October 27th, 2019. Today was the annual Purge night. Princess Peach was about to make her announcment on TV.
Peach: Attention Mushroom Kingdom! The time has come... For the annual Purge, where all crimes committed by Teletubbies is legal for twelve hours. Just like last year, I implore all of you to stay inside during The Purge. Do not do anything stupid like this ragged person did.
Peach holds up a picture of SB123 Bob.
Peach: Him and especially Mario, too. I'm sick of their shit. The Purge commences now.
At Inkopolis, Mario, Meggy, and all of their friends watched the announcement on TV in their mansion.
SB123 Mario: ...Oh, shit...
SB123 Meggy: Eep...!
Infinite: Oof... Bad luck for everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom...
MXR Mario: This Mario guy sounds like an idiot.
MXR SMG4: You are Mario, retard.
MXR Mario: Ohh...
Crystal: We need to make sure everybody stays safe from the Teletubbies.
SB123 Bob: Oh, LoL, hAs It StArTeD aGaIn?
FM: We got this!
X: We've survived many things before. We can survive Teletubbies too.
The two shoved off for their helicopter and they can fly over the Mushroom Kingdom.
Turlandb: ...Teletubbies scare me...
MXR Mario laughs like a retard.
MXR Mario: *Homer Simpson voice* Scaredy cat!
Laura throws a frying pan at MXR Mario.
MXR Mario: OW!!!
FM: Don't worry, Turlandb. We'll save those citizens from those monsters.
X: Come on, FM! Let's go!
FM went over to the helicopter to fly over to the Mushroom Kingdom with X to save the citizens outside from the Teletubbies.
SB123 Meggy: I felt scared for you and your friends last year, sweetie. I feel terrible for not being there to save you all.
SB123 Mario: I felt scared for you, too... When you weren't here, I was so scared...
The couple hugged each other tightly while shedding tears, but Infinite came to calm them down by hugging them tightly.
Infinite: Don't cry, you two. We're outside the Mushroom Kingdom now. We're completely safe in Inkopolis! No Teletubby will arrive on our turf!
SB123 Mario: Okay... Okay...
SB123 Meggy: Alright...
The couple hugged Infinite back tightly.
Crystal: Everything will be okay, you two.
MXR Tari: Yeah! I feel so safe being here! Wanna play video games?
Infinite: Yeah! Oh, and Meggy? Thank you so much for inviting everyone over to your mansion to avoid death. Really means a lot.
Turlandb: Yeah, there ain't no way in hell um getting myself caught in the clutches of these baby-faced demons that can suck the soul right out of you.
Smesh: Really appreciate it, Meggy.
SB123 Meggy: Thanks, guys! *Smiles*
Everyone started to have fun, playing video games and doing other stuff. It was a big hang-out for all of them, while things were very different over at the Mushroom Kingdom.
The Mario Purge 2
Fanfiction(Before I was say what this is about, I just wanna say that this was originally a story that SmeshBras123 was working on before he tragically lost his drafts. I've been writing this story in a collaboration with him and I wanna make sure he stays ha...