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You knew you were a family person even before reaching adolescence.

You can't imagine a home without warmth, laughter, and smiling cherubic faces to greet you.

Having a large family was always a part of your plans for yourself in the future.

But that was it.

They were just plans at the moment.

So to be bombarded by a gaggle of your future children and grandchildren was honestly too much for your normally calm and collected self. Even Joseph wasn't safe from the onslaught of descendants.

"I feel like a kid again with how long its been since I saw mama looking this young"

"I know what you mean. It sheds some of the years off of me, you know?"

So you were to be a Mrs. Joestar in the future?

You tried your best to hide the positively glowing smile on your face in order to maintain your playful but seemingly detached facade.

Yes, you like Joseph Joestar.

You liked him A LOT actually.

But as much as you liked him, now was certainly not the time to go about confessing when the fate of the entire world was at stake. Not to mention that your older brother would throw a fit if you admitted to actually harboring feelings for his best friend (loathe as he is to admit such a fact).

"Mama has always been beautiful, but woooooooooowwwwwww. She looks like she came straight out of Hollywood"

"If mama came to Morioh still looking like this I might've had to beat guys off of her with Crazy Diamond left and right"

Still however, that didn't stop the giddiness that welled up inside at the knowledge you'd not only get the large family of your own which you always wanted, but that the one who helped you achieve it was none other than your object of affection.

Keeping your emotions in check? This was going to be easy--

"Now I understand why dad married her so young in their lives and so quickly too"

Okay, scratch that.

You might have a harder time trying to hold your feelings under lock and key than you thought.

Chancing a peek at your future partner to gauge his reaction to your current situation, you suppressed a flinch when he wore that satisfied shit-eating grin that never failed to make your knees weak as he basked in his offsprings' attention. The moment your eyes met and he sent a wink your way almost made you lose the strength in your legs. Thankfully you were made of stronger stuff, especially since you were Master Lisa-Lisa's prized apprentice.

Schooling your features into an impenetrable mask, you shot him a coquettish look, fluttering your eyes ever so subtly and gazing at the young man from beneath your long lashes.

A surge of pride and satisfaction filled you when Joseph's cheeks turned ever so slightly pink.

"Jesus Christ, you two are still as terrible even today. Can you both keep the flirting to a minimum?"

"Dad, we know you can never win against mama's charms but for the love of God try to have some pride"

"50 years into your marriage and you still act like newlyweds...but you already act like that even before you two got married? Dio mio, you two are just hopeless"

Several disgruntled voices and annoyed groans resounded simultaneously in agreement...all of them seemingly your children and or your grandchildren. Looks like Joseph took your wishes to have a large family to heart should the big lug ever decide to finally court your properly instead of dancing around each other all the time--

" Jojo, figlio di puttana! Come osi disonorare mia sorella! "

"Uncle Caesar!/Zio Cesare!!!"

Oh dear...

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