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"If one of you say you can't attend dinner today, you'll have to treat me dinner next time"

Moonbin was walking backward in a way he could face us all while we were walking. Since we left school, he has been trying to convince everyone to join the dinner he has been talking for a while. I heard a chuckle beside me and Dongmin arched his eyebrow to Moonbin, a playful grin on his lips.

"You're saying if we miss this dinner we'll have to buy you dinner another day? How's that even fair?"

Moonbin patted his shoulder while shaking his head "Oh dear Dongmin, it's plenty of fair"

"Sure it is" Sanha rolled his eyes "But don't worry, I'll be there" Moonbin abruptly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk before jumping to Sanha and wrapping him in a big hug.

"That's my kid"

"When will you stop treating me like a damn baby? For god's sake, I'm only two years younger! It's not that much of a difference" Sanha frowned in annoyance, ignoring the hug.

"They only call you that because you're the cutest of them all" I said with a little smirk. Sanha's smile immediately grew on his face and he took Moonbin's arm off him walking to me and hugged me instead, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Hey! How dare you betray me like this?" Moonbin scolded him "And hands off her, she's too old for you"

Sanha wiggled his eyebrows "Older woman love me, they always say I'm cute"

"Ew" Rocky said in disgust.

"You're making me sound like I have more 20 years than you" I shook my head and pouted "I'm three years older, not twenty"

"It's the truth though, Sanha's a cutie" Dahyun laughed, making the others sigh and facepalm.

"That's it, Sanha's going to take all our girlfriends away" Dongmin said jokingly, pinching Sanha's cheeks.

"I have to admit he is too cute" Rocky shrugged, smiling "Ladies will love him"

"Okay, okay... Guys" Sanha started "You are going to make me blush if you continue to praise me like that, I'm not used to you all being nice to me" He put his hands on his cheeks in embarrassment while he shook his head.

They continued to tease Sanha while I smiled at the situation. Suddenly I felt my arm being nudged. I looked to the side and my eyes met a smiley Moonbin.

"Are you going to your house right now?" He asked and I nodded "Is Jinjin home?"

I chuckled, putting my hand on his shoulder "I don't know. But it's okay, you don't need to be worried, I'll be alright"

He sighed "How am I suppose not to worry today?"

"Bin-" He interrupted me.

"No" He said sternly "I'll let you change your uniform and do your stuff but right after you'll come to my house and we'll start to prepare for the dinner, okay?"

"I've told, I'm okay. I don't want to disturb you-"

"I won't let you be alone. Just come after changing your uniform" I rolled my eyes and sighed with his persistent on the matter.

"Okay, I'll be there" I finally agreed and his smile came back.

"Now I'm happy" He said, making me laugh.

"You're so persistent, god" I shook my head, a smile forming on my face.

"You know how I am" He winked "Oh, and if Jinjin is home tell him to come sooner as well"

"Got it"


After saying goodbye to them, I reached my house. I looked up and saw Jinjin's bedroom roller shutter was closed, meaning he probably wasn't home.

Taking my backpack off my shoulders, I searched for the keys inside. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating inside and I looked at the name displaying, revealing Jinjin's.


"Seoyeon, hi!"  He said from the other line, car noises sounding.

"I finally got home, where are you?"

"I went to the supermarket to buy something for Bin's dinner"

"Ah, I see! Are you on your way to the supermarket?"

"Yes. Are you going to be alright?"

I rolled my eyes "I will. What about you?"

"Same here"

"Good. See you soon?"

"Of course, love you"

"Love you too" I chuckled and ended the phone call. I finally opened the door and stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind me. The house was so quiet, making me feel a little bit anxious. Usually, the house was always blasting music or the TV could be heard, Jinjin always loved to hear things at the maximum volume, especially when it comes to music.

I dropped my backpack on some chair in the kitchen and made my way upstairs, taking off my shirt on the way while walking to my bedroom.

As soon as I entered, I saw a figure sitting on the bed making my instincts stay alert. My eyes widened and I let out the highest pitch scream ever.

"Oh lord, you almost killed me" A feminine voice sounded and my heart began to relax when my brain detected the source of the voice.

"Nayeon!" I shouted enraged "Are you crazy?! What are you doing here?"

She got up, a guilty smile on her face "I wanted to surprise you so I came early and asked your brother if I could wait for you here"

"I thought you were a thief" I sighed in relief, trying to calm myself down.

"Sorry" She hugged me and once we separated she looked at me "Nice bra, by the way"

I looked down and noticed I was only standing with a bra. I faced palm and shook my head.

"At least help me find something to dress up for later" As soon as finished and looked at her, she was already digging in my wardrobe, searching through my clothes.

"On it"

Clueless || Cha EunwooWhere stories live. Discover now