Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
"What the hell?"
Thea said as she sat up in her bed. Someone was knocking on her front door nonstop. Thea got out of her bed and walked toward the front door.
I smell human!
"Who is it?!"
"It's Kristy! Open up!"
Thea opened the door.
"What are you doing here so early? Wasn't I supposed to pick you up?"
"Sorry I just couldn't wait. I was so excited about our day. Now go get ready! We will get coffee and get some breakfast out in the town. Oh, and here."
Kristy handed Thea a bottle of her blood.
"I figured you were going to give me some speech about you being around humans for too long, so this is fresh. Now drink up! No excuses on why we must cut our girls day short. You have to be ready by 5:00. We only have 8 hours! Now go, go, go!"
Kristy shouted and walked into Thea's house.
"Okay I'm going."
Thea said then drank the bottle of blood while she walked into her room to get ready.
"So, who told you where I live?"
I asked Ann.
"People really have to stop showing up here. I'm this far away for a reason. I don't want to hurt anyone."
"Oh, stop it Thea. You won't hurt us; we are your friends."
"It's harder than you think."
"Stop all this fuss, and no you're not wearing that!"
Kristy shouted as she was looking at Thea's outfit, which was leggings and a sweatshirt.
"Why not? Aren't I trying on dresses anyways?"
"That's not the point. We have to look cute. We are going out in the town! I'll find something for you."
Kristy said as she went through Thea's clothes.
"Here at least put this top on after I make some adjustments."
"What do you mean adjustments?"
Thea asked as Kristy grabbed some scissors she saw on top of a dresser. She started to cut the shirt to make it shorter.
"There! Perfect!"
"No way! That's too short for me!"
"It's sexy. Embrace your sexy side."
"You're not going to stop until I do everything you say are you?"
"Awwwwww you know me so well. Now chop, chop. I'll wait for you outside."
Kristy said as she walked away. Thea put the shirt on, then her shoes.
I look ridiculous.
Thea then brushed her teeth, combed her hair, grabbed her bag and walked out the door.
"Good morning boy. Make sure you go to the wolf house to train and watch over everyone. I'll probably be gone all day. Wish me luck."
Thea said as she hugged Damien around his neck. Kristy started to honk her horn.
"I'm coming!"
Thea shouted and walked toward Kristy's car and got in.
"And we are off!"
Kristy said with excitement and drove off.
"So where are we headed to first?"
Thea asked.
"A little breakfast spot. It's so cute. The best pancakes. So fluffy."
"Sounds good."
After they drove for a while, they finally arrived in town. Kristy parked the car. They were in the middle of the shopping center.
"Why is there so many people out already?"
"Don't panic. You drank already remember. It's dance night, everyone is out shopping to get ready for the dance. You will be fine."
"If you say so."
Thea and Kristy then got out of the car and walked into the breakfast spot called BLUES PANCAKES.
"Wow look who it is, Kristy. I wonder if she's still on drugs."
"Oh my, look who's back from the dead."
"I wonder if her brother is still hot?"
"I can't believe she dares to show her face here. How embarrassing."
Thea read the minds of some of the people in BLUES. Kristy found an empty booth by the window. Thea followed her and sat down.
"Hello, I'm Beth, what can I get you to drink?" "Coffee please."
Thea said.
"Orange juice please, and we know what we will have. Two orders of blues pancake stacks."
The waitress wrote everything down then walked away.
"Kristy, I know it's none of my business, but everyone is like super surprised that you're on this side of town. Why?"
"I forgot you have that vampire mind reading thing. I just made some mistakes when I was in high school. When I moved in with my brother, everyone assumed I ran away or went to rehab because I'm crazy or on drugs. It was just a rumor someone started."
"Oh okay. You never talk about the baby's father. Is he from here?"
"No. I usually go over to the next town to do my shopping for the boys. I like to avoid all of these people. That's where I met him. It was just a one-night thing, no big deal."
"Are you ever going to tell him about the baby?"
"I'm not sure yet. If I do, then he's going to have to be introduced to all this werewolf, vampire, witches' stuff and honestly it's just another person I'm going to be putting in danger."
"That's true. Well I support you in whatever you choose to do. You're a great person, so don't let these town people say otherwise."
"Thank you and I'll try not to. It does get to me sometimes."
