> Introduction

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" 'Are you afraid of falling in love?'

'I'm afraid of  being the only one who falls.' "

Welcome to Aurora Academy
The elite peacekeeping force in the universe

'We the Legion
We the light
Burning bright against the night'

O f f i c i a l  F i l e
> Legionnaire Galatea Espina
> Eighteen
> Science Officer
            ○ Top fifth percentile
> Designated Squadron 312
> Official Reprimands:

O f f i c i a l  F i l e
> Legionnaire Finian de Karran de Seel
> Nineteen
> Engineer
                        ○ Top tenth percentile
> Designated Squadron 312
> Official Reprimands:
        ○ Oppositional behaviour towards superior officers (15)                                ○ Irridation of Fold Dynamics Exam (1)

Welcome To Your Squadron

Galatea's Drafting ceremony was not supposed to go like this. She was smart. She was well-behaved. So when she is lumped together with the 'remainders' to create Squad 312, she feels lost.

But suddenly, it doesn't matter who she's with, because there's a war brewing. On the run from the Terran authorities with a trigger for a galactic battle centuries in the making, she faces trials and tribulations and the prospect of breaking rules for the first time in her life. Galatea finds she has been alive, but not living until she joins the Squad.

Sometimes family isn't the one your born with. Sometimes it's the one you find.

Authors Note
Hello! Maybe you've clicked on this book because you're a fan of Aurora Rising, or maybe you were just curious. If you're the latter, I'd recommend reading Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff before reading this book because it will contain spoilers.
In any case, updates will likely be slow until I figure out a schedule. I hope you enjoy Stardust and Galatea as much as I enjoyed writing it ^^

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