Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
"Thea wake up, we are almost home."
Axl said while he shook her shoulder.
"What? How long have I been sleeping?"
"You have been asleep for like ten hours. Are you okay?"
"No. I'm getting weak again. I need to drink. I can't be this weak and try to have three different packs fight together. I don't understand why I got weak so fast. I just drank the other day. We have to stop somewhere Axl."
Thea said concerned. Axl then got out his cell phone and dialed a number.
"Caleb, we have to make a pit stop, then we are going to pick up Cody and his mom. Take the pack to Ben's so they could meet the other packs. We will meet up later."
Axl told Caleb and hung up the phone, then he made a left turn while everyone else continued straight.
"Where are we going?"
Thea asked.
"To a small town not too far from ours. They are known for hunting. If we are lucky, there will be a hunter out in the woods, and you can do what you have to do."
Axl said while driving. Thea could tell by looking at him that he was bothered at what he was about to let Thea do. They continued to drive for a bit, then they reached the town. As they drove through it, there was women, children, and men walking in and out of small shops. Axl stopped at a stop sign and a family of four were crossing the street. A mom, dad, a girl, and a boy. As the family walked past Axl's car, the little girl waved hi to Axl. Axl waved and smiled back. Thea saw the sadness in Axl's eyes. He was about to let a vampire drink and possibly kill an innocent. A person this little girl might know or be related to. The light turned green and they drove again. They drove through little houses that all looked similar, but each one had its uniqueness. They finally reached the woods, and Axl stopped the car.
"Hunting grounds are through here."
"Are you sure? I don't smell any humans."
"My dad used to come and hunt here. He told me where it is just in case I ever needed to find him. I'm sure this is it."
Thea said and got out of the car. She closed the door then bent down and leaned forward against the opened window.
"Axl....... I........."
"It's okay Thea, I understand. Now hurry, we have to get back."
Thea turned around and ran into the woods.
I don't smell any humans. Come on, please be one.
She then picked up a scent.
Human! Smells like just one. Perfect.
Thea started to walk toward the smell. She saw a man with a rifle walking alone. Thea slowly started to walk toward him. She then got behind him, eyes turned red, fangs came out and she bit him on the neck. She started to drink, and drink, and drink, the man was dying. Thea didn't think she could stop. Then she thought of Axl. She thought about how he must feel about letting her do this. This went against everything he believed in. So, she fought through it, and eventually stopped. The man fainted and fell to the floor. Thea checked his pulse and he was still alive. Her claws came out so she can scratch him along his neck and back to make it look like an animal attack. She saw that he had a cell phone on him. She opened the phone and looked for the last person he called. It was a woman named Maggie. She pressed the call button and left the phone by the man's hand. Maggie answered.
"Hello? Hello? Frank are you there? Hello? Are you okay? Frank! Your scaring me! I'm calling the police!"
Maggie yelled through the phone. Thea started to run back to Axl's car. She finally reached his car and got in.
Thea yelled. Axl turned on the car, pressed on the gas and started driving.
"Did anyone die?"
Axl asked concerned.
"No. Almost, but no. I left the man's body with scratches, so it looked like an animal attack. Help should be coming for him soon."
Thea explained. Axl and Thea then sat in silence for a bit.
"I only stopped because I thought of you. I was going to kill him, I was so close, he tasted so good. I just couldn't stop, but then I thought of you and I stopped."
Thea said disappointed in herself while looking out the window. Axl then drove off the road, stopped the car and grabbed Thea's hand. Thea looked at him.
"All the not so good things you have done, past and present, I will always stand by you. I believe in you. There's good in you. You just have to believe in yourself."
Axl said looking into Thea's eyes. Then he got a rag from the center console and wiped a small amount of blood off the side of Thea's mouth. Once the blood was gone, he threw the rag in the back seat and drove off.
I wish I could be the girl that he deserves.
They then arrived at Thea's house.
Thea said as she got out of the car. The front door was opened. Cody, Kai and Ann started to run toward Axl and Thea. Thea waved her arm to let them through the barrier. Cody ran up to Thea and hugged her. Ann went to hug Axl, and Kai was jumping up on the side of Thea licking her face.
"How are your guys?"
Thea asked Cody and Ann.
"We are fine, just waiting for the news on how everything went."
Ann said.
"Did you find help?"
Cody asked.
"We sure did, and they are all waiting to meet you at the werewolf house."