Kristy said sadly.
"Here's your drinks and pancakes. Enjoy."
Beth said.
"Wow these do look fluffy."
"Stop staring and dig in!"
Kristy said and they both started to eat.
"Kristy, no joke these are so good."
"I told you."
Thea then looked out the window and saw Gia walking.
"Hey who's that girl in that red top?"
"Yuck that's Gia. Ms. popular, I'm better than everyone else."
"Yeah I figured. She was so mad when she saw me with Axl not too long ago."
"Well duh. Her and Axl went out for like a year. They broke up last year. From what I know, he broke up with her and she was not happy about it. Such a bitch. Well I'm done with my food. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's do this."
"Perfect. I'll go pay for the bill."
"What? No. I got this whole day. Here."
Thea said as she went into her bag and pulled out a handful of cash.
"Damn! Did you rob a bank?"
Kristy said sarcastically. Thea smiled.
"Wait. You really did rob a bank?"
"No one got hurt. I was in and out. My powers did most of the dirty work."
Thea said and Kristy laughed.
"So, what your saying is that there really is no limit on what we spend today?"
"Well let's not get too crazy."
"Okay deal, now let's go pay and get out of here before all the good dresses are gone."
Kristy said as she got out of the booth. Thea followed. As Kristy was paying Thea heard a voice again.
"Thank god that nasty slut is leaving."
A teenage girl said to herself while she was sitting with her friends. Thea closed her eyes and used her powers to spill the girl's orange juice all over her.
The girl screamed. Kristy looked at the girl, then looked at Thea. They both started to laugh, then they left. They walked to a dress shop down the street.
"Are you ready to try on the most beautiful dresses?"
"Kind of?"
"Oh stop! It's going to be fun!"
Kristy said as she grabbed Thea's hand and walked into the store.
"Wow you weren't lying about these dresses being beautiful."
"I have always wanted to shop in here, but never had the money. This is where the fancy spoiled popular girls' shop. I'm so excited!"
"I can definitely tell."
"Hi, excuse me I think you're looking for the next shop over at the DRESSES FOR LESS."
An older lady said who worked there.
"I can't believe these girls think they can afford this place."
Thea read the lady's mind. Thea reached in her bag and pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, then put it in the lady's hand.
"That's for you. Keep the dresses coming. I need a special one for tonight's dance."
"Yes of course. My name is Barbra. Claudia please get this young lady's measurements and find her our finest dresses to try on."
"Of course. Right this way."
Claudia said and lead the girls to a room in the back. Thea and Kristy then sat down on a big couch.
"Anything to drink?"
Claudia asked.
"Whatever you want Kristy."
"Root beer floats?"
Thea started laughing.
"Yes of course."
Claudia said then took Thea's measurements and walked away.
"Really? Root beer floats?"
"Yeah. I'm craving one."
Kristy said as another woman from the store walked in holding three dresses. She handed them to Thea.
"Wow these are beautiful."
"Try them on already!"
Kristy shouted. Thea then started to try them on. The first dress was blue. Short in length with long sleeves and sparkles all over.
"I look like a Christmas decoration."
"I like it!"
Thea said then tried on the white dress. Long sleeves, long in length with a puff bottom and low cut in the chest.
"I'm not getting married."
"It's so beautiful."
Then Thea tried on the purple dress with silver designs on it. It had long sleeves and was long in length.
"I look like the eggplant emoji."
"Yeah I agree with you on that one."
Thea then took the dress off. Claudia came back with the root beer floats. Another worker walked in with more dresses. Thea tried on all of them, but she didn't like any of them.
"I give up."
"No, you can't! There has to be something!"
"Hello girls. Did you find anything you like yet?"
Barbra asked.
"No, nothing says ME if you know what I mean."
"Yes, I understand. I have a box in my office that we keep for our regular customers. They were just delivered. I'll go get it."
Thea said then sat down next to Kristy and drank her root beer float. Then Barbra walked in with the box. Thea opened it and saw a few dresses that were nice. Then on the bottom of the box, a beautiful black laced dress with some red, and long laced sleeves that went all the way down to her middle finger in triangle shape. It was a long dress that had a small black train. The chest area was cut into a beautiful design and off the shoulders. Thea tried it on.
"Thea this is the one."
"I know. This is me.
