Chapter 5

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After I told her the story she said to me:
" Well why don't you call your parents to come pick you up? I mean, they are your parents aren't they?"
" Well, my dad left when I was 1, my mum is always at work and barely ever comes home and my brother won't do a thing about it. None of my family really cares about me anyway, except for my sister."
" That's not true Fletcher! Your family does love you!"
The thing is that it was true. My sister is, was the only one that actually cared about me. After a few minutes of silence Allie asks me:
" Well then do you want to come to my house? I mean..."
" No!" I said immediately. " It's fine though really. You don't need to call the ambulance."
" Fletcher I was going to suggest that you could see my father who's a doctor. And by the way why would anyone take you to a hospital. What good with they do?"
I agreed and five minutes later her dad pulled up and took us to their home. By the time we got to their house my blood had dried but it hurt like hell. And I ended up having a black eye which didn't really bother me that much because it made me look tough.
" It's not a deep cut, so it won't need stitches. But may I ask how on earth did you get a cut like that? I mean it looks like one that only a knife could do."
" Well," I started to say," I fell off a hill, a concrete hill and as I got up I smashed right on the side of a street sign! Hehe." Allie was giggling behind her dad.
" Well there's nothing that I can really do about it but bandage it up right now Fletcher." Said Mr. Vincent or should I say Dr. Vincent!
" Hey dad, do you think that Fletcher could stay for dinner?" Said Allie, her voice making me feel so numb inside.
" I see why not. I mean if that's alright with you Fletcher."
" Yeah!" I said without hesitation.
I called my brother to tell him that he could order himself a pizza or something and I told him that I might be late home (because their house was like a 20 minute drive from the school and our house was about half an hour from the school hence why I take the bus).
Dinner was amazing! We had like this homemade chicken noodle soup with pizza rolls that Mrs. Vincent made and honestly, I felt like I was going to melt!
Then we had chocolate mousse with ice cream and smoothies that Allie had made herself (well not the ice cream!)!
After dinner Allie took me up to her bedroom to show me all of the cool things that she had. She'd shown me her movies, books, sofa, T.V and DVD player and said that we could watch a movie if I wanted to. I told her that she could pick what movie that we watched because I didn't really care. I was just happy to be with her, though I would never admit it. She chose this movie called ' Living a Lie' and it was about this civilisation that had brainwashed everyone so that they could enforce rules and restrictions and stuff like that. And I have to admit, I liked it. I really did. But most of all I liked being there, with her.

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