3:The desperate need.

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3: The desperate need.

Piyush banged the Aarushi's door and entered her room. He didn't even go to meet Anjali or Arnav, he straight away went to confront Aarushi about her changed behaviour.

He saw Aarushi sitting on the bed, covering her face with her palms.

"What the hell was that, Aarushi?"he screamed at her.

"Bhai!" Aarushi raised her tear stained face and ran to hug him.

"What has happened, Aarushi? Is there something wrong with you? Tell me, we can sort this out." he caressed her deep brown curly hair.

"I don't know, bhai. I think I am going mad.
Please bhai... You know I am not like this ...you know I don't like to hit people or mock them. In fact I don't even like to be rude to my competitors...but bhai, I... I didn't want to say such rude things to that poor fellow...He must be so hurt! I don't know what is wrong with me!" She sobbed.

" Accha, calm down. Sit on the bed...Here, drink some water."

Piyush offered her some water.

She drank it in one gulp. Piyush could say from her expressions that she really was very scared.

"Now tell me from the start, have you been behaving like this many times or this is the first time?"

" This was not the first time. It has been almost seven years since I started behaving so!"

"Seven years, Aaru! And you are telling me this now? Does ASR know?"

"No dad doesn't know. I never behaved so in front of him.It was all very random ... very sudden. I would feel like smashing people to the ground. At first I thought this was normal frustration but now I have started seeing new shades of my personality coming out such that I can't control or explain."

She held her little forehead.

"Can you elaborate, Aaru?" Piyush said to her confused by her wordings.

"The first time I noticed this was after 12 th standard.


" How did this happen? How could he score more than me? How in hell?!" Seventeen year old Aarushi stomped her feet outside the junior college as she noticed that it wasn't her name on the achiever's board this time. Instead her best friend's name was written in capitals.

After recieving her board results, Aarushi had happily skipped, looking forward to see her name on the topper's board like always. She was sure that Khushi, up above from the skies, must be looking at her.

Aarushi stood shocked and still as she read the letters on the board which were of a familiar spelling but not of hers.

Aditya Srivastav.-- -2011 ---95.43%

95.43%! 0.02% ahead of her! Her blood pressure started reaching heights, her breath became deep, her teeth grit and her fists clenched. At that very time, Aditya came near his best friend so as to celebrate their marvellous results.

"Aaru! Come yaar! Everybody is ready outside, we are going to this club to celebrate!" he said happily like any other jovial seventeen year old would. He pulled her hand. But Aarushi 's eyes were yet staring wide at the name which was not hers.

"How dare you?" Aarushi turned towards him, her eyes blazing with fire.

"Aarushi? Is something wrong?" Aditya looked at her in concern sensing her changed behaviour.

"How could you be more successful than me? How dare you make me a failure in front of my mom's eyes...You ....You knew I wanted my name on this board for mumma ...so how ...How could you?" Aarushi said moving away from the board.

"Arrey! But Aaru, those marks are not in my control, right? So how can you be angry on me? Accha sorry yaar, now come on lets party! Your mother wont feel that bad ..." Aditya couldn't complete his sentence as Aarushi had held his collar very tightly. He could very clearly see her clenched jaws.

She kicked him in his stomach with such force that he fell to the ground. He was not able to believe his senses. His best friend  who used to never take marks so seriously being the topper, had kicked him because he had outrun her and his name was on the board.

Aarushi then became conscious of what she just did.

" Uh?...uh ...I...Adi ...I! I am so sorry! I ..."

"Enough, miss Aarushi raizada!" Aditya said, getting up on his feet. "I thought we were best friends but looks like here we were just competitors, maybe you never considered me your friend. You kicked me for that silly board!?" Aditya spitefully said.

" Adi! I didnt mean to..." She said as she tried to console his angry self.

" Don't ever show me your sick face ever again, Aarushi Raizada. Stay away from me!" He said as he walked away leaving a crying Aarushi behind. They had never been in contact since then.

***********FLASHBACK ENDS.

" That's what I had been wondering throughout that year. Why  you never talked to Aditya or went to play out with any of your 12 th friends? I thought you just got busy preparing for fashion designing and NIFT( National institute of fashion technology, India)." Piyush said holding his head.

"I was just too embarrassed to ever face him again. I mean what I did was wrong, very wrong...I just don't know what got into me. Day before yesterday too I dhowed a similar aggressive behavious.
I just smacked the vase ruthlessly across Karan! He was bleeding heavily and instead of tending to him I had laughed evilly and even filed a lawsuit against him for not returning my money. I don't regret the lawsuit part given the bloody fool that he was but I don't think I should have thrown the vase on him and then not even bandaged him. That evil laughter just didn't seem mine."

Aaru sobbingly explained.

"Karan?" Piyush questioned.

"My ex boyfriend, we broke up some days ago.
Bhai please! I think something is wrong with me. Please do something. I don't wanna go mad. I want to remain sane for papa...please Bhai!" Aarushi sobbed, hugging her brother.

ADVAY SINGH RAIZADA, only you can help me now!

Piyush inwardly thought as he smoothed his little sister's hair. He couldn't bear to see the torment her sweet soul was undergoing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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