Part 1

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"You're killing me, Zak."

"I told you to be patient!"

Darryl sighed, crossing his arms and pouting slightly. "I'm trying to be patient, you muffin!" The 'Just Married' ribbon they'd stolen off of the bumper of their wedding car was still around his neck.

Tugging on the material and pulling him closer, Zak rested their foreheads together. "You'll find out where we're going when we get there, okay?"

"Okay..." stealing a quick kiss, Darryl resignedly put his arms around him and lay back in his seat. As they looked out of the window at the clouds floating by, the seatbelt light flickered on and the pilot's voice came through the speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are just about to begin our descent and we will be landing shortly in-"

Zak quickly clamped his hands over Darryl's ears, releasing them a second later as the pilot carried on.

"Please make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened, and remind yourself of the emergency safety procedures as we land. We hope you enjoyed flying with us, and we hope you have a great stay!"

"This hardly seems fair," Darryl muttered, clipping both of their belts into place. "You know I'll find out where we are at the airport, right?"

"I don't care, we're not staying here anyways," Zak shrugged, smirking at his outraged expression. "Can you not just trust me, Mr Carder?"

Blushing furiously, Darryl bit his lip and looked away. Hearing his new surname made him so happy, and he became a pink stuttering mess every time Zak used it.

"What's the matter, Mr Carder? Cat got your tongue?" A mischievous glint flashed in Zak's eyes. "You like it when I call you that, huh? Do you find it cute? Sexy?" Sliding his hand onto Darryl's lap, he started to trace light circles on his inner thighs. Moving further up and sliding his hand under the fabric of Darryl's jeans, he batted his eyelashes at him.

Pulling Zak's hand away, Darryl held it in both of his. "What are you doing?! We're in the middle of a plane!"

"Yeah, a plane where we're the only people in first class, so nobody would even know..." Unbuckling his seatbelt, Zak sat sideways on Darryl's lap and started to play with strands of his hair. "Anyway, what's wrong with having an audience?"

"Oh my goodness... there are so many things wrong with that, you muffin. Get off of me and put your seatbelt back on, it's dangerous!"

"Nope," Zak grinned, spinning on his lap so they could look out of the window at the airport below. "Now give me a cuddle, hubby."

Laughing, Darryl wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheek. "You're crazy."

"Crazy in love with you," Zak joked, giggling slightly, as the plane touched down onto the tarmac runway.

"Have you been drinking, by any chance?"

"No! I'm not drunk. Sleep deprived, maybe... am I not allowed to give you a compliment?"

"You're allowed to do whatever you like, you muffin." Darryl picked up their hand luggage in one hand and interlaced their fingers with the other. Heading into the arrivals area, they handed over their passports for inspection. "Didn't you sleep well?"

Now it was Zak's turn to blush. "I couldn't sleep... without you."

"Aww, that's sickeningly sweet."

"Name and birthdate, both of you," the inspection officer barked, and they quickly snapped back to his gaze.

"Zak Carder, January 9th, 2000."

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