[ thank you ]

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hello everyone! author here. i just wanted to say, thank you all, so so so so so so so so much for your support. i can't even emphasize how much all of your compliments mean to me. i had originally started writing this after reading a book i really liked (their eyes were watching god, if ur interested) over the summer. i did it to capture some specific feelings because i was going through some weird relationship and life shizzle and i wanted to encapsulate something comforting to help deal with it.

i wasn't expecting anyone to read my little drabble but someone did! and then another did. and then another and another and another and then more people started commenting and voting and telling me how wonderful my writing was. i never expected to receive the sheer amount of love you all gave me but i'm 100% grateful for all of it. you all inspire me to keep writing :")

and so, this is the end of the book. there's no definite conclusion, but personally, it never felt like there was a definite plot either. i have no idea how to keep this stuff going without feeling like i'm beating a dead horse. obviously i could extend the relationship past teen milestones and go into adulthood but then it would feel contrived. but more importantly, writing this lil thing did the job it needed to do. i got through weird personal times writing these drabblea, but now that i'm totally through with it, idk if i can really continue it and give you guys the content you Deserve.

don't worry though, i'll keep writing, but most likely not with sean & kaycee. maybe i'll upload something with them every once in a blue moon (and considering how sporadic my posting schedule can be, from two chapters in a week to nothing for months on end, that'll be reaaally rare). if i do make something, i'll just add it onto here as an extra chapter :) but i want to start making original things again! and so, if you're interested, just keep a look out for any new books i post!

but no matter what: thank you all, again, for the love. it means the whole world to me and makes me so happy that i can make y'all feel the way you say my writing does.

take care, guys 💕

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