"Yes. Dark, mysterious, powerful and beautiful."
Kristy said smiling.
"How much?"
Barbra said. Kristy almost choked on her root beer float.
"Is cash okay?"
Thea asked.
"That would be wonderful."
Thea took off the dress and handed it back to Claudia. She walked over to her bag, pulled out the money, and gave Barbra the cash. She got dressed, then her and Kristy walked to the front of the store to pick up her dress that was carefully bagged. As Thea was grabbing her dress, Gia and her friends walk in.
"What the hell are you doing here Kristy? Why did you let her in Barbra? You know she can never afford this place. You let in bums now?"
Gia asked. Kristy stood quiet and kept her back toward Gia.
"Excuse me? If you have a problem with my friend, then you have a problem with me. So, is there a problem?"
Thea asked as she turned around to face Gia.
"As a matter of fact, I do. Stay away from Axl."
Gia said as she walked closer to Thea.
"You don't want me as your enemy."
Thea threatened.
"Thea come on let's go. We are better than this."
Kristy said as she pulled Thea's arm toward the door. Thea then started to follow Kristy.
"Finally, the trash is out and we can shop."
Gia said. Thea and Kristy walk over to Kristy's car and get in.
"Why does she hate you so much? She's lucky I didn't kill her."
"It's my mess Thea. I dated her older brother when I was a sophomore and he was a senior. Gia was a freshman. Her brother and I kept it a secret, but word got out and Gia was not having it as usual. She would embarrass and harass me in front of the whole school. She started rumors about me. That's when I left and lived with my brother."
"Her brother didn't stop her?"
"She was his baby sister, of course he didn't stop her. He broke up with me."
"That asshole."
"Well we got a dress. Let's get out of here and still have our girl's day. Do you want to go to the beach? Then would you do me the honors and do my hair and makeup?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Let's go!"
Thea shouted and Kristy drove off. Music was blasting, the girls were singing. They finally arrive at the beach and get out of the car. They take off their clothes, leaving their underwear and bras on, and run into the water.
"Ahhhhh it's so cold!"
Kristy said laughing. Thea dove under the water and came back up.
"It's perfect!"
Thea shouted and then splashed Kristy. Kristy then Splashed her back. They both started laughing.
"Soooooo are you going to kiss Axl tonight?"
"That's a no. We are just friends."
"Thea come on; you know you guys are more than that."
"It's like what you said. I don't need to drag him into my mess."
"Yeah, but with Axl it's different. He already knows everything. He's a werewolf!"
"He deserves a normal life too. I can't fit into his world."
"How do you know if you don't try. You're already going to his school's dance, that's a start."
"Ugh stop already."
Thea said giggling and splashed Kristy.
"You see! You know it's true!"
Kristy said.
"Are you ready to lay out?"
Thea said, then her and Kristy got out of the water.
"I'm pretty sure I have towels in my trunk. I'll be back."
Kristy then walked to her car. Thea turned around and looked out into the water, remembering herself as a wolf with Axl.
Kristy shouted and threw a towel at Thea. Thea caught it and laid down on it. Kristy did the same.
"This feels so nice."
"Yes, it does."
Thea said as they both closed their eyes and fell asleep.
"Thea wake up!"
Kristy shouted.
"What's going on?"
Thea said as she was waking up.
"It's 2:30! We fell asleep! Get up! We are so behind schedule!"
"Kristy it will be fine. It doesn't take hours to do someone's hair and makeup."
"Yes, it does! Come on!"
Kristy shouted and started to run toward her car. Thea got up slowly. She grabbed her towel and walked over to Kristy's car.
"Seriously Thea! Can you walk any slower?!"
"It's just a school dance. Why are you so worked up about it?"
"Because I never had the chance to go to mine. Now can you please hurry and get in the car. You can shower at your place, then we will sneak back into mine. I'll do your hair and makeup, and you can get dressed there too."
"Why sneak?"
"You can't have Axl see you!"
"Okay, gosh sorry. Are you sure you're not a wolf? You have a temper."
Thea said laughing.
"Get in!"
Thea got into Kristy's car and they drove off.
"Geez slow down speed racer."
"Sorry, but you have a dance at 5:00! No time to slow down."
"I don't have any fancy shoes for the dress."
"Don't worry I do. An all-black pair. Perfect to match the dress, and some earrings that dangle down. They are silver."
