Chapter 4- One of them

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Jamie's POV
I woke up and I was a zombie. How is this possible? I know how it's possible but I shouldn't be able to know that I am. Zombies only think one thing, eating people. I don't only think that. It's like I think normal, but I look and act like a zombie. I tried talking but all that came out was moaning and growling. I walked over to the dead body because for some reason I had the urge to eat the dead body, but it seems like they already ate a lot because the body was smaller now. I went over to it and I was able to tell who the dead body was, it was, my brother Noah. I wanted to cry, seeing his 11 year old body being eaten by the walkers. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't cry. Suddenly that sad feeling went away and I had the urge to eat the body. My brother complete left my mind. It was like 50% of my brain was still fine but the other 50% was all dead and zombie brain. After a minute I realized what I was doing and I wanted to cry again. I looked at the body and noticed he didn't look like a person at all, just a carcass. They had eaten his whole face. I got up and walked away and then my brain was neutral again, I didn't think about my family or killing anything, just neutral. I walked around the school trying to find any kind of hints to see anything of my family's. I lost interest after a minute. I was full zombie again and I wanted meat. I started walking down the path behind the school. It led to a small neighborhood and I saw some other walkers in the street. I saw another path and I smelt people. I walked down the paths and the other walkers followed me, it was like I was leading them. We walked down the path and we heard guys talking. When we walked up the path there was a car with the lights on. 2 men were arguing over where they would go. There were some other people, some kids, all huddled around the car. One woman noticed us in the lights and yelled, "Uhh, guys, walkers." The men looked at us and we started walking towards them. The men shouted, "Hide behind the truck." I saw more walkers coming from behind me and we all went towards them. The other walkers were faster than me because I had a hurt leg. I ended up near the back. I was the only small walker in the group. I heard gunshots and I was suddenly human brain again. I didn't want to get shot so I walked away as if I noticed something else and the other walkers didn't notice me. I heard the man shouting, "Let's run them over." The men got in the car and started driving it towards the group of walkers. I thought about my brother and I decided to get hit by the car so I could end this, this life we live in now, it's not worth living. Having to either die or be dead. It's not worth it. I walked over to the group and a second later, we were hit by the car. I saw them take off and take their people with them. I remember being stuck between the car and a tree, but I didn't die. Neither did the other walkers. We all were not happy, we wanted out from under the car. We moaned and growled. Since I was the smartest walker there, I lifted the car and helped us escape. The other walkers got up and I signaled them to follow me. We headed in the direction where I saw the car take off. We were in a large hoard of about 20 walkers now since more joined us and more are. We got to a neighborhood and all the houses looked dead. We kept walking and I heard people. I started going in the direction of the voices. I started acting a little more human, like walking a little more normal and giving a hand gesture. But the walkers still knew I thought like them, I still wanted to kill, but I was smarter than all of them. I led them down the street and I started banging on the door of one of the houses. The people who were talking were in there. The other walkers banged on the door with me. We were really mad so we knocked on the door really hard. I signaled them to stop and I backed up and ran up to the door and kicked my foot into it. The door swung open and the people stared at us in shock. The said, "Oh shit." The other man said, "Some of those are the ones we ran over the car with." The other man said, "I know, but how did they get out from under the car?" The other man said, "I don't know Ryan!" Ryan said, "We gotta get out of here John!" John said, "Cmon." They ran to the back of the house into the backyard. We followed them back there. The man named John said, "Hey Ryan, does that one girl look familiar?" Ryan said, "Yeah, she's one that we ran over, so what?" John said, "She's very suspicious. It's like she knows what's happening." Ryan said, "Who cares, let's get out of here!" John said, "Wait, where's everyone else?" Ryan said, "I don't know, who cares dude, let's go." As they were about to run out of the backyard away from us I said, "Wait, let's make a deal?" I can't believe I can talk now. Maybe I just didn't try hard enough. John said, "Oh shit, the girl talked." I signaled the other walkers to stop. I said, "Look, I bet you're confused why I can talk. Well I'm pretty confused myself. I woke up looking like this and I felt normal. I'm pretty sure 50% of my brain is normal and the other 50% is dead. I've been switching back and forth from wanting to kill and wanting to not kill." Ryan said, "B-but h-how? Is that even possible?" I said, "I don't know, but it's working. Just warning you, I switch a lot so I'm gonna make sure you guys live. See, these guys listen to me because they see me as one of them and they learned to manage their hunger but I can't promise anything. Come with me if you want to live." I led them to the front yard as my walker heard followed me. I said, "Hurry before they can't hold back or I can't hold back anymore." The two guys left and suddenly me and my zombie gang wanted to kill. The two men started running and I chased them with the other walkers. Lucky for them they got away.

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