chapter 1 welcome to the show

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                   NAR PROV:

     It was early morning when your 5:30 alarm went off. You groaned when you were shaken from your peaceful slumber.  "Quiet",you growled as you slammed your hand on the snooze button almost breaking it. as you slowly sat up in your bed you glanced out the window it was still dark the sun hadn't even begun to rise. it was quiet and you toke the time to enjoy it by stretching your arms above your head releasing a sigh of relief. as you continue to stretch you hear a soft purr. you look down to be greeted by by a tiny black kitten. you smiled at the cute and cuddly site. "good morning Luna" you said with joy as you pick up the small ball of fur.


as i pick up Luna i greet her a good morning.  as her way to replying she placed a tiny paw on my nose.  i giggle at the sweet gesture as a place a small small peck on her tiny pink nose. i place Luna on the side of the bed then hoped out of my warm bed sheets that were wrapped around my body like a warm burrito.

"Well i betters start getting ready, don't want to be late for my first day of school", i said.

"mew" Luna replies in a high squeaky voice.  i grab my towel and head to the bathroom.

*in the bathroom*

i turn on the warm water and get undressed, as i removed my pajama top i look at myself in the mirror.  running down my back and across my chest was ugly scares. i toke my hand and gently brushed my fingers across the biggest scare plastered on my chest forever reminding me of my horrible past.

*flash back ten years ago*

I'm sorry .....I I won't do it again i promise .  You pleaded while choking down a hiccup.

please don't hurt me.  -Y/N

you knew the rules and you broke them so now pay the consequences!


*end of flash back*

Flinching at the memorie I soon force myself to shrug it off and jumped in the shower. Letting myself melt under the warm yet cooling water. allowing all my thoughts to drown into the back of my mind to where I could forget them.

*time skip brought to you by souls lazyness*

After i dried off from a relaxing shower, i dressed in mostly black cloths. A simple t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans the only color i had was my f/c convers and my f/c jock jacket. i head down stares to grab a bite and my Chi Staff.(if you don't know what that is it will be explained later in the story) i bid Luna a far well before i race out the door with a half eaten toasted poptart in my mouth. 

"Next stop DWMA" I thought to myself as I zip down the dim lit streets hoping to reach the school before the sun touch its peak. 

I finally reach the school only to greeted by the largest flite of stairs i have seen in ages.

"a lot of stairs huh?" a voice asked. i whip my head around to see a boy with white hair and a sharp toothy grin. next to him was a girl with tight pigtails and a long black coat. "what?" i ask a bit confused. he smiled at my question as a small laugh left his lips. "i said a lot of stairs huh?"the haired boy said with a laugh. "she knows what you said soul" the girl with pigtails said pushing the boy aside while rolling her eyes. then she smiled at me. 

"Hi i'm Maka and this is my weapon soul are you new here at the academy." she asked while holding out her hand for me to shake it.

"I'm Y/N and yes today is my first day." i said

oh and to answer your question soul i can get up these stairs in 30 seconds flate. I say with a grin. 

"No way thats impossible. Soul said not believing my words.

"yes i can and i can prove it too" i say crossing my arms.

"alright how much do you wanna bet" he said smiling even bigger. 

50 bucks! i shout eager to take his challenge.

"alright" he said with the most cockiest grin i have ever seen.

i walk away from the stairs to get a running start while i pop my wrist and neck. 

"what are you doing?" soul questioned. "you'll see" i said. bolting to the stairs. before my feet could touch the first step i cartwheeled. as my hands made contact with the ground i used all the power in arm to pulvolted myself in the air.

hey guys thanks for reading my first chapter of my book i hope you enjoyed it. sorry if there are spelling mistakes. i can't remember alot of thing so it kind of messes with my writing. but i'll still try to make the story exiting. i hope to update soon. thanks for you suport bye.

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