"Okay sounds good. Am I going to look like a clown?"
"Oh stop! I know what I'm doing. Have a little faith."
"Fine I will. Not too much make up though. I want to still be ME."
"I know what I am doing."
They then arrive at Thea's and Kristy parks. Thea uses her powers to open her front door and she rushes inside straight into the shower.
"That's the spirit!"
Kristy yells as she enters the house.
I can do this. I can do this.
Thea then gets  in the shower. She puts her head in the water and takes deep breaths. She didn't want Kristy to see how nervous she was. She would be around so many humans at one time.
This dance means so much to Kristy and Axl. I can't let them down.
Thea finishes up her shower, gets out and throws on some clothes. She then runs out into the kitchen.
"Already made you a sandwich."
Kristy said as she was eating the sandwich she made for herself.
"Your welcome."
They both finish their sandwiches. Thea puts on her shoes and they run out to Kristy's car and drive off.
"The boys will see us when we drive up to the house."
"They will see only me because you're going to crawl in the back of my car and hide until the coast is clear."
"I'm serious!"
"Fine. I'll just go to the back now; we will be there soon."
Thea said then got in the back seat. As they approached the wolf house, Thea laid down on the back seat of the car.
"Who do you see?"
"Axl, my brother, that Tj guy and a couple of the guys from the packs, but not all of them. And no Thea, I don't see Caleb."
"I didn't even ask if you see him."
"But you're thinking it."
"Yeah sure. Anyways I'm going to park in the back and we can go through the back door and right into my room."
"Are you sure no one will go into your room?"
"Of course not! Number one rule in the house, do not enter Kristy's room."
"If you say so."
Thea said laughing.
"Shhhhh someone could hear you. Wolf hearing."
"Oh right, sorry."
Thea said giggling. Kristy then parked the car in the back of the house.
"Stay low, but wait for my signal to run into my room. I'll grab the dress."
"Okay. I swear I feel like a kid again."
Thea said smiling.
"Can you take this serious."
Kristy whispered as she got out of her car. She then opened the back door and peeked inside. There was no one around, so she signaled for Thea to run inside. Thea opens the car door and closed it slowly, and then ran into Kristy's room.
"Wow, so cozy in here."
"Yeah I like what I have done to it. Now sit. Make up first."
"Don't I need to sit in front of a mirror so I can see what you're doing to me?"
"Nope because I already know you and you will say no to everything. You just have to accept what I do and go to the dance."
"Ugh fine."
Thea said then Kristy started to do Thea's makeup.
Some time went by and there was a knock on the door.
"Seriously. Who is it?"
Kristy asked.
"It's Ann."
Kristy went to the door and opened it slowly.
"Come in."
Kristy said and Ann walked in.
Ann said looking at Thea.
"Is it too much?"
"No, it's perfect."
Ann said.
"We are running out of time. Thea text Axl and tell him to meet you here. We are not going to have time to go back to your place."
Kristy said.
Thea then texted Axl.
"Now the hair. I need ideas."
Kristy said.
Ann suggested.
Kristy said frustrated.
"How about just long curls. I already feel like a pound of makeup is on me."
"Oh, stop it cry baby. Yes, long curls will do."
Kristy grabbed her curling iron and started to heat it up.
"Are you nervous Thea?"
Ann asked.
"Yes, just a little bit. I'm just nervous about being around all those humans."
"You can drink some of my blood to help."
Ann suggested.
No Ann, I can't drink your blood."
"Why not?"
Ann asked.
"My body just doesn't want it. It's hard to explain."
"Now you have to explain because how can you gulp down my blood, but not hers?"
Kristy asked as she started to curl Thea's hair.
"Okay, but please sit-down Ann."
Thea said and Ann sat down.
"I know who Cody's dad is and I know why you can't remember him."
Ann shouted and stood up. Kristy stopped curling Thea's hair. Thea walked toward Ann.
"I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn't know how. Look, having friends and caring about people is something I haven't had to deal with in a very long time. I didn't want to upset you."
"What does this have to do with my blood. Please tell me everything Thea. Don't hide anything from me. I deserve to know the truth. You're my friend."
