Chapter 2

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Life leaves scars. People come into your life and are torn away. So, you learn to accept that everything and everyone are temporary. Until you start to pull inward and avoid making connections. Instead you cling to the memories of those stolen moments of happiness that are too few and far between, wrapping yourself in them like a warm blanket. But soon memories are not enough and the loneliness makes it hard to breathe.

For the most part my life is uncomplicated. I'm taken care of, a loft overlooking Central Park, closets filled with clothes, cupboards full of food. My guardian, my uncle, Rowan, makes sure I have everything I could ever want or need. And I do, except someone to share all of it with.

The thing about Rowan is he's not really my uncle. But my little white lie tends to be a lot easier and safer than telling anyone my benefactor is really a two thousand year old vampire. That kind of talk gets you more than strange looks, it gets you shock treatment. Believe me I know.

Rowan is the one constant in my life. He is the one person in my life I can count on to be there when I need him. But Rowan's life is complicated and always dangerous. Being a two thousand year old vampire playing for the good side can rack you up a lot of enemies. So, he tends to keep his distance to protect me.

However, things changed for me one rainy afternoon when I ducked into Perk Me Up, a local coffee shop, to wait out the rain. For some reason when I saw the Help Wanted sign I asked to see the manager. Crazy, I know, wanting to work in a coffee shop or work at all when everything was already provided for me. Rowan certainly didn't approve. He provided for me so I never had to work, so I could enjoy a life surrounded by my art and beauty. But I was an adult now and he knew he couldn't stop me from pursuing this. So in true Rowan fashion he encouraged me instead, though I was certain he'd already had Lachlan look into everyone on the payroll. He was my protector and he took that role very seriously.

I'd just stepped through the door of my loft and kicked off my boots when my cell phone rang. Sometimes I wondered if there were hidden cameras in my apartment.

"Rowan, you don't have someone following me again, do you?" I asked by way of greeting after the second ring.

"Why would even think that, sunshine?"

"You just have a impeccable timing, that's all," I sighed, slumping onto the couch.

"I just wanted to call and see how your first day at work went. If you want to quit, I fully support you. So don't feel like you need to serve coffee for me."

"I'm not quitting," I chuckled softly. "I had a great day."

He let loose a heavy breath, and I heard an unfamiliar male voice in the background, but couldn't make out what he said. "Jamie wants me to ask if I bought you an art gallery would you quit serving coffee to morons?"

"Rowan, you've already done enough for me. This is just something I'm doing for me."

"Now I'm really worried about you," he said, and again I heard the man speak to him, telling Rowan to say hello for him. "Lachlan said to say hello. We're working on his social skills and I feel this is a big breakthrough for him...but, as I was saying, I'm worried that if this is what you want to do with your life you'll end up bagging groceries for a living someday. You do not want to bag groceries, right?"

"You figured me out," I chuckled softly. "My dream is really to bag groceries for the rest of my life."

"Have you made any friends at this coffee place?" he said, and I could picture him rolling his eyes. "If so, I'd like to know their names, and if you have their phone numbers that'd be great."

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