Who are you?

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~Harry's POV~

"Harry, wake up! I want fooood! Get up!" Said... someone.

"I'm up," I said, sitting up and putting my glasses on. "Great! now hurry up and get ready, Hermione is waiting for us."

He was about to walk away but I said, "wait!"

"I have two questions..." I said, "Um ok... go for it."

"Who are you? And who's Hermione?" I asked.
"Heh, you're joking right?" He said.

"No. Why? Should I know you?" I asked.

He was shocked by my questions. "Hermione! We have a BIG problem!" He shouted.

A few seconds later a girl with fluffy brown long hair came in the room, "You must be Hermione, I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you." I said, Hermione looked very confused.

"Um did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I did, I'm not the best at proper manners.." I said, getting up from my bed.

"See! BIG problem!" The boy shouted.
"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name? And what problem?" I asked.

"My name is Ronald but you can call me Ron," Ron said.

"Do you know you're full name?" Hermione asked.
"Yes, I am Harry James Potter," I said a little bit confused about why I wouldn't know my name.

"Whew, that is a relief." Hermione said, "Relief? Why?" I asked.

"Well Harry, we are you're best friends and you don't seem to know us..." Hermione explained.
"Oh my, I am so sorry if I hurt you're feeling," I said.

"It's fine mate, but we need to get you to the hospital wing," Ron said.
"Agreed," Hermione said.

Ron and Hermione took me to the hospital wing and we were greeted by the nurse... or doctor. I'm still not sure who she is.

"What seems to be the problem?" The woman asked.
"Well, he doesn't remember us..." Hermione said sadly.

"Please don't be sad, I may not know you but I can see that you are a great friend," I said.
"Oh, dear." The woman said.

"Yeah.." Ron said, "How long has he been like this?" The woman asked.

"Ever since this morning..." Hermione said.

"Harry, do you remember yesterday? And if you do can you describe it?" The women asked.
"Um. I can't remember much, I remember I went to potions class and a few other classes, but everything else is a bit fuzzy." I explained.

"Do you remember anything about me and 'mione?" Ron said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't..." I said, my words clearly hurt Hermione and Ron.
'I wish I could remember, I don't like seeing them hurt...'

"I can't do anything right now, so just take him around and see if he can remember anyone, I will inform the teachers. For now, go eat." She explained.

"Mhm." I nodded.

~In the halls~

"Oh, there you are!" Said a girl with long light blond hair and a blue tie.

"Hello." Hermione said, "Hey." Ron said.
She smiled and said, "Harry, I need to speak with you for a second."

"Ok, go ahead," I said, she smiled again. "But before say anything, can I have your name?"

She was confused and shocked, "It's me, Luna. You already know my name."

"He can't remember anyone," Hermione explained.
"Oh gosh! That's terrible!" Luna exclaimed.

"Yeah, can we just go eat? I feel bad for not knowing you guys..." I said.
"Ok Harry," Hermione said.


I sat down with Ron and Hermione. Hermione grabbed my plate, but for some reason, it doesn't surprise me.

"Do you always get my rood? It feels.. familiar." I asked.
"Yeah, I have been doing this for a year. Now eat" Hermione explained.

I smiled and nodded.

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