"Ten years ago, I was scared and needed help with my powers. That's when I reached out to Mark, Cody's dad. He risked everything to help me. He was nice and kind. Just like what happened with Cody, the vampires sensed his powers and came to kill him. Before they got to him, he was doing a connection spell so I can connect with him and learn how to control my powers, but the vampires came. That's why I think I don't have the urge to drink from you. Your connected to Mark through Cody. It's some sort of bond I guess."
"Why can't I remember him?"
"Right before the vampires got to him, he was doing some sort of erasing spell. He must have erased what he could from you so you and Cody could be safe from the vampires. The less you knew the better is probably what he thought."
"Please Thea give me back my memories of him."
"If I could I would. I'm not a witch. I don't know those kinds of spells. I'm just as lost as you. That's why I went to him."
"You said you get new powers sometimes. Please Thea just try. You looked into my memory remember, that means you have to know how to give memory back right?"
"Ann I'm sorry I don't know, but one day I'll figure it out and you will have your memory back of Mark. Okay?"
"Promise me."
"I promise."
Thea said as her and Ann hugged.
"Now that everything is said, I need to get back to work."
Kristy said.
Thea sat back down on the chair, and Ann sat down on the bed.
"On my way in I saw Axl. He looked so handsome in his suit."
Ann said.
"He's dressed already! What time is it?"
"It's 4:47."
Ann answered.
"What! It's okay, I got this."
Kristy said, then started to curl Thea's hair faster.
"I'm getting so nervous. Kristy I'm so sorry but can I....."
"Yes you can drink from me. You will have no excuse to leave the dance. You have to have fun for me."
"Yes I promise, I'll have fun."
"Okay and ......DONE! Now drink before you put on your dress."
Kristy said and then held out her arm toward Thea. Thea grabbed Kristy's wrist and started to drink.
Kristy yelled and tried to yank her arm from her. Thea eventually let her arm go.
"I'm so sorry Kristy. I'm just so nervous. I didn't mean to drink that much."
"It's fine. Here."
Kristy said as she handed Thea a tissue to wipe the blood off the corners of her mouth. Thea then threw the tissue in the trash and put on her dress, shoes and earrings.
"Are you ready to look in the mirror?"
Kristy asked Thea.
"Not really."
"Oh stop, here look."
Kristy said as she pulled her closet door shut so Thea can look in the mirror.
"Wow. I never thought I would ever look like this."
Ann said.
"Now I'll go announce to the boys that you will be coming out."
Kristy said and walked out the room.
"Everything will be okay Thea. Have fun."
Ann said as she also walked out the room.
"Breathe Thea, just breathe. You can do this."
She said as she turned and walked out the bedroom. As she got closer to the front door she stopped, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and remembered her mother in her beautiful dress that she had previously envisioned. Thea smiled and walk out the front door. As she stepped outside, all three packs were looking at Thea. They were all stunned by her beauty. They all bent down on one knee and bowed their heads, even Cody, Ann and Kristy did the same. Thea didn't see Caleb, but he was in the distance looking at how beautiful she was. Axl was right in front wearing a black suit with a black tie and walked up closer to Thea.
"You look.....You look....I seriously have no words to describe how beautiful you look."
Axl said. Thea smiled.
"Thank you, and you don't look so bad yourself."
Thea said and Axl laughed.
"Are you ready to go?"
Axl held out his hand. Thea grabbed his hand and they walked to Axl's car together. He opened her door for her, and she sat down in the car. Axl then got into the car and they drove off.
They both sat in silence for the first 15 minutes of the drive.
"You nervous?"
Axl asked.
"Yes, a little."
"Don't be. Everything will be okay. Let's just have fun."
Axl said as he looked at Thea. Axl pulled the car over right before heading onto the street where the school was.
"Why did you stop?"
"I have something to give you."
Axl said as he reached in the back seat of his car. He grabbed a small black box.
"This was my mother's. I wanted to know if you would do me the honors and wear it?"
Axl asked as he opened the box.
"It's beautiful Axl. But it's your mother's, I shouldn't wear it."
"It has no purpose in a box. A beautiful, kind, powerful, and fearless woman like you deserves to wear my mother's bracelet."
Thea could tell by looking into Axls eyes that the bracelet meant so much to him.
"I will be honored to wear her bracelet."
Thea said as she smiled. Axl then took the bracelet out of the box and put it on Thea's wrist. It was a beautiful diamond bracelet.
