5. Hanging With Joongie

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Seonghwa POV

I stretch as I wake up but stop when I feel someone shifting next to me. I open my eyes and look down to see a tiny Pikachu next to me. The Pikachu clings to me as if he will die if he let's go. I see his pack is about to fall out of his mouth so I gently push it back in and he lets out a small sigh before sucking on the dummy again. I wrap an arm aroumd him and smile down at him.

'How did I get this lucky? I have the cutest, smartest, but headstrong, little in the world! Wait.... I never asked him to be MY little! I need to do that shortly after he wakes up.' I think to myself.

I slowly pull away and replace my spot with a large pillow i was layong on so it is kinda warm. He nuzzles into it and suckles on his dummy. I walk into the kitchen and start to prepare breakfast. I make pancakes for everyone. While I am putting the last pancake on tge plate I hear soft crying. I frown at this and listen closer. The tint whimpers and whines sound just like HongJoong. I rush into our room as quietly as possible. When I open the door the sight I see is heart-breaking. Sitting up in the middle of the bed is a tiny Pikachu with tear stained cheeks and a dummy hanging from his hood as he wipes away his tears with his tiny fists.

HongJoong POV

I slowly stretch and sit up. I rub my eyes to wake up. I open them and look over next to me. Where HwaHwa would normally be, is a pillow that is cold. I start to tear up. I grab KoJi and hug her tight.

"KoJi! HwaHwa weft us. He nu cawe!" I whine. My tears begin to fall down my face. I whimper as I hug jer tight against me. I nuzzle my face into her fur. I let my dummy fall as I rub my eyes to wipe the tears away. I hear the door open slowly and look up to see HwaHwa. I burst into morw tears when I see him. He rushes to my side and climbs into the bed. He pulls me into his lap and hugs me tight. I just keep crying, balling my fists around his shirt. He rubs my back and I soon begin to calm down.

"Joongie? Baby? Can you tell me what happened?" He whispwrs in my ear. I look up at him.

"Joongie woke ups 'n HwaHwa nu dere! Joongie tought HwaHwa nu cawe 'n weft Joongie 'n KoJi!" I whimper. "Chu weft da piwwow dere 'n it was cowd! Joongie nu wike dat!!!!"

"Aww. Im so sorry Joongie. I was making breakfast for us." He explains to me. I watch him reach over and grab a tissue and wipe my tears away. He kisses my temple and places my dummy back in me mouth. He scoops me up and carries me on his hip to the kitchen. I rest my head on his shoulder while we go. When we reach the kitchen, he doesn't put me down. He grabs both plates and sets them on the table. He walks over to the fridge and pulls out the milk. He pours it in a glass. I whine at that.

"Baby, it will have to do for now. We have no bottles or sippie. We can go get some later." He whispers and kisses my cheek. I giggle, nodding. He carries me back to the table and sits down. He shifts me so I am sitting in his lap. He cuts up my pancakes and slowly feeds them to me. He makes me eat slowly and with small bites. While I chew, I watch him takes bites of his own. He raises my fork up to my mouth but I turn my head away. I grab at my milk.

"Miwk!" I whine.

"Joongie, what do you say?" He says, looking at me. I huff and cross my arms.

"Pwease HwaHwa! Joongie need miwk!" I ask. He nods and hold the milk up to my mouth. He slowly lets me sip. I let out a small sigh and open my mouth again for more food. He laughs and feeds me more. Once we finish he carries me to the bathroom. He sets a towel over his shoulder and rests me against it. I whine and he starts patting my back. He keep doing this until I let out a tiny burp. He sets me back on his hip once I do and walk me back to the bedroom. He sets me down on the bed and hands me KoJi. He walks to the closet while I play with KoJi. He comes back out a few hours later (its actually minutes) in a different outfit and with clothes in his hands. He lays them down and I see one of his huge hoodies and a pair of boxers. He helps me stand up and hells me change too. He puts me back in his lap when he leans against the headboard. I play with KoJi.


"Ches HwaHwa?" I ask.

"Do you have a caregiver?"

I look up at him, no longer playing with KoJi. I shake my head no. I frown as tears begin to well up.

"Well, maybe I can? I meant to ask you yesterday but was busy with having fun with you." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. I look up at him with wide eyes. I nod hard, tears streaming down my face as I reach up and hug him by his neck. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me.

He pulls away and makes me sit back down. He rests his hands on my cheeks and wipes away my tears with his thumbs. I smile up at him.

"Tank chu, Appa!" I cheer. He nods, smiling down at me too.

"No problem Joongie. I love you." He mumbles as he kisses my forehead.

"Joongie wuv chi tuu!" I cheer.

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