Chapter 1- The Start of Everything

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It was one news report that started everything. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jamie and I'm 13. I come from a large family with a mom, a dad, and 13 brothers and sisters. We spend so much time together and we never separate. My oldest brother is 17 and his name is Blake and he leads all of us younger kids. My youngest brother is 8 months old and his name is Gabriel. In all there's 9 boys and 5 girls in our family. One day a news report came on and it said that the zombie apocalypse was coming soon. We didn't believe it at first, but then they showed the man who was bit and some other boring information. After the hour news report it said we only had about a week or two to prepare for it. We believed it now and our parents got nervous about it. My aunts and uncles called my mom and dad to talk about it. Everyone was talking about it for the next few days. Another news report came on 5 days later. The man said, "Does anyone remember the news report about the Zombie Apocalypse? Well, we want to warn everyone that they should board up their windows now." They showed the hospital up by the parkway, which is where all of us were born, and there were dead bodies in the parking lot. It scared me and all of us. It made my little brothers and sisters cry. They weren't just crying about the dead bodies, it was because they said that it could be any of us in the next week or two. My couldn't watch anymore so she turned the tv off. My mom said, "Kids, pack one bag with some clothes, we're getting out of town." I said, "But where will we go?" My mom said, "Anywhere safe that they said was safe. People are going to be leaving town and the traffic will be bad. We will leave early tomorrow morning." My siblings and I ran upstairs to pack and help the little ones pack. We only used backpacks so we put some clothes in them(the girls have pink backpacks with their names on it and the boys have blue backpacks with their names on it). I helped my little brothers and sisters pack their backpacks. They put their favorite stuffed animal in the top of the clothes and closed the backpacks. It was 8pm and we finished packing. My parents called my aunts and uncles, we're all going to meet at our house at 6:00 so we have to get up early. We all showered, for the last time I remember showering. We went to sleep and woke up the next day. The news report was on and it showed a few people on the parkway and they were leaving town. At 6am our cousins and aunts and uncles came. We all ate breakfast together and we left at 6:35. We got into the RV and we put all of our backpacks under the couch. We made sure everyone was in the Rv and we went to get gas. We didn't get on the parkway until 7:15. The traffic got crazy once we were halfway on the parkway. At 8am we were literally stopped in traffic. My little brothers and sisters went in the back of the RV in the bedroom to lay on the bed to take naps. My cousins and some of my little brothers fell asleep on the 2 couches that we had in the RV. Eventually all the younger ones under 10 had fell asleep. I was a little tired but there was too much going on and I didn't want to fall asleep. I was also scared. I knew about the apocalypse, I've seen the movies and the TV shows. Our family's favorite tv show was The Walking Dead. We knew how bad it could get. It didn't seem real. I felt like something bad was going to happen to me. I noticed that the past 15 minutes we haven't been moving at all and the car was off. I sat up and saw we were still in traffic. We were further up the parkway now. I could see the Hospital in the distance. It gave me the chills, thinking about the dead bodies. On the other side of the parkway, the way heading back to town was empty. Every car was on this side of the parkway, going out of the city. I looked at my cousins and brothers sleeping on the couch. They're so lucky to not know how bad it's going to be. All of the sudden I heard helicopters and police cars. They were all going towards the city. I saw one hovering above the hospital and then it headed towards the city. I saw 2 more police cars 30 seconds later. I saw my parents and aunts and uncles talking. I looked out the window and I saw a few police officers going up to the windows and talking to all the people. Once they were done talking the people got out of their cars screaming. The police officers started running around the traffic and everyone was running out of their cars. My younger brothers and sisters who were in the bedroom came out and my parents went to pick them up. My dad put the baby holder on and he put baby Gabriel in it. We all got out of the car when the police officer came. We made sure we had everyone and all our backpacks. Everyone was heading in the direction away from the city. Parents were holding their babies and their kids hands. Everyone was running. I was terrified. I saw everyone getting into the trucks. I saw a little girl get separated from her mom, dad and sister. I wanted to help. At least they saved the girl but she was separated. I had my own large family to worry about. I was holding my 1 year old baby brother Logan. My oldest brother Blake, age 17, was holding my 2 year old old brother Jace. My other brothers and sisters were running. The youngest who were running was my 4 year old twin brother and sister Ella and Griffin. Once we got to the trucks there was no room or trucks left. There were still like 10 other families that weren't on the trucks yet. They told us that more were coming. We just waited there. 5 minutes later we heard screaming and it was a man being attacked. I saw him being bit for a split second and then my mom covered all our eyes. The police killed the zombies. Everyone else except our family panicked. The other 10 families ran back to their cars and tried to escape. A giant heard of zombies came and attacked the 6 police man that were there. Since we were the only family left that hadn't ran back to the car we ran off back to the RV. We got into the RV and closed the door and we were all there. Our parent made all of the little ones hide in the back of the RV. We all got quiet and let the hoard pass us. We waited half an hour and out parents started the RV. We started driving and we went around the other cars. We saw the 10 other families that were waiting with us. They were in their cars and they were all eaten up, the zombies must have got them. We drove for a little and we got out of the crowd of cars. Any of us older than 9 came out of the back and sat on the couch. The others were too scared. We drove for an hour. We pulled over on the side of the road and we set up a camp. We were far enough away from the city. We got out and set up a tent. We weren't going to just sleep in a tent by the woods where a zombie could come out of nowhere. We had guns, our dad and our uncles are hunters. They will sleep in the tent and they will take turns standing watch at night. It was about 10:30 once we were all settled in the camp. At 12:30 we had some lunch and I felt better, like we were a happy family. The day soon ended, we had a nice dinner by the fire we made. We soon went to sleep and I forgot everything that happened in the morning. The next few days went on like that, everything was going so well. It was probably a week or two later when we had to leave because we realized we were too exposed. The RV still had about half a tank of gas left. We only drove it a little on the parkway and we haven't drove it in about 2 weeks so the gas didn't decrease. We left our camp and left a sign saying, "The Sparks Family was here." My brothers and sisters took naps in the back and I heard my parents talking, "Where should we go now?" I said, "How about the school? It's a private school so there's a fence. They could have people there, and food too." My parents liked my suggestion so we drove a little longer and we got to the school. We noticed that no one was there because the fence was open. We drove inside and it was completely empty. The school was all locked up and it looked like someone might have been there. We drove down the hill into the back of the school where the playground was. My dad and uncles looked around and the area was clear. They closed the gate in the front and checked the fence all around. So, to keep the beginning less boring I'll skip ahead, we stayed at the school for 2 weeks.

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