*Chapter Six*

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I felt like a twelve year old girl again, my hand hovering the call button of my cellphone.

I was back in Poppy's room, having one of our famous and unforgettable sleepovers. In middle school, I had a huge crush on Kyle Matthews, a boy in my class. Poppy, being the devil she had always been, dared me to call him. I remember being afraid, but then smiling in relief because I didn't know Kyle's phone number. When I told her this, Poppy whipped out a piece of paper, Kyle's digits were scrawled on it with a blue marker. I remembered asking her how she got in, and she replied with the cliché line, ' I have my ways.'

Poppy then shoved her land line into my hands and started chanting 'do it, do it.' Being the little pushover I was, I slowly punched in the numbers, double checked if it was correct, then pressed call. I was afraid when Kyle picked it up, I would be a stuttering mess. But, it wasn't Kyle who picked up, but his twin sister, Patricia. I went mute as she repeatedly asked who was calling, I couldn't let her know it was me. Patricia was known to be a gossiper, and if she found out I was calling for her brother, she would tell everyone in our grade that I liked Kyle. Eventually, she hung up, but five years later and I still have not gotten over it. I tried to never use my phone, I usually opted to text someone, but at that moment I had to talk to Jeremiah right away. Texting wouldn't suffice.

It was the day after we had exchanged numbers and promised that we would talk sometime later. Well, later was now, and even though I didn't want him to think of me annoying, though he probably did already, I really wanted to show him the video.

Finally, I collected enough courage to press the button. I held the phone against my ear and waited anxiously as I heard the first ring. But I didn't have to wait long, because Jeremiah picked up right away.

"Do you not know the three day rule?"

I was caught off guard. "What?"

"The three day rule. When you get a number from a guy, or a girl, you have to wait three days before you text or call them. It has only been one day."

I snorted at that. "That's ridiculous, why would someone wait that long to call someone."

"To keep them on their toes. If you call right away, that makes you seem desperate and clingy. If you wait too long, then they think you're not interested. But if you call on the third day, not too early, not too late."

I thought over what he said for a second. "I'm not desperate!" Or maybe I was, a little.

"I never said that," Jeremiah defended himself.

"But you insinuated it!"

Jeremiah clucked his tongue "Whatever, Lorraine. Now why are you calling."

I thought about it for second, then asked, "Why did you pick up so fast? Were you waiting for me to call you?"

There was a pause. "Well, when you attacked me yesterday-" He started but I cut him off.

"I didn't attack you!" I protested, throwing my free hand up. He couldn't see that but it felt right.

He ignored me and continued. "You seemed pretty determined, so when I gave you my number, I knew you would call soon. Actually I thought you would've called sooner, good on you."

I nodded and said, "Okay. Well you know why I am calling then. Can we meet up today? Are you free?"

"Yup, have about we meet at this awesome retro diner in the town square called-"

"Flo's. Yeah, I know. I work there."

"Oh, well maybe not then. I know I hate hanging around work when I don't have to. How about the café right beside it, Herbal House? I get off work in about an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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