2: The Change

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2: The Change.

She removed the light blue sash from around the mannequin and replaced it with strings of pearls and turquoise beads. One of her junior designers had made a blue gown for the new collection.

"Wow ma'am! I never thought of this only, no wonder you were a topper at NIFT." She said in awe of the dress .

"See blue dresses, they look good in simplistic approach but small small intricate features for example this string of pearls can make it look out of the world and give the look worth millions."

"Just like my younger sister! She is so simple but her smile- Uff! Worth millions!" Piyush said as he entered Aarushi's cabin.

"Bhai!" Aarushi exclaimed as she hugged him .

"Lily. " she turned to the junior designer "Go, I will see the rest of the dresses later. Okay?"

"Uff junior ASR, you sound so authoritative!" Piyush said as he took a seat.

" I am my dad's daughter, I will be like him only na!" Aarushi smiled.

"Mumma has sent this for you, her favourite niece, her ladli!" Piyush rolled his eyes making Aarushi giggle.

"I am everybody's ladli ( darling ), even your ladli. Don't tell me you are jealous of me! Obviously you are jealous of me.
Instead tell me about your novel... I heard you were doing a bit of research on something. Couldn't understand anything because Maasi was cooking while talking to me."

Piyush laughed. "Mumma and her halwai (confectioner) genes! Anyways, guess what? I am writing a psychological thriller this time. So I had gone to the American Psychiatric Association to get a bit of knowledge about how psychopaths behave, what is the difference between a psycho and a sociopath and like what are the symptoms and all.

Aaru, how about I talk to you in the car while going to shantivan. Bua has made food for me."
Piyush said, rubbing his tummy.

Aarushi giggled and nodded. Till yet she was listening very intently because she herself was very disturbed by her behaviour at times.

She usually is a very patient and calm person but  only  god knows what happened the previous day!How she behaved with Karan was inhumane according to her! Had she  developed some mental problem?

She wanted to know more about this all so that she could detect early if she had some illness and get herself cured. She didn't want to be ill in any way. She wanted to be there for her Dad.


"So basically psychopaths are people with extensive lack of empathy while sociopaths are extremely antisocial humans, they lack what we may call harmony?

Psychopaths are extremely manipulative and very attractive from outside. Mostly, they have a sadistic nature. Highest number of psychopaths are found in the jail but they may be roaming outside too..." Piyush read out from his notes while Aarushi drove her car in high speed.

Attractive – Obviously.

Manipulative – Maybe. The previous day, she had easily convinced dad that it was totally Karan's fault and made him believe that his Aarushi is a completely innocent little baby.

Lack of empathy – A big no! At least she doesn't think so or why would she ever agree to help in Anjali's NGO.

Antisocial – No ways. She loves to meet people and attend parties.

So maybe her doubts were just stupid, arising due to stress or something. She laughed inwardly .

Maybe she hit Karan just in the heat of the moment like an angry woman.

She put her attention towards the road again.

"Aaru, you know what I found interesting was this personality disorder thing- it has so many types ...and it may be genetic. It happens randomly, you won't even notice when the symptoms develop..."

"What symptoms?"

"Like sudden change of behaviour."

This made Aarushi's world turn over. She lost control of her car and suddenly hit a petty stall on the empty road making the owner of the stall fall behind.

"Aarushi!" Piyush shouted as the car stopped.

"What is wrong with you?" He got down of the car and went to help the poor man. He was crying as all his vegetables had fallen on the ground and got crushed by the car.

"Are you fine?" he asked the man, helping him to stand on his feet.

Aarushi, without any feelings, got down of the car. She looked very irritated due to the poor man's crying.

"Can't you just shut the hell up!" she shouted rudely. Her pupils had dilated by a large extent and her fists were clenched. She was mumbling curses under her breath.

Piyush was shocked his sister in this form. He had always seen her as a very caring girl who resembled his soft Khushi maasi so much that she should have rushed to help the guy with a first aid box.

This girl was looking extremely agitated and aggressive like if she wanted to kill the poor guy for coming near her car.

"Aarushi!" he rebuked her, shocked by her behaviour.

"Bhaiyya! These people, see he has got no injury! He is crying only for some sympathy and lots of  money. Here, take one lakh rupees... What more could be the cost of a vegetable stall?" she laughed and mocked.

Piyush observed his sister to be behaving just like how people  described her father to be before Khushi entered his life. The only difference was that Arnav had never laughed so; he never had any malice in his mind and maybe he always had some sympathy.

But Aarushi... Her mockery was filled with malice, her smirk was extremely notorious.

There was certainly something wrong with her.

Aarushi tilted her head once at Piyush's shocked expressions and went away in her car leaving him behind shocked.

His little Aaru would have never done so, was she some imposter? Was Aaru in some trouble?

Hi! 😃
I hope you liked this chapter.

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