"It's perfect."
Axl said with a smile. Axl then started the car and drove into the schools parking lot. The lot was full. Tons of people were walking all around Axl's car toward the school's entrance. Thea started to take deep breathes. Axl held Theas hand.
"Remember you're not alone. I'm here with you."
Axl says looking at Thea. Thea nods her head. Axl let's go of her hand and gets out of the car. He walks over to Thea's side and helps her get out.
"Axl! Thea!"
Pete yelled from across the parking lot and waved hi. Thea and Axl wave hi back. The girl Pete was with pulled his arm to start walking toward the front of the school.
"Wow I hope Pete ditches that girl and hangs out with the girl he actually likes."
"He doesn't like Valerie?"
"Oh. I thought he did."
As Thea and Axl walk closer to the school, she could feel everyone staring at her.
"What's up Axl!"
A friend of Axl's said and shakes Axl's hand. Thea smiled at him and they continued walking into the school. As they walked toward the auditorium, everyone stopped and said hi to Axl.
"Mr. popular."
"What can I say, I'm a nice guy."
Axl said and they both laughed. They finally reached the auditorium. There were balloons, tables and chairs for people to sit, a punch and water table, dessert table, music playing, a photo booth, and a big sign that said Mux's High School's Winter dance. The colors were purple, black and white. The auditorium was packed, full of the high school students.
"Wow, so this is what a school dance looks like?"
"Yup this is basically it. Are you ready to make our grand entrance?"
Axl asked and Thea laughed.
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
Thea said as she took a deep breath. Axl and Thea held hands and walked down the stairs.
"Who is Axl with? Gia is going to be pissed."
A girl said as Thea read her mind.
"Damn Axl is one lucky bastard."
A guy said as Thea read his mind.
"Is it me or does it feel like the whole dance has paused to stare at me?"
"Of course they are staring at you. Your beautiful."
"Actually, all the girls are really upset that I'm here with you."
"What? Oh yeah, I forgot you can read their minds. Well they are mad because they wish they were you, but your one of a kind T."
Axl said as he looked in Thea's eyes. Thea smiled.
"Do you want to dance?"
"Well I can't say no. I'm at a school dance."
Axl laughed and they walked over to the dance floor. It was a fast-upbeat song. Axl twirled Thea in a circle then pulled her in close. They both were laughing. They separated and were dancing apart, laughing and smiling. The song ended. Thea saw that Pete was alone by the punch table.
"Hey, I'm going to go talk to Pete really quick."
"Okay. I'm going to go talk to my friends over there. Are you sure you're going to be okay going over to Pete by yourself?"
"Yes, I'll be fine."
Thea said then walked over to Pete.
"Hey are you okay? Where's your date?"
Thea asked Pete and he pointed to the corner of the room. He then took a sip of his punch.
"She's over there with her little group of evil friends taking selfies."
"Where's your crush?"
"Over there sitting at the table looking beautiful. And by the way, WOW Thea you clean up nicely."
Thea started laughing.
"Be quite punk. Why don't you go over to your crush and ask her to dance?"
"And get Valerie angry? Nope not doing that."
"Why do you care what she thinks? She obviously doesn't care about being here with you, or she would actually be here with you instead of being with her stupid friends."
"Damn it your right. I'm going to go ask Sara to dance."
Pete put his cup down on the table and walked over to Sara. Thea could see that Pete asked her to dance, then he held out his hand and she grabbed it. They walked to the dance floor, both smiling and laughing. Thea watched as they danced. She saw Valerie looking at Pete and Sara. She also saw Gia whispering in Valerie's ear. Gia handed Valerie a cup filled with punch. Valerie then started to walk toward Pete and Sara.
"Stupid dork thinks she can steal my date. We will see how she feels after I pour this on her."
Thea read Valerie's mind. As Valerie got closer to Sara, Thea ran toward Sara and pushed Valerie to the floor. The punch spilled all over Valerie.
"What the hell?! Are you crazy?!"
Valerie shouted.
"No, you're the one that's crazy. How dare you think you can pour punch on this innocent girl. At least she's paying attention to Pete!"
"What the hell are you talking about? I was walking to get more punch!"
Valerie yelled. Thea knew she was lying, but she couldn't say that she could read her mind. Axl came running toward Thea.
