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Jihye POV

After the last kiss i shared with him, everything wasn't the same anymore, like why did he kiss me? No, the right question is why did i kiss him back? Have i lost my mind? Why on earth did i kiss the only person i hate the most in this whole universe?! It was a mistake.

I mean not gonna lie his lips are tempting, soft and plump, how am i supposed to stop him? Anyone in this world who is sane would do exactly the same as i did. Even tho i hate him, yes i still hate him.

I'm going to lose my mind if i'm not going out anytime soon, as i finally dragged my feet out of my room, "I'm going out Tae." I said as i was focusing on my phone that i didn't even realize that the whole squad was here, including him.

As soon as i said that I'm going out, everyone look at my direction, "okay, take care baby sis." Says Taehyung as Jungkook and Jin are staring at me with the same intense look. Oh well i better get going.

"Where are you going?" They even share the same brain cell now? Wow.

"Taking care of my self obviously." I said as i rolled my eyes and head out to the salon that i usually go, i always go there, the owner is so sweet, she is in her 40s, her name is Kim Hyerin, and she is always happy to see me.

"Oh, Jihye-ah! I miss you! Where have you been my dear?" As i was about to answer, someone interrupted me "eomma, I'm heading out-"

No shit sherlock, "you?!" She said in surprise as she gives me a nasty glare "yes, me." I said as she put her hand on her hips "you are not welcome here!"

"Yah! Jisoo! She is my recent customer, watch your mouth!" Hyerin said.

"Yes, Jisoo unnie, you can't discriminate someone just because she is better looking than you." I whispered on her ear as i send her a wink afterwards, I'm pretty sure she is fuming by now, but can't really do anything about it.

"I will end you." She mouthed at me as i smirked "try me bitch." I mouthed her back as she left, "I'm sorry about my daughter, she is usually so sweet and warm, i don't know why she is acting that way to you."

"It's okay, i can understand her, her boyfriend been flirting with me, that makes her hate me i guess." I said as Hyerin was shocked "she has a boyfriend?! And she didn't tell me?!" Oops i guess?

Seokjin POV

Jisoo: oppa, I'm here alr, whre r u?

Me: omw.

Jisoo: ok, i got ur fav as usual, love u. ❤

I'm sorry Jisoo, i don't deserve you.

At the cafe~

"Oppa!" I turned to see her sitting there with her usual order and mine.

With her bright smile she waved at me, Lord give me strength. "Ah Jisoo-ah, I'm sorry i made you wait." I said as she sighs.

"Oppa, you called me Jisoo."

"That's your name isn't it?" I said completely oblivious of why is it a problem.

"Well duh, but you always call me Jichu. What's wrong?"

I just can't hurt her, besides Jihye is just an enemy, why would i end my relationship with the one that actually appreciate me just for my uncertain feelings toward Jihye.

"Oh, sorry." I said as she smiles "is ookay, I'm Jisoo I'm okay."

"AArgh oppa, i met Jihye today." She said as i choked on my americano. "She is so annoying, i didn't know that she is my mum recent customer. My mum seems to like her, i told her that she wasn't welcome here, and she said that i should not discriminate her just because she is better looking than me." She whines as i was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Oppa, do something about her okay?  She annoyed me. Tell her not to underestimate me, besides I'm her sunbae. She is so rude" she said as i mentally rolled my eyes, as if Jihye would listen.

"I'll see what i can do."

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