Chapter 16

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After having a heated conversation with Thea, it took a lot for me to relax. I did appreciate that she finally came around and understood that I was here for a reason, for some fucking prophecy that somebody wrote about and regardless if I want to be that person, I know that I don't have a choice. The rogue vampires came to the wrong turf and I will be damned if I was going to let them get away with it.

I walked outside the room and I could see my friends eyeing me differently. Some of them were awed as I was just puzzled. Why were they staring at me? Because you just blew up in front of your boss. What dumb-ass would have the balls to do what you just did? Ah there it is. I'm that dumb-ass, I may work for her but my life doesn't revolve around her. I knew from the beginning that her and I weren't going to see eye-to-eye on some concepts. She may be the boss, but she will not be the boss of my life. I got the biggest balls and no man can say otherwise. If I have to act alone, than so be it.

After a few moments standing outside in what seemed to be an awkward moment, I finally opened my mouth. "Okay so I blew up in front of Thea, so what? It was the only way for her to listen and guess what? It worked. Can you guys stop staring at me?"

"Lilith, it's not what you did, it's how you look," Kyle spoke softly.

What I look like? What was that supposed to mean? "What do you mean by 'how you look?'"

"Your arms, they have tattoos on them," Kyle explained.

I looked at my arms which caught me in a surprise. "What the..." How did this happen? Then it hit me, when I felt the fire coming out of me from my last battle, I felt a tingling burning sensation. No, not a pleasure sexual one, but literally a fire, burning feeling on my arms. I was awed and also freaked out. Another thing I can add to my list of why I'm a freak, goodi. I can see the tattoo's fleeing which made me feel a bit better. At least they are not permanent.

I slowly put my arms out of sight and went back to business. "I need to get in contact with Calico."

"Already taken care of," Calico said as he was stepping through the wall.

"I updated him when you were speaking to Thea. I figured whether or not she gave the go, we would still continue the mission. Though, since she agreed, less hassle from her for when we get back," Stefan said.

"So what's the plan now?" Drake commented for the first time since we've been back. I honestly forgot that he was still here since he was the quietest one in our group.

"For now, we rest up for tomorrow. Calico if it is alright with you, could you take us to Eripmav tomorrow?"

"Well of course! You think you guys will be going on that mission without me? I started this mission with you all and that is how we will finish it. Besides, I can't miss anymore action than I already did," Calico perked up.

"Let's get some rest guys because tomorrow will be an exhausting day," I told the others.

Stefan and I made it back to our house. Until otherwise, this will be the house we would be living in due to the damage that occurred to his actual home. I still felt horrible about that terrifying situation. If it wasn't for me, Stefan would still have his home but because it was because of me, he lost his only home.

As Stefan looked at me, "Lilith, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I try to act cheery.

"I know your faces and you have that face of saddening thoughts. What's going on in there?" Stefan questioned.

Knowing I was caught, I might as well tell him. "Everything bad that has happened was because of me. Your home, the attack here, people losing their lives, all because of me. If I never entered into your life, you would still be comfortable in your home and people would still be alive," I could feel my tears watering down. I hated breaking down but with everything going on, it's just been too much.

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