"What's wrong?"
Axl asked.
"Your crazy girlfriend just pushed me to the ground!"
Valerie said as Gia and her friends ran over and helped Valerie stand up.
"Why would you bring this trash to our school Axl? Your better than that. We broke up so you can be with this crazy person?"
Gia said upset.
"Stop Gia."
Axl demanded.
"No! Look at her! She doesn't belong here. You can't buy a fancy dress to hide who you really are. A big fake. Your unheard of. You're a nobody. She hangs out with Kristy Roberts! A low life drug addicted whore! Now what does that say about her?!"
Gia shouted to the whole auditorium and pointed at Thea.
"That's enough Gia!"
Axl yelled. Thea made fists with both of her hands. Her claws were coming out, blood started to drip from her hands as her claws dug into her skin.
Pete said to get Axl's attention. Pete looked at Thea's hands and Axl looked too. They both saw the blood coming from her hands.
"Thea look at me. Focus on me."
Axl said standing in front of Thea to get her attention off Gia. Thea looked at Axl. Her eyes turned red, and her fangs started to come out. Axl put each of his hands on the sides of Thea's face.
"Focus Thea. Focus on me."
Axl whispered. Thea then turned and ran toward the exit. Axl ran after her.
"Thea stop! Thea!"
Axl shouted as he was catching up to her. She finally stopped once she was outside of the school.
"I can't do this. I should have never agreed to come here with you."
"No Thea it's not your fault. Gia is a bitch. Just don't give her the attention she's craving for. She's just jealous. Just ignore her like I do."
"I can't do that! I can't fit into your world. I wanted to drink every ounce of blood from her! I can't do this! I can't be the girl you want me to be."
"What are you talking about Thea? I don't want you to be anything but yourself."
Axl said then tried to pull Thea close to him.
"No! I can't."
Thea said then ran off.
Axl shouted but didn't run after her this time. He just took a deep breath and started to walk toward the woods upset. Thea kept running and running. She had no idea where she was running too. As she was running, she kept thinking about Axl.
He's there when I need him. I feel safe when his arms wrap around me. His smile makes me have butterflies in my stomach. He always knows exactly what to do. When he grabs my hand, I know everything is going to be okay. I can actually see a bright future for myself with him. He makes me want to be a better person. I try to be, but fail most of the time, but he still cares for me and believes in me.
Thea stops running. She looks at Axl's mother's bracelet.
What the hell am I doing?
Thea then turned around and started to run back toward the school as fast as she could. As she got closer, she didn't see Axl standing where she saw him last, so she picked up his scent and it led her into the woods. She finally spotted Axl. He had loosened up his tie and was looking out into the ocean. Thea started to run toward him. Axl heard footsteps, turned around and Thea jumped into his arms and kissed him. The kissing was intense. Axl's arms wrapped around her, then his hands went through her hair as Thea's legs were wrapped around his waist. The kissing then slowed down. As Thea's feet touched the floor, they looked into each other's eyes and kissed once more. Thea smiled and started to run toward the ocean. She threw off her heels and ran into the water. She was waist deep. She turned around and saw Axl smiling at her. Thea smiled back at him. Axl started to walk toward the water. He took off his shoes, tux jacket, and walked in and joined her. She splashed him. He splashed her back. They both started laughing and splashing each other as they were swimming deeper into the ocean. Thea dunked her head under the water. When she came back up, her and Axl locked eyes and got closer. Thea's arms wrapped around Axl's neck and she went in for a kiss. The kiss was soft and gentle.
I want to remember this moment forever.
"We should go. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."
Thea suggested.
Axl said and kissed her again. Thea started to swim back to shore. Axl followed. As they got out of the water, Thea grabbed her heels and Axl grabbed his jacket and shoes. He put his jacket on top of Thea's shoulders. They both walked to the car and got in.
"So, take you back to your house?"
"No, to Kristy's. I want to return her shoes and earrings. I also want to give her this dress."
"It's wet."
"It will dry eventually."
"Why can't you just give her these things tomorrow?"
Axl asked while Thea looked up at the sky.
"There's rain clouds. There's no time for anything else tomorrow but to focus on the war. I rather give her these things today."
Axl said then continued driving. They finally arrived at the wolf house. Only a few of the wolves were hanging out outside. Axl parked the car, they both got out and were walking toward the house. Caleb walked out the front door.