Axl told Cody.
"This is really happening isn't it? I still can't believe this is all real."
Ann said frightened.
"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. You and Cody will meet all the packs, then we will train for the war and defeat the vampires."
Thea told Ann who looked worried.
"I promise you Ann."
"We will win this war. Don't worry. Now are you ready to meet everyone?"
Axl asked.
"Yeah. Let's go."
Cody said and then ran to sit in the back seat of Axls car. Ann followed. Thea and Axl smiled at each other and Axl got in the driver's seat. Thea then bent down to grab dirt. She opened her hand to expose the dirt, then blew on the dirt so it carried in the wind along the barrier. The barrier finally fell.
"Kai! Let's go boy!"
Thea yelled for Kai who ran into the house to grab his favorite toy, the green gecko. Kai then ran and jumped in the back seat with Ann and Cody. Thea used her powers to close the front door, and then she finally sat down in the passenger's seat. Axl started the car and drove off.
They finally arrived at the Wolf House.
"Wow that's a lot of people. They are all wolves?"
Cody asked.
"Yes, they are all wolves, well except for just one, her name is Kristy."
Thea said. All the wolves were separated from each other by packs.
"Why aren't they talking to each other?"
Thea asked Axl.
"I don't know. They should have been introducing themselves. We can't start training unless they know one another. We can't fight and expect to win with everyone being strangers. How are we supposed to have each other's backs?"
Axl said concerned.
"Well this awkwardness is about to change."
Thea said as she got out of the car. Axl and the others got out the car also. All eyes were on Cody. Cody then stood next to Thea because he felt safer. Thea then jumped and got on top of the car.
"Listen up! I'm glad you all made it here safely. As you know we are here to fight for a young witch named Cody. Last of his kind. He's an innocent little boy that deserves to be protected."
Thea then reached her hand out to Cody, and he climbed up onto the top of the car to join Thea.
"On this very day we are changing the rules. The rules your ancestors have set in place for thousands of years. Today is the new beginning for our kind. Three separate packs are becoming one! Wolves will be fighting for a witch! An innocent witch! Today marks the day that the wolves not only protect the humans, they also protect all innocents who cannot defend themselves!"
Thea yelled and all the wolves started cheering.
"Now let's spend the rest of the day and night uniting as one!"
Thea shouted and used her powers to turn on the radio in all the cars. The wolves started to interact with each other. Thea and Cody then got down from the car. The alphas from all three packs came toward Cody to introduce themselves. Kristy came out of the house with some of the wolves from tommy's pack and brought out trays of food she had prepared. Axl tugged Thea's arm and pulled her a short distance away from the others.
"We need to go out and get more food and drinks."
Thea said.
"What! Thea what are you doing? We are losing a half of day of training."
Axl said concerned.
"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Like you said, we need to get them to know each other so they can protect each other. They need to fight as one."
"I guess Thea."
Axl said uncertain.
"Hey guys."
Kristy said.
"Hi Kristy!"
Thea said as she hugged her.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling good. Happy."
"That's good. Hey Cody and Ann!"
Thea yelled out to them and they walked over.
"This is Kristy. Sister of Thomas, the alpha you just met. And Kristy, this is Ann and Cody."
Thea introduces them to each other. They shook hands.
"Nice to meet you both. Thea, I didn't expect this many people. Well I didn't really know what to expect. I'm going to head to the store to get some more meat and other stuff for dessert. Any request?"
Kristy asked all of them.
"Apples? I can make apple pies if you would like?"
Ann asked.
"Yes! That sounds delicious! Do you want to come with me to the store?"
Kristy asked Ann.
"Ummm I don't know."
Ann looked at Cody.
"Go ahead and go Ann. Cody will be safe here."
Thea assured her.
"Okay then. I'll be back soon son."
Ann told Cody and gave him a hug, then she walked off with Kristy.
"Axl your back!"
Liam shouted as he ran and hugged Axl.
"Yeah buddy I'm back. How are you holding up?"
Axl asked.
"I'm good. I think I got stronger over the past few days."
Axl and Thea laughed.
"I think you did! Your arms feel stronger."
Thea said as she touched Liam's arm while he flexed.
"Hey Liam, this is Cody."
"Hi Cody! Want to come hang out with me and my guys?"
Liam asked.
"Yeah! If that's okay with you Thea?"
"Sure it is. Go and have some fun."
