Chapter 8

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Three days - I'd only been gone three days, and came back to find the key Becca gave me no longer worked. She'd changed the locks. What made it worse, I jiggled the handle and an alarm went off.  Unable to get in to try to shut it off left me with only one option. I ran.

Cold, tired, and with every bone in my body feeling like it had been broken and fused back together, I ran, and as I did I cursed her name. And it figured, just my luck the storm clouds threatening since morning, finally decided to rain on my happy little day. She could have left me a message on my cell phone. It would've only taken a moment to call and say she'd changed the locks, but maybe she didn’t feel the need to explain. Maybe the new lock and alarm system was her way of telling me she no longer wanted a house guest.

Using the last of my money, I caught a bus, and went straight to the coffee shop. When I walked through the door, Becca glanced up from her spot behind the counter, and I couldn't help but notice her press her lips together in an attempt not to laugh at how drenched I was.

"If you were going to kick me out, you could've at least called," I called out from the entrance. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman look up from her computer, and scowled at her. "What are you planning on Facebooking this or something? If not then mind your own damn business!" I said, glaring at her until she lowered her head.

Becca rounded the counter and hurried over to where I stood. “Maybe if you were in cell phone range, I could have,” she hissed as she glared up at me. “So, I sent you a text to come here first. Do you wanna see?” She pulled her phone from her pocket, scrolling through the menus for a moment before she showed me the message in her sent folder. ‘My uncle changed the locks. Stop by work for the new key and alarm code.’ –Becs-

"Oh," a sheepish grin crept onto my face, "I must have been out of range – camping in the woods." I turned back to the woman on the computer and said, "Write this on your wall, drenched guy makes huge scene in Perk You Up, and ends up feeling like an ass."

Becca shook her head at me, trying to still look annoyed with me but failing as a smile twitched at her lips. “Come on, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.” She tugged at my shirt and led me to a stool at the counter, before moving around to the other side to pour me a coffee. “One black coffee for the drenched guy.” She opened the cash register, pulling out an envelope with my name on it and handing it to me.

As I opened the envelope and saw a key and pass code inside, I felt heat rush to flush my face. I'd made a fool of myself for nothing. "I don't need you to buy me a cup of coffee, Becs. If I wanted one, I'd buy it myself." Sure I didn't have any money, but she didn't know that. "And maybe you've never noticed it before, but I hate coffee."

“Suit yourself.” She shrugged, pulling the coffee cup to her and added some cream and sugar. “Thought you might like a cup to warm up before you really end up with the flu.” She took a sip and set the cup aside, leaning her elbows on the counter and resting her chin on her upturned right hand. “So, camping, huh?” She held my gaze for a moment before she spoke again, “You got a cabin up there or something?”

"No," I shook my head at the mention of a cabin, "I'm more of a backwoods, outdoors, no one around – why'd you change the locks?" Yeah, I so needed to change the subject there, and kicked myself for mentioning camping, but I hadn't thought she would ask about it. City girls hated anything to do with spending time in the woods especially if it involved a tent. Becca wrinkled her nose as I figured she would.

“My uncle.” She pushed back from the counter and picked up her cup, taking a long sip. “He heard about the break in and well it was the new locks and the alarm or he was moving me to a place with a doorman.” She shivered. “Doormen creep me out.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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