Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Thank you so much for all your kind words!! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! Also, I've never delivered a baby via natural birth, I ended up having a C-section with my daughter. I tried to depict what I would think it would feel like with the contractions since I never experienced them myself.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It would have ended much differently if I did ;)

Over the next couple of months, three new additions made their way into the Weasley family. Ginny's water broke late one July evening, waves of excruciating pressure starting in her back before moving to the front of her lower abdomen. Luckily, Draco was home and apparated him and his wife to the hospital. Once the pair arrived Ginny had Draco immediately owl her mother, asking for her to be there in the room with her as she gave birth to her baby. Over the next 48 hours, her belly began to feel tight and harden.

Ginny had all but hexed Draco into oblivion as her contractions hit her every two minutes. Draco tried his best to console his wife, placing a wet rag on her forehead before she shoved him away.

"Don't you touch me! Haven't you done enough already!" His wife snapped at him, gritting her teeth together as she continued to push out her unborn child.

"It's alright dear. That's it darling, soon enough you'll see your precious baby." Molly cooed, smoothing out her youngest child's sweaty, matted hair.

"It hurts!" Ginny cried, pushing with all her might; wishing her baby would quit being so damn stubborn and come out into the world.

"Come on Mummy, you're almost there! We can see your baby's head, just one more big push now!" Healer Moore told her in a calming manner.

"Draco, can you see our baby's head?" Ginny asked before letting out an ear-piercing scream as she gave one last push.

"I can see it, love." He told her, gawking at the disgusting goo atop his baby's head. At ten thirty a.m. on July 5 th , 2001, Draco and Ginny welcomed their daughter, Cassiopeia Narcissa Malfoy into the world weighing seven pounds, seven ounces. Ginny stared at her daughter, tears welling in her eyes as she placed a kiss atop her newborn daughter's head. Cassiopeia, Cassie for short, was a mixture of her parents. Atop her head were thick strands of Strawberry Blonde hair, a cute button nose that resembled her mother, while her eyes were grey like her fathers.

Four weeks later, Luna had gone into labor during her weekly dinner at her father's, sending her husband into a panic.

"Luna! Where's the bag? Have you seen the baby bag? I can't find it!"

"It's on your shoulder you Git!"

Ron quickly looked at his right shoulder, the baby bag swinging on his arm. "Well, there it is."

Luna's labor went rather quickly more than Ginny's despite the fact she was having twins. By the time Luna had made it to St. Mungo's, she was four centimeters' dilated. "Ronald, make sure you get ahold of Harry and Hermione! They should be here!" Luna cried out grabbing hold of her rounded stomach as another wave of contractions hit.

"Will do, love. How about we get you settled into a bed first, eh?" Less than an hour later, the Lobby was filled with Weasley's, Potter and Lovegood's. Harry and Hermione were anxiously awaiting news of the twins and Luna when Ron walked out of the delivery room.

"Is my Luna alright!" Xenophilius asked his son-in-law, a look of worry etched upon his face.

"Despite the contractions and her various choice of words she has for me, she's doing rather well." Ron smiled, before turning his attention to his best friends. "She actually sent me out here, for you Hermione."

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