10. Transforming

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I felt myself changing. I would groan and fall on the ground trying to fight it. All I could focus on was my breathing, my heartbeat, everything. All of a sudden, I could hear everything from the city. I scream trying to stop this.

"Calm down. You act like you're going to transform into a werewolf," I hear someone say. I look up to see Yagi sitting in a tree.

"I didn't want this," I reply to her. She chuckles then looks down. Changing her eye color to pink.

"I don't think anyone did," She shrugs afterwards. I scoff at her as I feel myself craving ... wanting human blood. I feel my eyes transform to a different color.

"Someone is walking through here," Yagi tells me. I hiss using my superhuman speed to travel to wherever their scent was coming from. I spy on them through the trees. The human was walking through this place by themselves. They seem lost, I grin taking the bait as I attack them.

Killing them making it look like a suicide. I turn around to see Yagi in front of me.
I turn my head downwards at her. She looked at me as if she were vulnerable, dependent, Hope in her eyes. She opened her arms and wrapped them around me. I embrace her back.

"Your eyes are going to stay red until the full moon happens again," Yagi said softly. A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere. Something changed within me. I might be falling for Yagi?


WWWWWHHHHAAATTTT?! Do you think Caleb will ever find out Yagi's evil plan? Do you think Yagi and Robby will have some chemistry in the future? Will Katherine know Caleb's story? Let me know what you think!

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