part seventeen

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thank you for all the support, this story is now on 3k :') this story isn't over for people asking <3

simon's pov:
talia's been in the bathroom for a while and i'm honestly worried..

simon: talia..?

no reply..

i walk closer to the bathroom and hear a soft sound..

she's crying.

i open the door immediately and see her sat on the floor crying hugging her knees pulling them close to her chest..

i sit down with her and hug her..

talia's pov:
he came and sat down with me, he hugged me and instantly i felt safe. what the heck was i thinking? why did i think i could just straight up leave, leave tobi? leave manny? leave simon? leave gee and frey? leave everyone? who am i? i begin to start crying even worse now.. simon holds me tight and is trying his best to calm me down but i just don't.. i keep crying, i was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, i want him to pull me closer and tell me it's ok, i'll be fine i want to tell him about these thoughts, can i? .. as if he can read my thoughts he does, he pulls me closer kisses me on the forehead and tells me : whatever it is bothering you won't last forever and you shouldn't worry about it because you have me, tobi, manny and so many others, we're all here for you. after him saying that i manage to stifle a smile and he smiles back at me,

after about five minutes, i manage to calm down fully , he asks me if i'll be ok and i say yes and smile, because i feel better now, i won't make that mistake ever. i take my makeup off simon walks away and tells me to follow him i walk over to simons wardrobe to take the t-shirt he's holding for me. i get ready for bed then wait for simon to come back, i want to talk to him about it, i feel as it would help me, but i don't want simon to feel bad, my throat feels quite dry so i decide to go get a glass of water, and as quiet as i can, i walk down the stairs basically tiptoeing and go into the kitchen, turning the light on and getting the fright of my life, josh and tobi are sat there,

talia: oh my god ! you gave me a fright
josh: *laughs* what are you doing awake?
tobi: yeah you ok t?
talia: oh i had a moment but i'm all good now, just came for a drink of water..
tobi: you good?
talia: i am now
josh: if it's about what jj said just ignore him, he's so drunk and i know it isn't an excuse for him..
talia: josh it's all ok, i swear

talia's pov:
i sniffled and they both turned their heads right away, my eyes became watery and i think we all knew, tobi got right up out of his seat and came over to me, he hugged me then sat me down..

tobi: talia what's up?? you ok?
talia: i'm fine..
tobi: no seriously what's up..
josh: you look like your about to cry, want me to get simon..

talia's pov continued:
this is when i started crying and everything came out, everything about me contemplating leaving, to stay out of everyone's life because i cause all the problems and i make everything difficult.. everything, i was sobbing not loud enough to wake anyone up but still sobbing, everything and i mean everything comes out.. tobi and josh just listen to me, josh sat in the breakfast bar seat next to me and tobi next to josh across from me, i finish my story and instantly feel someone hug me from behind, i spin around on my seat to see simon's face, he's looking down at me and hugs me once again, josh walks off and tells me i'll be fine and if i need anything i've always got him, tobi hugs me quickly and walks off telling me that it's not my fault and if i ever feel like this to tell him and that he loves me, i feel a little bit better knowing i have people,

simon: talia..
talia: it's fine simon-
simon: talia, please don't ever think your the problem.. your not, you don't cause all the drama and its not your fault.. i never want you to feel like you want to leave.. i'm sorry i brought you into this-
talia: simon, don't apologise ! i really really like the sidemen and i like hanging about with you.. i'm just being dramatic

simon's pov:
we talk in the kitchen for about another ten minutes, and then we walk up to my bedroom by this time it's like four o'clock, i have my arm around her shoulder and she has her head in the crevice.. it feels right for her to be here..

ok- there has been no chapters because once again i'm swamped at school, my room is getting all redecorated and i've been busy outside of school with family and friends- but i literally have eighteen story ideas, so yeah we stan that :) anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and if not tell me how i can improve down below as feedback is always appreciated <3

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