Too-Much-Information Inventory

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[I have to write an exciting short story for class. Instead of pulling out incidents straight from my imagination, I decide to base it on real life events. I've got something; I just can't quite put my finger on it. As you can see, I'm extremely stressed out....

 As you can see, I'm extremely stressed out

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This is how I begin]:I'm Julie. I'm twenty-six years old. I'm bipolar and have recently suffered a near nervous breakdown after the divorce. By the time I finish this story, I may be dead.

Over the past twelve months, this is how I've taken to spending my time:

So I moved into my own apartment and became an escort for one month...

So I moved into my own apartment and became an escort for one month

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...aaand then quit.

There was this one trick named Preston who liked to jerk off at me while pouring this sort of homemade green slime over my shoulders and on top of my head as I stood there wearing a carefully selected, now ruined, business dress suite, pretending to be surprised. He needed me to be surprised because he always got off watching Nickelodeon.

Oh, and don't ask me - I believe he'd used some green VO5 shampoo and lube for the Nickelodeonconcoction

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Oh, and don't ask me - I believe he'd used some green VO5 shampoo and lube for the Nickelodeonconcoction.

My pimp told me I needed to sound sexier, more erotic, over the phone with my clients. He was right because they had always pointed out that I sounded like a school teacher. I found that a bit humorous since school teaching was actually what I was in college for!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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Three O' Clock Cocktail, (In The A.M.): A Literary Compilation By Joleen RayWhere stories live. Discover now