Hand to hand combat training..👊

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Aizawa's POV.

I woke up remembering what happened yesterday. I was about to get up to see what time it was but something was holding me back. I look to see what it was when I see (Y/n) holding my shirt. Lucky me, I noticed her phone and took it to see the time and it was waaaaay to early. It was 4:56 in the morning. Before I went back to staying (probably sleeping) I took a last glance at (Y/n) and man I blushed. She was still wearing my shirt from yesterday which means that she had no pants....and then I looked at her face. Her hair were staying around her face perfectly and she was blushing a little bit. She looked so damn cute. I sighed and laid back on the bed when (Y/n) started holding my shirt tighter and she put her head deeper into my chest. I put my arm around her waist and fell asleep again.

Time skip when they have to wake up.

I woke up some minutes earlier than I should have. Anyway I was about to go away when I noticed (Y/n) holding my shirt again. I went near her ear (that rhymes) and whispered to her that she should let me go.......and she did. I got up, got dressed and went to wake up (Y/n). I sat on the bed and shook her arm lightly while saying " Cmon sleeping beauty it's time to wake up." "But I don't wanna wake up." She growled. "Come on (Y/n) wake up if you don't want me to carry you and take you to school just like you are right now." She woke up so fast that I literally thought that my eyes went out of their sockets. I Turned around to find (Y/n) ready to take her shirt off and i immediately blushed so hard. Before she took her shirt off she looked at me and caught me staring...........shit. She just blushed and turned at me and yelled "CLOSE YOUR EYES YOU PERVERT!!" I yelled back "I AM NOT PERVERT IT IS JUST THAT YOU ARE DRESSING OR SHOULD I SAY UNDRESSING IN A ROOM WITH ME IN IT AND I AM A FREAKING GUY SO YOU SHOULD EXPECT THIS!!!" She just blushed more and said " OKAY OKAY STOP WITH YOUR SPEECH JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I just turned around and said " FINE!!" Then we both went silent. I could hear her undressing and dressing and maan was it hard to not look. After she was done we ate breakfast and went to school so we could teach.

Time skip when it is (Y/n)'s class.

Nobody's POV.

"Okay kids, I now this is all of sudden, but wear your costumes and go outside." After she said that she went outside while yawning. We all thought 'She and Aizawa-sensei are so alike' while sweat dropping.
We went outside and saw (Y/n)-sensei dressed into her costume. She had a costume that was a little tight and it went through her curves perfectly (i have already shown. You the costume), she has yellow goggles like Aizawa-sensei and she has the same scarf that Aizawa-sensei had but it was around her wrists. Both of them. Her hair were not in a ponytail, they were free........and long.
She told us that we would do training. And that training was hand to hand combat.

Time skip after the training and school ending.

Your POV

School ended and I went to the principal's office. I went there and asked him " Principal why am I here and not in my house...." "Why are you in such a hurry (Y/n)? There is just something that i thought that we should do. And that is..." "Because I want to sleep." He sweat dropped and went on " Anyway what I was saying is that I want to see how strong you are after all these years so we will do a hand to hand combat training and you with be against Aizawa." I just nodded and then thought 'This will be fun. I really miss training with Aizawa.' Aizawa came in and said " Sorry I am late. We can go now."

Outside at the field.

Aizawa and (Y/n) both had a wooden knife on their pockets and where standing in a fighting position. (Now here comes the fighting scene. This is my first fighting scene so sorry if you don't like it.) Aizawa started the fight by throwing his rope but (Y/n) caught it. Aizawa forgot that even she could control that rope. She caught the rope and then pulled it towards herself. She came towards Aizawa and tried kicking him but failed and so the fight went on and on.In the end Aizawa caught (Y/n) by the waist and put his wooden knife at his neck but in the mean time (Y/n)'s back was on Aiawa's chest and she with the free hand she had put her knife at Aizaw's throat too. The principal clapped and told her that she never changed and he was proud of that. After that Aizawa walked her home and them went to his own home.

Thank you so much for reading this. i will try to update as fast as I can. Do you like the drawing? Anyway tell me in the comments below what you think of the story. Bye,bye!

Roiana Mustang.😈

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