day xxvi

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Steve looked at his bowl, not feeling very hungry. Not knowing what was happening to his eldest kid was killing him. He looked at her, to see her just staring at her own bowl. Peter hadn't tried to distract her as he usually did. He wasn't his animated self, and everyone could see it, especially Wanda.

"Have you find out anything about the doctor?" Natasha asked, after the silence became too much.

Steve shifted his attention from Wanda to Natasha. "It's like he disappeared into the wind. We are still looking."

Natasha nodded. "If would have been easier if we had a name. Are you sure you didn't hear him say one?"

Steve and Tony shook their heads.

"Pete? Wanda?" Natasha asked, her voice soft. The two teens looked up in surprise. "Did you hear any names other than the two we already had?"

Wanda shook her head and turned back to her food. Peter took a moment to think. "No. Sorry."

"Miss Maximoff, would you like me to make something else?" Vision asked, his eyes on the girl.

Wanda looked up at the android, a small frown on her face. She shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she whispered, pushing her bowl back.

Steve looked at Tony and Clint, seeing the worry in their eyes. They had just found a way to get the female teen to eat and now they were back to where they started.

"Do you know what's happening to me?" Wanda asked in a small voice, causing everyone to look at her. She just stared at the hands.

"We haven't found anything out of the ordinary," Tony told her, "but we aren't giving up. We're going to help you."

Wanda gave them a nod. Steve watched her, as she tried to make herself small. It hurt him, knowing all the progress they had done with the two kids was gone.


"They haven't discovered the chip?" the doctor asked, looking at the hydra soldiers around. He had started to move on with his mission. He knew the Avengers were trying to figure out why Wanda was losing control. They were able to see things from her point of view when they were in control. They would send signals to parts of her brain they wanted control of, and then they would make her do what they wanted her to.

"It doesn't seem like it. The cloaking device worked," a female employee replied, bringing a smile to his face.

It brought him joy at the thought of the Avengers not knowing what was happening to one of their own.

He looked to Thomson. "Level six."

Thomson looks surprised. "The last level? Are you sure?"

The doctor stared at the questioning man. "I will have someone else monitor her," he threatened, and he saw the other male soldiers perk up. "Do it. I won't ask again."

Thomson turned the knob, and turned the switch.


Wanda was sitting in the kitchen, when she suddenly heard a loud ringing in her head. She gripped the table in front of her as her head felt like it was splitting open. She let out a small, weak cry, getting everyone's attention.

"Wanda?" Steve questioned, taking a step to the girl.

The pain in Wanda's heard ended and she stretched out her hand, stopping Steve in his spot.

"Wanda? What are you doing?"

The girl frowned, trying to call her magic back. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own. She threw psionic energy at him, throwing him across the room. The other Avengers prepared to fight back. Peter moved out of the way, tears in his eyes. Wanda threw out more of her magic, pushing everyone back. She tried to talk, but she couldn't get anything out of her mouth.

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