Thea told Cody, and then he ran off with Liam. Kai followed him.
"I'm going to go hang out with the alphas to discuss our training for tomorrow."
Axl told Thea.
"Okay. I'll see you later."
Axl then walked away.
Where is Caleb?
Thea then started to walk toward the crowd of wolves. She finally spotted him, but he was talking and laughing with Olivia and Kayla. So she turned around and walked away. She was heading toward the house when she smelled a human.
Human? Ann and Kristy aren't here. Who could it be?
She then followed the scent. It led to a big bush.
Thea yelled as she looked behind the bush.
"What are you doing here? You can't be here."
Thea whispered. She didn't want the other wolves to know there was a human that wasn't supposed to be there.
"What's going on? I heard your speech. Are you on drugs or something?"
Pete asked.
"What? No, I'm not on drugs. Look Pete you need to go and not say anything about what you heard. It's not safe for you here. Why are you here?"
"Axl ditched our annual Christmas party we throw with our friends every year. He never skips it. He hasn't even been around. The guys were worried. He wasn't answering his phone. His dad kept telling us he went on a vacation with friends, but we are his friends and he wouldn't just leave without telling us. I saw his car pass through town, so I followed you guys here."
"Pete, Axl is fine. You just need to leave."
"Leave? You were talking about witches and werewolves, is this some kind of weird cult? Like you guys do the whole animal sacrifice thing? Because that's just gross."
"No Pete this isn't a cult. You just need to go. Now!"
"Why the rush? What is your hiding?"
"There are things that you wouldn't understand."
"Like what?"
"Like what's behind you. Don't scream."
Thea said as Damien flew down and walked quietly behind Pete. Pete turned around slowly.
Pete started to yell, but Thea covered his mouth quickly.
"I told you not to scream. The other wolves can't know your here."
Thea said and then took her hand off his mouth.
"What is that? Wolves? Where? Tell me what's going on now!"
"Okay. okay. Don't talk so loud. This is Damien, he means no harm. He's a cordoor."
"From like a different planet like an alien?"
Pete said frightened. Thea laughed.
"No, he's not an alien. He's just a creature from a hidden forest. He's here to help us."
"Help you with what?"
"Look Pete if I tell you, you promise not to freak out or tell anyone because if you did, I am probably going to have to kill you."
"Wow just straight to kill. Okay I promise." "Vampires, werewolves and witches like you read about in kids' books, well, it's all real. But you have nothing to be afraid of, you just have to go home and never talk about this okay?"
"What! Go home after you just told me that vampires are real? Ummm yeah that's not happening."
"A war is coming, here. If a vampire spots you, you will die."
"If they are coming here to this town, I have the same chance of dying here as I do at home. I want to help. I want to know everything. Starting with this guy."
Pete said as he was petting Damien.
"Okay fair enough. Here, put your hand on his forehead and close your eyes. He will show you everything."
"Wait. What? How if my eyes are closed?"
"Just close your eyes."
Thea said as she grabbed Pete's hand and put it on Damien's forehead. Pete closed his eyes, and everything flashed before him."
"Everything is real! This kid is about to die just because others feel threatened by him. He's just a kid!"
"I know Pete that's why we all gathered here. We are going to train together to get ready for this war to protect him. The war starts in a couple of days. I don't want you getting hurt. You need to go home and be with your family or find an excuse and get them out of town."
"No. I want to help."
"Pete your human. There's nothing you can do to help."
"Well guess what, this human is smart and can be of use, and one of my best friends is helping fight this war, so I'm going to help him."
Thea rolls her eyes.
"So, you're a wolf too?"
Pete asked her.
"Yeah, I'm half wolf and half vampire, but don't worry I'm not thirsty right now."
Thea said with a smile.
"What! Okay well first of all my blood taste gross so I wouldn't even try it if I was you."
Pete said and Thea laughed.
"You smell pretty sweet to me."
"Okay that's just nasty. Wait, your joking, right?"
"Well kind of, but... "
"Thea, there you are. Pete!"
Axl said in shock.
"What are you doing here? You need to leave, now!"
Axl yelled at Pete as he pointed to the direction toward town.
"No, I'm staying. I know everything and I want to help."
"He does Axl. He found out everything."
"What! Why would you tell him Thea! You're putting him in danger!"
Axl yelled.