"Hey Caleb."
Thea said while pushing the front of her hair behind her ear.
"Wow so it's that serious then?"
"What are you talking about?"
Thea asked.
"Your mother's bracelet Axl. Really?"
Caleb said angry.
"Shut up Caleb."
Axl said. Caleb walked away angry.
"Just leave him. I don't know why you keep trying. He just leaves you disappointed every time."
Axl said as Thea was watching Caleb walk away. Kristy came running to where Thea was standing.
"Why are you guys back so early?! And why are you both wet?!"
Kristy shouted.
"Long story, for another night. I wanted to give you your things back and give you this dress. It will be beautiful again once it's washed and dry, I promise."
"Wow thank you. Come in my room and change."
Kristy said and Thea followed her into her room. Axl went to talk to Tommy who was walking toward him.
"So, details about tonight?"
Kristy asked Thea while she changed.
"Turns out, I can't be around all those humans. I went for a swim to cool off. Anyways, the rain clouds are here. I want you to pack your things and get out of town."
"No, I'm not leaving my brother, or my friends. I'm going to stay in the basement with Ann and Cody and help protect them."
"You have your own child to protect now. Please Kristy."
Thea pleaded and touched Kristy's stomach. Kristy then touched her own stomach. Then Thea had a vision of Kristy holding her beautiful baby girl.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"I saw your baby. She's beautiful. You were holding her. That means you have to get out of here and stay safe."
Thea said. Kristy smiled and had a tear roll down her cheek.
"I'll head out tonight. I'm going to go talk to my brother. Can you start packing for me?"
"Yes of course."
Kristy grabbed her suitcase and put it on the bed. She then walked out of the room to go talk to her brother. Thea started to pack for her. As she was pulling out clothes, she noticed a pink baby dress. Thea picked it up and held it close to her. She let her powers do the rest of the packing while she held the dress. She eventually put the dress in the suitcase and walked outside. She saw Axl, Tommy, and Kristy talking.
"Here your all packed."
Thea said as she handed Kristy the suitcase.
"Wow that was fast."
Kristy said and hugged Thea. Then she hugged her brother and Axl.
"Win this war. I don't want to be changing all the diapers by myself."
Kristy said and they all started laughing. Kristy then walked to her car and drove off.
"Are you ready for me to take you home Thea?"
Axl asked. Damien flew down and landed by Thea.
"I think I'll catch a ride from Damien, but thanks."
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow."
Axl said then started to walk toward his car.
Thea shouted and ran toward him.
"Your mother's bracelet."
Thea took off the bracelet and gave it to Axl. She hugged him and he hugged her back, giving her a kiss on her forehead. He got into his car and drove off. Thea got on top of Damien and he flew up into the sky.
"Take me home boy."
Thea told Damien and he started to fly toward her house.
Damien finally landed in Thea's front yard, and she got off him.
"Hey boy tomorrow is the day. When we win this war, you get your family back and go home. As for me, we win this war and then, I'm supposed to leave. For what reason, I don't know. My whole life I just run. That's all I know how to do. Maybe it's time for me to stay and make a forever home? I can't think about that now. We must win first. Goodnight boy."
Thea said and pet Damien's head. She then walked into her house and got into the shower. When she got out, she put clothes on and sat on her bed. Then her nose started to bleed, her head started to pound, and she had a vision. She saw herself as a scared 4-year-old little girl.......
"Mommy I'm scared. My powers. I'm going to hurt someone. I could hurt you, or even daddy. I hate this. I hate being me."
Four-year-old Thea said.
"Don't you ever say that again. Don't you ever fear who you are or who you are becoming. Being YOU is the most powerful and important thing you can ever do in life. Your scared because you try and control your powers with your mind. Your control comes from your heart. Lead with your heart. Follow your heart......."
Thea's mother said but was cut off because the vision ended.
"Mom! No, no, no, come back!"
Thea shouted as she put both her hands on her head wanting the vision to come back.
"Mom please!"
Thea yelled as she started crying.
"I'm going to kill every last one of those vampires."
Thea said angry. Her eyes turned red. She laid down on her pillow with tears rolling down her face, and blood coming down from her nose. She closes her eyes and fell asleep.

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