• Blond Boys •

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"How could you do this me, how could you nearly die like that!"


"Wake up, Chimmy . . . Please wake up baby, Jimin I don't know what to do without you."

"I'm right here! Joonie, I'm here!"

"Please Jimin . . . I want you back . . . I need you to wake up for me . . .
That's all I ask for . . ."

Jimin jolted awake in a panic and looked around in confusion, his heart beat was racing and it felt like he was about to faint. His dream was taunting him even while being awake.

He looked around in a panic, "Namjoon?" This pitch of his voice was low, terrified and shaky.

"Jimin? Are you oka-" his words were cut off as Jimin jumped into his arms, "Woah, Jimin is everything okay?"

No words left the younger males mouth, all he did was nod. Namjoon placed his hands on the small of Jimin's back and rubbed it soothingly. Jimin was hesitant before looking up, "I just had a bad dream again."

Namjoon raised one eyebrow, "You fell alseep?"

Jimin smiled softly, "Yeah I did, but I didn't know I did. Honestly I don't remember falling-" his stopped speaking as his eyes landed on the youngers hair, "Your hair."

Namjoon blushed only slightly, "Do you like it?"

Jimin nodded slowly as he moved one hand to play with it, "It's cute."

Namjoon smirked as he still had Jimin in his arms, "You miss the old color?"

Jimin frowned, "A little bit, but I think I'll get used to this."

Namjoon smiled as grabbed onto Jimin's hand, "Well don't get to used to it, I'll be dying it with you sooner or later."

Jimin smiled and the two began walking, "I know~"

After a moment of walking around Jimin looked down at the ground with a gloomy chill creeping down his back. Namjoon noticed this and waited a moment to ask, "Something up?"

Jimin shook his head in denial, "I'm okay."

There was a eerie silence between the two. About five minutes of walking like this to the food court, "Can I ask you something?" Jimin nodded with a weak yes and squeezed Namjoon's hand tighter, "Why were so you so panicked when you woke up from your nap?"

Jimin thought back to his dream and sniffled as he moved closer to Namjoon, "It just startled me when I didn't see you. . . That's all-"

"Bullshit." Namjoon stated flatly, he suddenly paused and looked down at the younger, "Sorry Jimin, I'm just worried about you."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, "It doesn't matter anyways, I don't remember the dream that well anyway."

Namjoon nodded and let go of Jimin's hand. Jimin jumped at the action and stopped. Namjoon turned to him, "What?"

Jimin looked around and then let his sight trace Namjoon's expression before looking at his hand, "I didn't think you wanted to let go. . ."

Namjoon could hear how desperate Jimin was to connect with him, "I didn't think you would get snappy at me for caring about you. I guess we're both full of surprises."

Jimin rubbed his neck before walking past the older, "Sorry.'' His voice was quiet and soft. Namjoon rolled his eyes and grabbed Jimin by his upper arm, dragging him away from the food court, "Joonie where are we going?"

Memories {MinJoon}Where stories live. Discover now