14. The Day of the Full Moon

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It's the day of the full moon. I put the venom in Katherine as we wait patiently for her to awake. I bit her arm and her leg. Just for the contact of broken skin to soak into her blood. Char, Green, and Bobzy were all waiting around for her to transform into one of us. I sigh, wanting the love of my life to come back. I missed her so.

"Caleb, what if this doesn't work-"

"It will work." I cut Char off instantly. Not wanting him to speak another word. I wanted her back, sadly she won't transform into a human unless she found a cure. Which wouldn't happen for a long time.

"We have stuff to do. We can't just wait around patiently waiting for something that may or may not even happen," Char said as Green, and Bobzy stood up. I run my hands through my hair in frustration and anger.

"It's going to work, I promise," I tell them. Wanting them to stay but it was no use. I let them leave. I sat on a chair next to Katherine. At some point I play on my phone when I hear someone gasp for breath again. She looks normal like before. She sits up, her eyes meet mine. Her eye color was a bloody red and I sighed in delight. It worked.

"I missed you, Kathy," I say to her embracing her. She embraced me back, when she slowly pulled away. She studied me closely, I change my eye color to her eye color and she smiles.

"I missed you too, Caleb," She kept glancing at my lips then my eyes. I chuckle softly as I caress her cheek softly.

"You have to feed your cravings before you go after me," I tell her. She turns away and nods. I grab her hand leading her towards the back of my house. We run into the forest with super human speed. Until Katherine stopped dead in her tracks. Hiding behind a tree. She sees a huge wolf. (I don't know specifically what they they have in Australia so bare with me). She rushes towards it attacking the animal aggressively.

After she's done, she turns towards me with blood around her mouth. I smile at her, proud that she didn't go afraid Human blood. I haven't had Human blood in years. When I hear Diana scream. Katherine and I both make eye contact. As we rush their as quick as we could. Until we make it barging in.

Diana was on the floor crying holding her arm. Yagi standing right beside her.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Yagi said with an evil smirk on her face. I clenched my hands into fists due to the amount of anger rising within me.

"Either you drink Human blood, or she does," Yagi said. I feel my arms being held behind me: I turn to see Robby.

"Robby..." Kathy said. Robby turned away from Katherine knowing. I knew he had nothing to say, he felt awful for killing her but now he knows she's "alive" again. He's absolutely speechless by how this could be.

"This town is surrounded by Vampires," Diana says with her agony as she tries fighting through what's going through her arm.

"Diana, how did this happen?" Katherine questioned as she leaned towards her. Katherine's fangs popping out, visible. I had a feeling Katherine was fighting it.

"She ... she had ... R-Robby hold me... Since I ..." She screamed again, "I wouldn't let ... her bite my neck... she got ... my arm," she screamed arm as loud as she possibly could trying to fight this. Yagi does have enough power to transform someone by only biting her.

"I see you've gained power," I say to Yagi. Getting closer to her as Katherine tries fighting her urge to have the taste of human blood.

"You're torturing the poor girl," I change my eye color to bloody red. Knowing this is bound to go down. Robby growled towards me.

"I'm gonna kill you," Robby says attacking me. Sadly, it doesn't work. My OC kicking into full force. I attack him ripping off his head. Yagi screams chasing after him. She rushes towards him. She thoughts are going wild right now. I feel my facial expression change after I read her thoughts.

"You fell in love with him," Yagi looked at me. Her eyes transforming to bloody red.

"Caleb, one of us has to do it," Katherine said talking about Diana. As I think of this. Yagi and I are going to have to fight. If Katherine ate human blood she'd have more powers.

"Katherine do it," I say as Yagi and I rush to the forest knowing we're going to have to fight. For territory and sadly ... the counsel knows.


"Diana... I apologize for not telling you about this place. I agreed to keep it secret," I tell her trying to reassure her. Diana screams again. The venom is getting worse.

"What I didn't tell Caleb is that I have healing powers... Trust me," I say to her. My fangs come out sucking the blood... eating the venom she's fighting. Until Diana passed out. I sighed after taking out enough blood.

"This is normal. Fighting the venom off for so long. Now, you'll have powers you don't know you'd have," I turn to see Char right next to me. I put my hand on the bite marks. As I hum a specific tune until I remove my hand to only see it look like two scratch marks. I wrap up her arm as Char carries her taking her to the bedroom.

"She's conscious, just I'll keep an eye out for her. Katherine," I turn to look at him. I wait patiently as he studies me, "Be careful." I nod as I head for the forest picking up Yagi and Caleb's scent. I transform into an animal going to wherever they are. I find them landing in a tree.

"Yagi, why are you betraying our kind?" Caleb questions her studying her closely. She looks like she's about to murder someone. Her eyes are bloody red, the facial expression written on her face, the way her fists keep clenching. Caleb looked at me then turned back to Yagi.

"You fell in love with me. You took something ... and then dropped me after you made me one of your kind," Yagi glares at him as they go in circles. I knew exactly what she meant by "took something" which made the feeling in my chest grow heavy.

"I never took Katherine's either. She had something I couldn't even grasp or process. She's different, Yagi. Accept it." Caleb said. Yagi charged at him throwing him to the ground. He throws a punch but she dodged them fast. He threw up and held her against a tree.

"Our relationship is over, Yagi. Leave me and Kathy alone." He said in his OC voice. Which freaked me out cause I knew he changed completely.

"I know our relationship is over. I just wanna kill you first," Yagi said shoving him, holding his head in a choke hold. I transform back into a human attacking her. She let's go of him. I hold her against the tree but she can't push back. We make eye contact.

"You're going to Britain and never coming back. If you do, we will kill you." I say.

"I'm going to Britain..." she mumbled as I choked her.

"Yagi," we hear. It was the sound of a girl voice. Caleb got up immediately.

"Cali," I let go of Yagi as we all kneeled for Cali. I'm assuming she's the leader of the entire thing. We all stand as we see Cali and her body guards watch us all.


To be Continued ...

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