part 1

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Today was my day. I just knew it. I've been preparing for this moment since I was 8 years old,and I'm almost 17 now. I've wanted to be an actress for as long as I could remember, I always loved watching movies with my favourite actors in them, even if it was just voice acting. Today was finally the day I could make my longtime dream come true, I'd gotten an audition in the N.Y.F.A (the New York film academy), I'd gotten this audition about 3 months ago and I had the three months to myself to practise, since the N.Y.F.A had made an arrangement with my school to give me a 3 months leave so I could prepare for the audition. A lot of you might think that a 3 months leave from school is too much and I'll be missing a lot of education, but here's the thing, I started school early which meant I'd be leaving school at 16 instead of 17 and if things didn't go well I could always repeat the school year. However if things went well, I'd start learning at the N.Y.F.A and if things went really well, meaning I'd exceed their expectations that meant that I'd skip the whole learning at the N.Y.F.A thing and instead I'd learn there for only a month, before landing the role I auditioned for, Ray from 'into the abyss' which was one of the best books ever written, and the N.Y.F.A were planning to make it a film, as the had already started planning it with the author, Clara. D fitzpatrick . It was funny enough that I auditioned for the role of ray and that just so happens to be my real name, Ray skillder. Anyway I got out of bed, made myself pancakes and maple syrup and ate all that in around 3 minutes, "Ray darling what's the big rush? The audition doesn't start till 5:30 pm, it's 9 o'clock now" oh shoot, I thought as I remebered the  audition was rescheduled to 5:30 pm instead of 10 o'clock since a lot of people were complaining that it was too early. "Yeah I know mom I'm just going to go meet up with some of my friends, is that alright?" "Sure thing honey" she said. I washed my hands and went to go get dressed, I chose a crop top that said 'Nirvana' on it since that was my favourite band. I also chose a pair of mom jeans (those baggy jeans) and put on a pair of black converse. Then I put my hair into the 'half up half down' hairstyle, I put on some lip balm and I was good to go. As soon as I stepped out onto the porch I had no idea where to go, I was really nervous about the audition, so I decided I need to go somewhere to help me calm down , so I chose my favourite place in the entire city of new york, the 'bubbles n tea' café . As soon as I got there I ordered a regular vanilla bubble tea with almond milk and sat down on one of the bean bags they had, and though about what I was going to do once I got there, to the audition. I was really panicking and even this place couldn't make me feel better so I called some of my friends and they all came, Sarah, one of my closest friends, Daige short for Daigendale, my cousin, she was one of the best people I knew. she was like a sister to me, and last but not least, Cody, my best friend since birth, our mothers had know each other since childhood and then they both got pregnant at the same time. Me and cody have the same birthday and we have always shared it, for as long as I can remember. Thanks for coming you guys, I said "are you crazy Ray? Of course we would come, today is a special day for you and you need all the support you can get!" Daige said and hugged me. Thank you guys so much I honestly don't know what I would do without you I said after they all took their turns hugging me. We stayed there for an hour or so after going to a bookshop and staying there until 5:00 pm before Daige drove my to the N.Y.F.A . At around 5:25 pm I was already inside, Daige,Cody, and Sarah were waiting for my audition to end in the guest room, which I've got to say was more luxurious than my entire house, there were chocolate fountains, coffee machines, and there was even a mini bar, I was so in awe of that place that they had to call my name twice from the loudspeaker for me to come back to my senses. I walked into the audition room, and saw how georgeous the auditioning room was there was a huge green screen, lots of armchairs and lots of other aesthetic things.  There was another guy there, I assumed that he must be my partner (in these auditions you need to have a partner) he was pretty tall about 6 feet tall (keep in mind that I'm 5'7) he had messy light brown shoulder length hair and blue eyes, any other person in my position would have been so excited if they knew they had to shoot a scene with a guy like him (he was really attractive) but I had a weird feeling, like I already knew him, but then the judges came into the room and interupted my thoughts,they said hello to both of us, "Ray, meet your acting partner" dorothea said (one of the judges, with strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes that looked a lot like mine since we both had a dark limbal ring around our eyes, she was a particularly nice person and was the one who helped me get this audition in the first place) I said hey to the guy,he replied with the same, he also seemed pretty suspicious of me like he could almost recognize me too, "what's your name" I asked and when he replied "Mason" I had a mini heart attack as I realized who he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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