"Well technically I didn't tell him, Damien did, but I think we should give him a chance. We could use all the help we could get. He might have ideas we haven't thought of yet."
"Yeah Axl I might have ideas, and plus you owe me. I'm one of your best friends and you never told me you're a werewolf, so now I'm here to support you."
"What? That don't even make sense. I don't need a support group.... "
Axl was saying, but then got cut off by Pete.
"Shhhh I'm trying to think of ideas."
Pete said as he closed his eyes pretending to think. Thea giggled.
"You see! He's already thinking. We needed him."
Thea laughed.
"Seriously Thea? Come on then Pete, I'll introduce you to my friends, but act like you've known I was a wolf. Don't act surprised."
Axl says in a serious voice.
"I hear Kristy's car coming. How about you boys help them unload the groceries first."
Axl said and then they walked toward the front of the house.
"Stay here Damien. Get some rest. I'll introduce you to the pack tomorrow. Okay boy?"
Thea told Damien as she was petting his shoulder. Damien licked Thea. She then walked toward the front of the house. As she was walking, she bumped into Caleb.
"Hey. Everything ok?"
Thea asked Caleb.
"Yeah. Yeah everything is great. How about you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good."
"That's good, okay well I'm just going to go in the house and get one of my jackets for Olivia."
"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing. I'm just surprised."
"Surprised about what? That you don't have me hanging at your feet like Axl does. It's not about you all the time."
"What are you talking about? You know what Caleb, just go fetch your jacket for her before she freezes to death."
Thea said sarcastically.
Caleb said and then walked away.
Why is he acting like that?
Ben yelled and waved his hand for Thea to walk over to him.
"Hey Ben. I'm glad you made it here safe."
"Yeah it was a smooth trip. I think we have a good chance to win this war. All the guys seem to be getting along, we have a couple different strategies so far to defeat the vampires. Cody seems like a great kid. You should be proud of yourself for having the courage to make these changes among us wolves."
"I'll talk to you in a bit."
Thea told Ben then ran off to find Caleb. She finally had the courage to talk to him about her feelings.
Maybe that's why he acts like an ass sometimes, because he thinks he doesn't mean anything to me.
Thea finally spotted Caleb. He was talking and laughing with Olivia, then he leaned in to kiss her. After they kissed, they held hands and walked away.
"My vision."
Thea then turned around and walked inside the house where Ann and Kristy were cooking and baking.
"Is everything okay Thea?"
Kristy asked.
"Yeah. Everything is fine. I'm just tired from the long drive. So, what are you guys cooking? I'm starving."
"Stuffed chicken, and Ann's making the apple pies."
"Wow that sounds so good. It smells like heaven in here."
"I saw Cody playing with friends when we got here. I haven't seen him play with kids in so long. Everything is going to be just fine. I know it."
Ann said with a smile. Thea and Kristy smiled too.
"Yes, everything is going to be fine. Now any baby names yet?"
Thea asked.
"We were just talking about that! So hopefully you agree, but in honor of you I decided to name my daughter Theanna. I want to name her after you because I want her to be the strong, brave, smart, beautiful, independent and courageous girl that you are."
"Kristy, I don't know what to say. I..... look I'm not this girl you just described. What I have done before I met Axl and Cody .... "
"I don't care about your past Thea. I live in the present. Now you like the name or not?"
Kristy asked Thea.
"Yes. I love it."
Thea said smiling then went to hug Kristy.
"Crap! Too close. I'm going to go get fresh air."
"Thea I'm so sorry."
Kristy said.
"No, no, no it's not your fault."
"Wait. What's wrong? I'm confused."
Ann asked.
"My blood."
Kristy said.
"Oh. Right. I forgot about the whole vampire thing."
Ann said.
"I'll be back."
Thea then walked out of the house really fast. She didn't want to run and cause attention to herself.
I just drank! What the hell is wrong with me?
As Thea was walking through the trees, she could feel her body craving Kristy's blood.
I can't keep running away! I must learn to control it!
She stopped walking, looked up in the air, closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She turned around to look at the gathering. Cody and Kai were playing with the kids, all the wolves were laughing and talking, Ann and Kristy brought out some of the food they made and placed it on a table. Thea smiled and then, she fainted. Damien felt that something was wrong with Thea, so he flew to Thea unnoticed. Once he reached her, he sniffed her. She was alive. She was just so weak from thirst. Damien laid beside her for the rest of the night.

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