tiptoeing down the hall. With all of the hair on her head it.s not hard for me to see that it is Brenita. She lightly knocks on Cardell.s door he opens and quickly lets her in. I get back on my hands and knees to look through the opening under my door and I can see that the lights are out in Cardell.s room. I rush to my phone and I call his room

repeatedly but he never answers. I am so furious and still quite drunk so I go across the hall and I beat on his door like I.m the KGB. He doesn.t answer the door just like he didn.t answer the phone. I go back into my room. I am too keyed up to go to sleep. About 20 minutes later I can hear the bed squeaking very loudly in Cardell.s room. I am so furious that I want to knock his door off its hinges. The next thing is think about is an image that was hard for me to erase from memory. The image is the sight of Marcus. dick. I call Marcus. room and after about 7 or 8 rings someone picks up the line. ¡°Marcus wassup man this is Dre. Can I suck your dick?¡± After a pregnant pause the phone is slammed down. Then a second later my phone rings and when I answer someone slams the phone down again. I am so frustrated that I take matters into my own hands to relive some of the tension. About 3: 30 am I hear Cordell.s door open and I quickly get down on the floor to look through the opening. I see Brenita sneaking out of the room. I watch her go down the stairs and I see her get into a silver mustang in the parking lot. I write down her license plate because revenge is sweet. Especially sweet when I put a snickers bar in her gas tank a week later but that.s another story. I call Mr. Cardell and he answers the phone sounding like he was asleep. ¡°Cardell why didn.t you answer the door or the phone when I called?¡± ¡°I just got home Dawg¡± ¡°Cardell I know you just finished fucking that skeezer. That.s nasty I heard she has fucked half the team.¡± ¡°What are you talking about I just got in my room¡± ¡°Nigga I just saw that Mop Head Brenita sneaking out of your room. I heard the bed squeaking and the bitch moanin. ¡°Do you think I.m a faggit?¡± ¡°No Dawg I Just thought you was going to be fucking me tonight. I saw you win the game.¡± ¡°You saw it wasn.t that sweet¡± ¡°Can I suck your dick?¡± ¡°Naw man I just got about 4 nuts. I.m tired and I.m going to sleep¡± I slammed down the phone and passed out with my pants down at my ankles. The next morning I hear someone beating on my door relentlessly. I am so hung over and my head is just throbbing. I don.t want to get up but I reluctantly open the door. I see Ray Ray standing there. ¡°Dawg I gotta talk to you¡± ¡°Man I feel like roasted, toasted shit¡± ¡°Yeah we all got drunk last night. I.m tripping because Marcus passed out last night. Me and three of my boys had to carry that tall nigga and put him in his bed. When you called him last night that was me who answered his phone. I was tripping that you were so drunk. I told everybody in the dorm what you did. I can.t believe you was that drunk dawg.

¡°I thought you was my boy. You told everybody man?¡± ¡°Yeah dawg I told everybody that it was because you were so fucked up¡± As if on cue my phone rings and it.s Cardell and he is asking me to come into his room. I go across the hall and two of Cardell.s teammates that I don.t know are in his room. He introduces me to them. I give them both some dap and I look at Cardell and he has this sinister grin on his face. ¡°So Dre you asked Marcus to suck his dick last night?¡± I.m cold busted I can.t look him in his face so I look down at the floor. Cardell then busts out laughing. I can.t believe he asked me that in front of his teammates. He has totally humiliated me in front of his boys. I glance at their faces as I rush out of the room and they are both frowning at me. I run into my room and slam my door.

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