Long Story Short

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-Tord's P.O.V-

"Its... complicated..." I whispered, wishing Tom was anywhere else in the world. "A few years back I was tasked with creating a bio-weapon for the Red Army to control. Me, the red leader, the second in commands... and so on. After perfecting it, I had to find the perfect host..." My shoulders started shaking from fear, knowing this would give Tom more reasons to both hate and possibly fear me. "The host was Tom... I only thought it would work once! Turns out I was wrong and now you guys know..." I looked down at my feet, waiting to be screamed at or hit.

"Well thats... expected." I looked up in shocked. "I mean you built a giant robot, launched a missle at me- maybe thats why I survived." Tom mumbled but shrugged it off. "I- what?" Tom looked at me and shrugged again. "As long as I'm not being used I really don't care. Yeah it hurts like hell when I do turn but it's still not much of a bother."

I was shocked, but pleased I wasn't getting yelled at or hit. "Thank you..." Tom gave me a confused look. "I mean ok!" I shouted before scampering back to Tom's room, making it inside before a sharp pain in my shoulder hit. "FEIN!" I scrambled for the bottle in my hoodie and took a few, waiting for it to subside. "Seems like we both have our fair share of problems." I laughed uneasily before going to my corner.

"You can sleep in my bed... since it seems like you don't want me or my friends dead..." I nearly jumped at the sound of Tom's voice. "I-I'm fine here. Honestly." I mumbled before getting dragged to the bed. "I can walk you know." "I don't care." I laughed as I was damn near thrown into the bed, landing on my stomach. "Oof."

Tom flopped down next to me and smiled, seeming to enjoy my presence which was odd and slightly terrifying. "Are you being friendly with me?" I rolled on to my side and looked at him, watching his smile turn into a frown.

-Tom's P.O.V-

*Am I being friendly with him? I guess I am but why?* I sighed and looked at him. "Yes I am." I nearly jerked back when he hugged me, still not used to him being sentimental. "Tord? Are you ok? You've been acting strange all morning." Tord sighed and hugged me tighter. "I just... got nervous that you were going to hit me or yell at me like you used to."

My eyes went wide. "I- Tord-" I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "Your clearly not the same person you were years ago... so why would I?" He turned away, seemingly not wanting to continue the conversation. I know I lost my patience and hit him but he hit me to. *But what if...* My 'eyes' grew wide, but kept calm to not make him worry.

*At Night, Tord Is Asleep*

I sighed, standing in front of the mirror looking at myself in hatred. I never asked what I had done when I was drunk because I didn't care. I never wondered why they would be silent for hours after I woke up the next morning but it made sense. "I was a monster before I turned into one..."

I looked at the flask sitting on my dresser, half of me wanting to drink these thoughts away while the other wanted to throw it in the trash. I grabbed it and shakily drank what was left in it, not wanting to get drunk. I didn't even notice Tord had woken up when I felt his arms wrap around me. "You never hurt anyone while you were drunk... you flirted instead. It was cute."

I could feel my face turn red, if it wasn't for my lack of gag reflex I would have spat out my drink. "W-w-when did you wake up?" I stuttered out, feeling things in places I shouldn't be feeling. "I don't sleep well... also you have a real nice ass." Tord laughed, making me turn a darker shade of red. "Llllets go t-to bed..." I whispered and cralwed into bed, Tord joining me.

"I ment it though, you really do have a nice ass." He smiled at me before falling asleep. *I swear to Jehovah Tord if you weren't kinda cute I'd strangle you* I threatened in my head before going go sleep, feeling tired from lack of sleep and possible embarrassment.

-It's ya boy back again with over 700 words. I know I'm taking forever but I just want it to be a good story. Ok?

~Lightning, Out!

Monster Tom X Tord- Silent StormsWhere stories live. Discover now