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Dark chestnut-brown hair framed the young and handsome face of one Joseph Joestar, his turquoise eyes trained intently at the blonde figure surrounded by the younger members of their rather odd group. His head was leaning against his propped fist as he stared at the love of his life, warmth enveloping him from within at the sight of her smile and the shine in her jade eyes. He swore that he could just gaze at her for an eternity and never tire or get bored of seeing her.

He was one lucky son of a gun and he damn well knew it!

"I love her so goddamn much that it even scares me sometimes" The brunette sighed breathily, running a hand through his messy locks and shaking his head at his own admission.

Joseph— The 70-year old— The older Joseph that looked like his actual age that is, glanced at the version of himself that spoke.

It was...weird? Surreal? Knowing he was the same age as this version of himself despite the other looking as if he was only in his early to mid 30's was mind boggling!

To end up in a pocket dimension with versions of people he knew and who made it clear to him how his life would have turned out so differently just because of one single factor that wasn't present in his original universe was honestly difficult to digest.

"Did you know that (Name) almost sent me hurtling through space like Kars when I suggested we have a shotgun wedding? I won't even begin to think about how Caesar would have reacted if I went through with it after somehow getting her to agree. Kars may not have gotten me, but I wouldn't put it past my best friend turned brother-in-law if I didn't give his sister the wedding she deserved" Jojo (the same age as him yet younger looking one) guffawed as he recounted the memories of his youth. "I never and will never regret marrying her though. Meeting (Name)? That was and is the best thing that ever happened to me. Being able to marry and start a family with her is a close second"

Jojo lifted his other hand up and wiggled his fingers, letting the golden glow of hamon sizzle and spark, "If it wasn't for her, I'd have probably forgotten to train my hamon regularly and would look and feel my actual age right now like you" The seemingly young-looking man increased the hamon in his hand which was almost akin to a firecracker at that point. "No offense to you, but I have a LOT of kids and grandkids. If my body was as old as I actually am then I'd have broken my back or a hip long ago. Dealing with little kids that have hamon and only know the basics are more trouble than you think"

(Name) Mariela Zeppeli...such a curious and intriguing person she was, thought Joseph.

Why was she never born in his world when she had such a profound effect in his life? Preventing his hand from being hacked off? A Caesar that was still alive and as young-looking as his alternate self? Helping him grow into a better person than he himself will ever be? Joseph doesn't delude himself into believing that the man he was currently, is the kind of man the younger him wanted or expected to grow up into.

"Did you ever get that feeling that after you've met someone, you can never really imagine what life was like before them or how you'd face life without them?" Jojo chuckled as (Name) proceeded to coddle and smother their teenaged grandchildren, specifically Josuke who lit up like a Christmas tree as she rained kisses across his face and cooed about how handsome he'd become.

"I think you're embarrassing the boy in front of his friends and everyone else a tad too much, luv" He called out, a bit of his old English accent seeping through.

However, he received only an eye roll from his wife before she proceeded with her ministrations, "You're as handsome as your father and grandfather, aren't you piccolino mio?" Josuke seemed to burn an even brighter red at the term of endearment.

Kakyoin and Okuyasu gladly volunteered to replace Josuke if he was that averse to being showered with affection from his, frankly hot as hell grandmother

Joseph watched the proceedings silently, a million thoughts buzzing and flitting across his mind.

Would his life had really turned out this great if he had a (Name) Mariela Zeppeli by his side? Or were his choices just that different from his alternate self?

He wouldn't ever know.

Because there was no (Name) in his world.

And there never will be

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